From the occurrence of acne on the face, no one is safe. But how unpleasant when a small formation, which by its appearance did not deliver pleasant minutes, suddenly starts to hurt and blush. And all attempts to disguise it do not give the necessary effect. In other words, what should I do if a boil appears on my face ? How to treat such a problem?
Pathology Description
Initially, let's figure out what is a boil that has arisen on the face. How to treat such a pathology can be understood only by determining its origin.
A boil is an inflammatory process that occurs in the hair follicle and covers the adjacent connective tissue. Pathology is acute.
Often an ailment occurs as a result of the penetration of staphylococcus bacteria (white or golden) into the skin. The infection penetrates the epidermis through the hair pores. Here it provokes purulent development.
Furunculosis can be local or localized. The latter species is characterized by several formations in a certain area of the body. Sometimes there is general furunculosis. In this case, rashes occur on different parts of the body with a certain frequency.
People who have a boil on their face how to treat an ailment should definitely discuss with a doctor. After all, this infectious disease is considered dangerous. You should know that furunculosis can provoke many complications. That is why the fight against the disease should be timely and correctly.
Causes of occurrence
So, why does the boil appear on the face? How to treat this phenomenon? The causes of such an unpleasant state are many.
Doctors give the following sources, which most often underlie the formation of boils:
- traumatic damage to the epidermis;
- metabolic diseases;
- endocrine ailments (overweight, diabetes);
- gastrointestinal pathology;
- lack of vitamins in the body;
- reduced immunity;
- contaminated skin or excessive cleansing of the skin, leading to microtrauma;
- hypothermia of the body;
- nervous tension, chronic overwork;
- improper therapy of a single boil.
Staphylococcus, leading to an inflammatory process, is constantly present in the human body. However, he begins to “attack” only if the defensive forces are weakening.
General treatment recommendations
This pathology is fraught with serious complications. Therefore, be sure to consult a doctor if you have a boil on your face. How to treat an ailment, only a competent specialist can tell. It is extremely dangerous to resort to an independent fight against pathology.
And in the following cases, it is strictly contraindicated to engage in self-medication:
- You doubt that you have a boil. Such an ailment resembles a large acne, which causes pain. If the education looks a little different, then it is likely that you have a different disease.
- Pathology on the face. How can I treat a boil on the nose? The reasons for this formation can be hidden in a variety of factors, as discussed above. But, regardless of the source of the occurrence of this pathology, it should be remembered that boils localized in the nasolabial triangle are extremely dangerous. They are strictly forbidden to treat on their own, since there is a very high risk of death.
- Severe course. If the boil is accompanied by severe pain, fever or several formations are observed, then be sure to seek help from a specialist.
- Diabetes. Such patients are at risk for purulent complications. As a result of impaired metabolism in diabetics, wound healing is very difficult. And any inflammation that occurs in the body can cause many unpleasant consequences.
What to do is prohibited
Very often, the wrong methods are taken to combat such a pathology. Therefore, before considering what to do if a boil appears on the face, how to treat it, it is important to realize what methods are wrong.
The following activities are not allowed:
- You should not smear the resulting boil with iodine, brilliant green. Such dyes greatly complicate the diagnosis. It is difficult for a doctor to determine the area of the abscess, its size.
- It is completely not recommended to squeeze a boil. Often at home it is impossible to completely clean out the pus. In this case, there is a high risk of provoking complications and introducing the infection into the blood.
- Even a mature boil to open independently is very dangerous. Alcohol will never allow to disinfect tools as it is done in medical institutions. And some types of infection are not destroyed at all by ethanol (90%) and peroxide.
- Refrain from water procedures. Such an event can lead to the spread of infection to healthy areas of the body.
- Do not lay unsterile wipes on the boil. This is the surest way to introduce an infection into the body. A piece of gauze, which covers the pimple, must be sterile.
- I need special attention to the ointments that you use to treat pathology. Do not forget that they can provoke inflammation or irritation.
Possible complications of pathology
It is important to understand how and how to treat a boil on the face only a doctor will tell. After all, improper therapy can lead to multiple serious complications.
Among them may be:
- Blood poisoning caused by the spread of infection.
- Inflammation of the lymph nodes of a purulent nature. Such consequences most often occur after attempts to self- extrude a boil.
- Metastases on the internal organs. Doctors suggest that improper treatment of even one boil can lead to serious complications. Sometimes metastases cover quite important organs (liver, kidneys).
Even ordinary acne is not recommended to squeeze out independently or with the help of improvised means. Remember, in order to avoid problems in the future, it is best to trust specialists who are versed in this phenomenon.
Features of the disease in children
Particular attention is required to have a boil on the face of a child. How to treat such a pathology? Parents should understand that babies are more likely to develop complications. Therefore, to practice self-treatment, especially without having the necessary experience, is extremely dangerous.
Be sure to show the child to a pediatrician or surgeon. An experienced doctor will choose the right treatment regimen.
As a rule, the following measures are recommended for children:
- The use of ichthyol ointment. It accelerates the maturation of the boil.
- Appointment of ultraviolet radiation. This procedure also stimulates rapid suppuration.
- Disinfectant solutions are used after self-opening the abscess. Anti-inflammatory ointments may also be prescribed.
- Antibiotics. They are prescribed only if a small patient has a complex course of the disease. Antibiotic therapy can protect against complications if a child has several boils or pathology is accompanied by high fever.
Antibiotic treatment
In some cases, the doctor prescribes antibacterial drugs to the patient. However, it is highly recommended not to resort to such treatment yourself.
Do not forget that only a doctor can explain to you how to treat a boil on the face, which medications are better to use.
In most cases, broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed. Such drugs can protect the patient from complications and accelerate the resolution of the inflammatory element. Such drugs are prescribed before opening the abscess. After the boil breaks through, its contents are examined in a laboratory. The analysis allows you to determine the pathogen and accordingly adjust the treatment regimen.
The following antibiotics are the drugs of choice:
- Klacid.
- Macropen.
- "Sumamed."
- Amoxiclav.
- Ampicillin.
- Amoxicillin.
- Ceftriaxone.
- "Cefazolin."
- Cefotaxime.
- "Streptomycin".
- Amikacin.
- Gentamicin.
- "Metacycline."
- "Minocycline."
- Doxycycline.
Effective ointments
Similar remedies are often included in therapy. However, do not forget that only a doctor can correctly explain the treatment that arose, the reasons.
Boil ointment can be used exclusively as directed by a doctor. Indeed, for each stage of the course of pathology, its own means are necessary.
Treatment consists of the following activities:
- Antiseptic surface treatment. For such purposes, can be used: salicylic alcohol, tincture of calendula, furatsilina solution, Xeroform powder. This procedure protects against the spread of infection.
- The use of ointment. After treatment with an antiseptic, it is recommended to apply a sterile napkin with a specific preparation to the boil. Doctors prescribe the following ointments for treatment: Levomekol, Oflokain, Dioxizol. Such drugs have excellent antibacterial, healing and anti-inflammatory properties.
- Absorbable ointments. After getting rid of the boil, an unaesthetic scar may form in its place. It is especially unpleasant if such a scar is an “ornament" of the face. To avoid an ugly scar, doctors recommend using an ointment that resolves scars and promotes tissue regeneration. One of these drugs is the tool "Contractubex".
The use of folk remedies
Treatment with old recipes is very popular. However, do not forget to consult with your doctor initially. After all, only a specialist can choose the right therapy and take into account, if a boil has formed on the face, the reasons.
Home treatment may be as follows:
- Honey. It is an excellent cleanser. It is necessary to take 1 tsp every morning on an empty stomach.
- Bow. This is an excellent external remedy. One onion should be baked in the oven. Then it is cut in half. One half is applied to the boil. Top fix with adhesive plaster. The onion is applied while it is still hot. This procedure should be repeated every 3-4 hours.
- Leaflets coltsfoot. It is recommended to apply fresh leaves to the abscess. The plant significantly accelerates the process of maturation of the boil.
Surgical treatment
Unfortunately, it is not always possible to solve the problem by the conservative method. In some cases, the doctor, explaining to the patient how to treat boils on the face correctly, recommends surgery.
Do not be afraid of such a procedure. Surgical autopsy allows you to quickly clear the inflammatory focus and prevents the occurrence of complications. A similar event is usually carried out under local anesthesia.
The cleaned cavity is drained and a sterile dressing is applied. In the case of abscessed pathology, ointments are used: "Erythromycin", "Syntomycin", "Levomikol".
Remember that the boil that appears on the face is a problem that concerns not only your beauty. This is a serious ailment, which can lead to very serious consequences. Therefore, do not rush to self-medicate. Entrust your health and life to professionals!