Symptoms of pinched nerve and causes.

A nerve pinched is a constriction of the surrounding tissues, in particular, bone, muscle or cartilage, resulting in increased pressure. Its localization is different in each case. Symptoms of a pinched nerve manifest in numbness of a limb or a specific part of the body, which is accompanied by tingling or pain, and leads to uncomfortable sensations when moving. Often there are cases when the intervertebral hernia causes pinching, and the pain is so strong that it reaches the lower back and even the femoral part of the leg.

The main symptoms of a pinched nerve.

  • Loss of sensation;
  • Complete numbness of the limb;
  • Sharp pain, which intensifies with movement or regular coughing;
  • Frequent cramps and general weakness of the body are observed.

Moreover, all of the above signs are especially activated during sleep. With the manifestation of at least one of them, it is necessary to provide the body with rest, preferably a good night's sleep. If after this the symptoms of pinched nerve do not go away and only increase, then you should seek help from a specialist.

The main causes of this ailment include injuries of various kinds or curvature of the spine due to poor posture. It is also harmful to regularly perform uniform actions over a long period of time, which may be associated with work or sports. A pinched nerve can be a consequence of a disease such as obesity of any stage, and as a result, a complete loss of nerve function occurs.

Short-term pressure is not too dangerous for human health, since the nerve quickly returns to its previous state and continues its activity. Its damage and partial loss of legal capacity occurs only after prolonged squeezing, while a person is tormented by chronic pain. Scientists have proven that there is a group of people who are susceptible to such a disease due to a hereditary predisposition.

The most common symptoms include pinching of the nerve of the cervical vertebrae and sciatic nerve. Then the patient experiences excruciating pain in the head and neck or numbness of the leg, especially with sudden movements or long walking.

Pinched nerve: treatment.

Currently, there are many methods for diagnosing and treating a compressed nerve in any part of the body. For example, the use of electrodes is widely used, stimulating its work due to weak electrical impulses. This is done in order to determine how damaged the nerve is, that is, its conductivity is checked. In most cases, a massage course is recommended. The main thing to remember is that only the specialist who has sufficient knowledge in this field can restore the functions of the pinched nerve .

If we talk about the drug treatment method, then mainly painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are used, for example, an intramuscular corticosteroid or ibuprofen. If simple treatment methods do not help, then you can try to immobilize the muscles around the nerve. For this, the specialist provides complete immobility of the damaged part of the body.

Very often pinched nerve during pregnancy. In this case, the use of drugs is not encouraged and is allowed only in exceptional situations. Conducting a special massage or other type of therapy can harm the unborn baby, so the only way out is to relax the spine several times a day and wear a bandage regularly. The following posture relieves tension in muscles and pain sensations: a woman kneels and rests her elbows on the floor. You can be in this position for no more than 20 minutes.

In order for the symptoms of pinched nerve never to bother you, you need to take care of your health and follow basic preventive rules. Firstly, it is very important to maintain proper posture and avoid sudden changes in weight category. Secondly, with constantly repeating actions, for example, at work, try to take short, but frequent breaks.

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