John Candy is a popular comedic actor, screenwriter and producer

The popular Canadian comedian, producer and screenwriter John Candy was born on October 31, 1950 in the city of Newmarket, near Toronto. Known for a number of comedy films such as "Airplane, Train, and Car," "Canadian Bacon," and "Uncle Buck."

john candy

Education and filming

John Candy began his artistic career on the stage of the children's theater, and when he entered the faculty of journalism at McMaster University in adulthood, he tried his hand at cinema. Candy made his debut in a 1973 film called Class 44th. Then the actor participated in several low-budget film projects that went unnoticed at the box office.

John Candy, films with the participation of which did not cause much interest among the audience, became a popular comedian only after he starred in the satirical comedy "1941", directed by Steven Spielberg in 1979. Fame was also added to the participation in the movie "Splash" with Tom Hanks in the lead role, and then the role in the film "Millions of Brewster", after which John woke up famous.

john candy movie

Cinema and television

In the early 80s, John Candy began to participate in entertainment projects on TV, such as Second City Television, without leaving a cinema. He managed to combine various television shows and the performance of comedy roles in the cinema, he had enough time for everything. For ten years, Candy has starred in more than twenty feature films.

However, since 1990, luck has changed the actor, and his popularity declined. Several unsuccessful roles in a row, and John Candy, whose films were not already in the top ten, was even less in demand.

Negative prize

To top it all off, the actor was nominated for the Golden Raspberry Award for his female role in the comedy Some Troubles. In the submission, it was written "Worst Supporting Actress." Two more unsuccessful films of that time: “Once breaking the law” and “Delirious” - completed the picture of John Candy's decline.

The actor, however, decided not to give up and made an attempt to expand his role by adding more dramatic roles to his asset. He starred in Oliver Stone’s political thriller John F. Kennedy. Shots in Dallas, where he played the dishonest lawyer Dean Andrews.

John Candy Comedy

Buying a football team

Nevertheless, John Candy is an actor who decided to become a businessman. To do this, he, along with his friends Wayne Gretzky and Bruce MickNall, acquired the Toronto Argonauts team, which plays Canadian football.

The move was correct: the purchase of a sports team by such celebrities could not go unnoticed, the action attracted the attention of the public and the press. The new owners of the Argonauts have invested considerable money in the acquisition of talented players and the conclusion of long-term commercial contracts.

The sudden death of the actor

John Candy's life ended on March 4, 1994, when he was in Mexico on the set of the movie "Caravan to the East." The actor died in a dream from a sudden cardiac arrest. Characteristically, shortly before his death, Candy spoke on the phone with all his friends, including sports figure Larry Smith, and informed them that he dismissed the Toronto Argonauts team in full force, and also instructed lawyers to put it up for sale.

Actor John Candy, whose comedies are on the list of world cinema, was buried in the cemetery of the Holy Cross in the Californian city of Culver City.

john candy actor


The personalities of John Candy are immortalized in the Canadian "Walk of Fame". In May 2006, the actor received his image on the postage stamp of the National Postal Service of Canada. In 2000, a sequel to the Blues Brothers movie was released in memory of Candy, the original version of which was shot in 1980. Canada's highest sports award, the 95th Gray Cup, was dedicated to John Candy in 2007.

The Roman Catholic Lyceum in the Scarborough district of Toronto has given the name of John Candy, a former graduate, to his art studio. On a commemorative plaque are displayed his words once uttered: "The foundations of success are laid on the life values ​​that have been instilled in me at this school, as well as on the principles of mutual respect and discipline."

John Candy has two children left: son Christopher and daughter Jennifer. His ex-wife Rosemary Hobor alone coped with the upbringing of the younger generation. Adult Jennifer currently works as a television producer, in her department of the program "Sam has 7 friends" and "Queen of the graduation party."

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