Stuffed fish in the oven is the main decoration of the festive table. Its preparation takes a lot of time and effort. To make the dish really tasty and beautiful, you should know the exact recipe, as well as some features during cooking.
Stuffed fish recipe in the oven with photo
A classic recipe for stuffed carp is presented here. Despite the fact that for many years this dish has been served on any holiday table, it still does not lose its relevance. The recipe does not change much, because most people like classic cooking.
Grocery list
Since the process of cooking whole stuffed fish in the oven according to the recipe is quite laborious, you must first collect all the products so that nothing else distracts from cooking. To create a dish you need to take:
- one carp (its weight should be 1.7-2 kg);
- undercuts - 200 g;
- 200 g of carrots and onions;
- 400 ml of milk;
- 200 g loaf or you can take ordinary baked cookies, it will give the dish a slightly unusual taste;
- 2 eggs;
- some vegetable oil.
Of spices, it is recommended to use rosemary, tarragon, paprika, salt and pepper.
The first stage: cutting fish
Cooking stuffed carp begins with its cutting and skinning. Undoubtedly, this is the most laborious and complicated process. The difficulty is that the skin should be separated from the meat so that it does not tear and remains intact.
First you need to cut off the fins, then with a special scraper or a regular knife you need to clean the fish from scales. Then get your eyes and gills. From the anus to the side of the head, make a neat incision. Using your hands, carefully pull out the insides so as not to damage the gallbladder, otherwise the taste of the product will be spoiled. Now the carp should be washed well under running water, it must be monitored so that there are no blood clots left.
Second Stage: Skinning
Hands need to separate the skin from the meat in the place where the cut was made. After very carefully move your fingers upward, prying the skin. If you are doing this for the first time, do not rush, it is extremely important to do everything right so that the skin remains intact. After processing the fish on one side, you need to turn it over and carry out the same procedure on the other.
Now you need to take the scissors and cut the ridge near the head itself, you also need to cut this bone and not far from the tail. Gently pull out the ridge with the meat portion. The result should be a skin with a tail and a head.
Third stage: further preparations
Carp meat should be separated from the bones. Try to leave the bones as bare as possible, in which case there will be more fish filling. Now you need to peel the vegetables, then cut them into small pieces, the shape of the slices in this case is absolutely not important, all products will be passed through a meat grinder.
The undercoats are also cut into medium pieces. Put a frying pan on the fire and put pork in there when it gives a significant amount of fat, put the remaining products, fry them over medium heat until cooked. If you do not have time to control the frying process, then all these products can be immediately put on a baking sheet, pour 100 ml of water and cover it with foil. Bake in the oven for 50-60 minutes.
In the meantime, you need to take a loaf and peel it from the skin, soak in milk. When all other products are prepared, you should take a meat grinder and grind fish, vegetables, undercuts and bread. Add a few eggs, salt, pepper and spices to the resulting mass, mix everything thoroughly and taste. From this mass, you can make a small patty and fry it in a pan. Now try it and determine what is missing and what needs to be added to achieve the perfect taste.
The fourth step: stuffing
The process of cooking stuffed fish in the oven according to the recipe with the photo goes to the finish line. Now you need to take the fish and put it on your back so that the cut is on top.
Put all the minced meat in the hole, turn the fish over and put on a baking sheet. Many housewives must have begun to wonder where the process of suturing fish is. It is worth noting that these are already relics of the past, thanks to the advent of cling film everything has become much easier, a little later you will understand why.
So, when the fish is stuffed with filling and laid on a baking sheet, it must be put in the oven for an hour at a temperature of 190 degrees. Note! If the top ten in the oven works too hard, then it can start to burn, in which case you just need to take the foil and cover the carp.
Fifth step: finish cooking
When the process of heat treatment of the fish is completed, the pan must be removed from the oven and given about 15 minutes to allow it to cool completely. Do not worry that she now has a not quite presentable appearance.
Spread a large amount of cling film on the table, put slightly cooled fish on it and wrap it very tightly. When the carp takes on the desired shape, let it rest for a while at room temperature, and then put it in the refrigerator. Attention! The process of packing fish in a film should be taken very seriously, precisely on how tightly the fish will be wrapped, and its appearance depends.
The next day, take the carp out of the refrigerator, cut it in portions, lay on a beautiful dish and decorate with lettuce, lemon, tomatoes, mayonnaise and other colorful products. The more beautifully decorate the finished dish, the more delight your guests will have.
Cooking other fish
Pike is very often stuffed, the principle of preparation of the filling is identical, except that you need to add a little more underlining or lard, otherwise the dish may be dry.
Skin is removed from this fish a little differently. After cleaning and cutting off the fins, the head needs to be cut off, the insides should be pulled out through this section, it is forbidden to cut the belly. Now you need to remove the skin with a stocking, when a few centimeters remain before the tail starts, you need to cut the ridge with a knife, the further cooking process is similar to the previous case.
According to modern recipes for cooking stuffed fish in the oven, you can add bell pepper, mushrooms or wild mushrooms to the minced meat. Hard cheese can also often be used, which is pre-grated. Abundantly used greens and various vegetables, such as tomatoes or asparagus. The culinary is wonderful because everyone can add new ingredients to a regular dish that will give a new life to ordinary food.
Now you know the classic recipe for cooking stuffed fish in the oven, as well as various variations of the stuffing. You can safely begin cooking and surprise all guests invited to the celebration.