Fainting in a child: possible causes and first aid

Sudden loss of consciousness is considered a serious symptom. At this time, the cerebral cortex is not able to perform the basic functions of higher nervous activity. Fainting in a child can be associated with strong emotional experiences, as well as due to insufficient sleep, rest, and nutrition. In some cases, this confirms the pathology of the central nervous system or internal organs. The causes of syncope in children and first aid are described in the article.


Fainting is considered a protective reaction of the body, which protects the brain structures, temporarily removing them from work. He does not appear just like that. There is always a fainting condition.

fainting in a child

Symptoms of fainting in a child are as follows:

  1. Sudden dizziness appears.
  2. Clarity of reason is lost.
  3. A ringing is heard in my ears.
  4. Before the eyes flicker "flies" and "stars".
  5. Legs lose stability.
  6. Intense sweating appears.

Fainting and metabolic disorders in the brain are considered related. Often this condition occurs in schoolchildren. This is due to the fact that the puberty is still imperfect when vascular tone is regulated.

About the clinical picture

The depth and duration of syncope in a child may be different. It usually ranges from a few minutes to half an hour. In this condition, the appearance of:

  1. Pallor of the skin.
  2. Presence of cold, sticky sweat.
  3. The surface nature of breathing. Excursion movements of the chest are almost imperceptible.
  4. Weak pulse.
  5. Decreased peripheral blood pressure.
  6. Slow heart rate, which can be replaced by tachycardia.
syncope in children causes

This is how fainting occurs in a child 10 years old and younger. Usually several symptoms appear. In a horizontal position, a child faints faster. The reason for this is the redistribution of blood and an intensive influx to the brain. Often the condition is restored on its own, even if medical assistance is not provided.

Types of Fainting

In 1995, E. N. Ostapenko, a classification of syncope was performed . In this regard, fainting in children are of the following types:

  1. Vasodepressor. This kind is often observed. It comes from a stressful situation, often the condition appears during medical manipulations, for example, injections.
  2. Orthostatic type of hypotension. This kind of functional, appears with a lack of movement in the daily cycle of the child. But it is associated with organics, the background for which may be diabetes, amyloidosis, neoplasms of the central nervous system. The reason for the appearance of such conditions is associated with the insufficiency that vasopressor mechanisms have.
  3. Fainting on a reflex type. It occurs as a response to procedures performed on reflexogenic zones. This applies to the throat, larynx, carotid sinus. A child faints with irritation of the vagus nerve.
  4. Fainting associated with a specific situation. It occurs with coughing, intense tension during bowel movements, and strong efforts when urinating. It is also obtained by a sharp lifting of a heavy object. This is due to the fact that increased pressure in the chest, and this complicates the outflow of blood from the brain.
  5. Fainting associated with hyperventilation syndrome. This condition appears with hysterical seizures. This condition leads to a state of hypocapnia, spasm of the vessels of the brain.

External causes

Why does the baby faint? This condition has external causes. This condition may be associated with:

  1. Fluctuations in air temperature. The work of brain structures involves the allocation of energy potential. It is important that the energy component does not accumulate, but disperses in space. With its increase, heat transfer decreases. There is no energy dissipation. At this time, the brain “overheats”, and then compensatory and protective mechanisms begin to work. The brain is “turned off” for a while. New energy is not generated, but the accumulated energy is scattered. With balance equilibrium, the brain starts working again.
  2. Reducing the presence of oxygen in the atmosphere. Brain activity occurs with sufficient oxygen supply. Under anaerobic conditions, it cannot work. Oxygen delivery is performed by blood. Therefore, brain structures have their own circulatory system. In the lungs, blood is saturated with oxygen, and it enters the brain. With oxygen deficiency, there will be less saturation of the blood. Neurocytes are considered sensitive to hypoxia and are not able to function normally in these conditions. This phenomenon occurs, for example, during a climb uphill.
  3. High amounts of carbon monoxide in expired air. This condition appears when there is enough oxygen in the outside air. Carbon monoxide has a pronounced tropism for hemoglobin, so carboxyhemoglobin appears. A sufficient amount of oxygen does not yet indicate saturation of blood. This is due to the fact that he can not contact the blood gem, since carbon dioxide is present instead. This appears during carbon monoxide poisoning.
  4. Nutrient deficiency. The menu of the child should be rational and balanced. Do not allow prolonged starvation of children. Diet can only be followed when prescribed by a doctor. The cellular structures of the brain only lack oxygen. They need nutritional components. Glucose is important, as it is considered a source of energy. In the body without it, not a single process is performed. The body lays it in different organs. At the right time, extraction and delivery to the right place takes place. Therefore, nutrition is important.
  5. Emotional surge. The cause of fainting in children is emotion. This is often expressed in adolescents, especially in girls. This is due to hormonal changes that are observed during the restructuring of the body.
  6. Fatigue. In order to prevent this, the correct organization of the regime is required. Sleep is important because the brain rests at this time. Physiologically, sleep is recognized as saving the brain from overload.
syncope in children symptoms

Internal causes

If the child fainted, there are internal reasons:

  1. Anemia. This condition appears with reduced hemoglobin in the blood. This protein is responsible for the transport of oxygen to organs, tissues. With a decrease in hemoglobin, oxygen to the brain cells will flow in small quantities. Neurocytes will have oxygen starvation, which affects their work.
  2. Brain neoplasms. Tumors of the brain tissue lead to disruption of the brain. In this case, there will be no normal transmission of nerve impulses. They will not go to the organs and return. This leads to "overload" of the brain.
  3. Cardiac pathology. Abnormalities in the heart muscle lead to interruptions in the delivery of blood to the brain. So he gets less oxygen.
  4. Conditions for autonomic dysfunction. The autonomic system is responsible for the activity of organs. If there is no pathology, these systems have a state of equilibrium. But during puberty in adolescents, a hormonal surge is observed, in which hormones are released in a large amount in the blood. Brain vessels also suffer.
  5. Diabetes. The disease itself does not lead to fainting. But with improper use of insulin, a sharp decrease in sugar is likely, so the child faints. In severe cases, coma is likely to develop.

Other internal causes

Another swoon may be for the following reasons:

  1. Cramping of cerebral vessels. They are functional and organic, as well as congenital and acquired.
  2. Osteochondrosis in the cervical spine. With such suffering, the gait is straightforward. In the vertical form, the spine has heavy loads, which is why destructive changes are observed in the cartilage tissue. With the thinning of the cartilage, a hernia appears, squeezing the vessels, disrupting blood flow. As a result, blood flows to the cells, including the brain, a little, therefore, brain function suffers.
fainting in a child 7 years old


Before a faint, a child 7 years old or older has some symptoms:

  1. There is a weakness in the body. She is pronounced.
  2. The skin becomes pale, and the baby yawns.
  3. The limbs are cold to the touch.
  4. Dries out in the mouth.
  5. There is a lack of air and rapid breathing.
  6. The ears will ring, and a bright veil appears in front of the eyes.

After a few seconds, the child falls. This condition is also a swoon.


In order to wage a successful fight against this condition, as well as prevent it, it is necessary to establish the cause. Only then will the treatment procedures become effective. Of great importance in the diagnostic work and the identification of causes are laboratory and instrumental studies. This is primarily attributed to blood tests.

  1. It is necessary to conduct a general clinical analysis, as well as an analysis to determine blood sugars.
  2. An electrocardiogram is necessarily performed.
  3. To establish the reasons, you need a consultation of narrow specialists. The child is sent for examination to a cardiologist, endocrinologist, neurologist.
  4. Conducted daily monitoring of the functioning of the heart. If changes are detected, ultrasound of the heart is performed.
  5. If neoplasms in the brain are suspected, an MRI is performed.
  6. Anamnesis is collected. The doctor needs to get complete information about the condition of the child, so he asks different questions. Useful information is provided by parents.
emergency care for fainting in children

Detailed information during the history taking allows you to determine the general condition of the child. Only after diagnosis does the doctor prescribe treatment.

How to help?

Emergency care for syncope in children is as follows:

  1. The child must be laid horizontally. The legs should be in an elevated position, so a roller is placed under the knees. You can throw your legs on the back of the sofa.
  2. It is required to free the neck and chest from constraining things. Buttons are unfastened on the collar to ensure free air flow. Still need to open windows, doors.
  3. Whiskey rubbed with ammonia. To the nose you need to bring a swab that is moistened with ammonia. Do not bring the entire bottle, because due to sudden movements of the head, the product may spill. Therefore, a burn of the mucous membranes is likely.
  4. An ice bubble should be applied to the head. If it is absent, pour water or put ice in a plastic bag.
baby fainted causes

Mandatory medical care for a child with fainting. Treatment is usually prescribed, and in complicated cases hospitalization is needed.


The main areas of treatment include getting rid of the reasons that cause fainting:

  1. The correct organization of the regime of the day is required, observing the main regimen moments.
  2. Proper nutrition is also needed. Food should include vitamins and minerals. Do not allow uniformity in nutrition. Food should be diverse in composition.
  3. With autonomic dysfunction, morning exercises are performed. Useful activities will be swimming in the pool.
  4. Herbal baths that have a sedative effect are effective. Useful is the use of lemon balm, chamomile, bergamot.
  5. With deviations on the ECG, funds are needed that nourish the heart muscle, vitamins.
  6. If fainting is associated with carbon monoxide, then a maximum flow of oxygen is required. In this case, inhalation of oxygen is used.
  7. In the presence of neoplasms in the nervous structures, a neurologist prescribes treatment.

The treatment method should preferably be discussed with your doctor. It is important to follow all the recommendations of a specialist. Only then will it be possible to get rid of this condition, and also to prevent complications.


With signs of fainting, get rid of the provocateurs. The child is laid, open the window or take out to fresh air. Washing with cool water is useful. When the reason lies in a hungry faint, you need to eat something, preferably sweet. Juice or lemonade will do. Provoking factors must be avoided. Children should get enough sleep and eat well.

why does the baby faint


If syncope occurs frequently, then the child should be under the supervision of doctors. It is important to pay attention to the prevention of these conditions. Then it will be possible to avoid adverse consequences.

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