Beer poisoning: symptoms, first aid, treatment methods for alcohol intoxication

Many people think that poisoning with products like beer is impossible. But this drink is not at all as safe as it seems at first glance. Using it often and in large quantities, people cause serious damage to their body. In addition, sometimes the products are not quite high quality. In this case, beer poisoning occurs. The symptoms and methods of treatment of this pathology are described in the article.

What components are included in the product?

Beer is a drink whose strength varies from 4 to 12 percent. 1 liter contains at least 150 ml of ethanol. However, intoxication occurs not only as a result of ingestion of this ingredient.

product appearance

Do not forget that the composition of beer includes:

  1. Carcinogenic resins.
  2. Narcotic substances contained in hops.
  3. Methanol and other types of alcohol that are toxic.
  4. The oils that make up barley and malt. These compounds are also poison.
  5. An analogue of cadaveric toxin.
  6. Preservatives and various dyes.
  7. Vital products of yeast microorganisms.

The concentration of the above substances in beer is extremely small. However, a passion for a drink can lead to serious consequences. The fact is that gatherings during which the product is consumed usually involve an amount exceeding 1 liter. Non-observance of the norm often causes beer poisoning, pathological symptoms in participants of such feasts. In addition, addiction to the drink threatens the appearance of serious health problems: malignant tumors, ailments of the myocardium, vascular system, gastrointestinal tract, urinary organs.

What factors contribute to the development of intoxication

Why does the disease occur? There are several reasons for its appearance. Beer poisoning, the symptoms of the disease develop under the influence of the following factors:

  1. Drinking excessive amounts of product. In this situation, the concentration of ethyl alcohol in the blood rises to critical levels. Signs of intoxication appear.
  2. Acceptance of low quality products. The composition of such drinks includes surrogates. Sometimes in the production of strong beers, dishonest manufacturers use toxic compounds.
  3. Reception of spoiled alcohol or a product that has expired. In such cases, poisoning occurs due to the multiplication of microbes.
  4. The use of draft drinks. Intoxication occurs as a result of placing products in insufficiently clean dishes in which bacteria are located. Such a disease often develops after visiting bars and other catering establishments.

Danger of drink

Many do not follow precautionary measures and rules when drinking beer. They believe that the intake of a drink containing a small amount of ethanol can not be limited. In addition, a special occasion is needed for stronger alcohol. And this product is used just to relax or as a way to quench your thirst in hot weather.

company at the bar

Many, buying a bottle in the store, do not pay attention to the expiration date. They believe that stale goods can be easily identified by an uncharacteristic aftertaste and smell. However, this is not quite true. Beer poisoning, the symptoms of the disease often occur in those who consumed a product that seemed normal at first glance. The fact is that expensive drinks, even if they were expired, are difficult to distinguish from normal ones. Intoxication develops even if the rules for storing goods have not been observed.

The forms of the disease can be different. The severity of symptoms depends on the degree and type of the disease. As for alcohol poisoning, they are divided into several stages.

Easy type of intoxication

As a rule, this concept means a state of intoxication, which does not affect the functioning of the body.

alcohol intoxication

It is characterized by such signs:

  1. Red tint of the skin.
  2. Relaxation and excessive cheerfulness.
  3. Dulling the instinct of self-preservation.
  4. Talkativeness.
  5. Strong perspiration, independent of climatic conditions.

In this case, alcohol poisoning by beer does not occur. Symptoms of the disease are absent.

Middle stage

This term refers to intoxication, which leads to withdrawal symptoms. Intoxication is present, but not in severe form. The following symptoms indicate the occurrence of this condition:

  1. Blurred speech.
  2. Stopping excessive arousal.
  3. Feeling overwhelmed, severe drowsiness.
  4. Lack of self-criticism, fuzzy consciousness.
  5. Excessive courage.

Severe intoxication

In beer poisoning, the symptoms can be very serious.

A person urgently needs medical help if he has the following manifestations:

  1. Acceleration of the heart rhythm.
  2. Loss of meaningfulness and clarity of statements.
  3. Decrease in blood pressure.
  4. Attacks of nausea, vomiting.
  5. Lack of ability to move.
  6. Slow reaction to environmental stimuli.

The surface of the patient's skin becomes pale in color. Even if the room where the person is located is warm enough, his limbs get colder. There is discomfort in the peritoneum. Unpleasant sensations disappear only after a few days (subject to adequate therapy). As a rule, such intoxication is associated with the intake of surrogate products or excessive alcohol consumption. With such beer poisoning, treatment should be immediate. In the absence of therapy, a person falls into a coma.

The most dangerous stage

In the case of its development, the patient is not able to move and speak, he does not observe a quick reaction of the pupils to bright light, his body temperature is reduced. Man loses consciousness.

fainting intoxication

Reflexes are absent. If these symptoms appear, urgently need to contact an emergency service. After all, a coma can lead to a cessation of life. Such a serious consequence of poisoning often occurs in the case of drinking beer along with other alcoholic products (usually fake). Before loss of consciousness, rapid and pronounced intoxication is observed, visual function deterioration, discomfort in the peritoneum.

Other types of intoxication

There are various forms of beer poisoning. Symptoms and treatment are determined by the causes that triggered the ailment. Food intoxication is possible if sanitary rules are not followed. For example, if you take a drink from insufficiently clean dishes. It is characterized by discomfort in the peritoneum, loose and frequent stools, vomiting, fever. Similar signs are observed when using a product that has expired. Therefore, if about 30 days have passed since its expiration, it is better to refuse the product.

General symptoms

So, the characteristic manifestations that indicate intoxication include:

  1. Pronounced intoxication.
  2. Headache.
  3. Feeling overwhelmed.
  4. High temperature (with bacterial intoxication).
  5. Dizziness.
  6. Vomiting.
    beer vomiting
  7. Fluid and frequent stools.
  8. Acceleration of the heart rhythm.
  9. Increased blood pressure.
  10. Disorders of the functions of the organs of vision.
  11. Pale shade of the skin.
  12. Cold limbs.

Assistance Methods

If beer poisoning has occurred, what should be done in a similar situation? First of all, urgently release the digestive tract from harmful substances. To do this, a person needs to drink at least a liter of pure water and provoke vomiting. Acceptance of activated carbon or another sorbent helps to alleviate the patient's condition. These drugs include Enterosgel, Polysorb. If there is discomfort in the peritoneum, you can use a tool to eliminate cramping (for example, Drotaverinum).

abdominal pain

From a headache it is possible to use "Aspirin". After carrying out these measures, a person needs a full sleep. If the condition does not improve, you need to call an ambulance.

Inpatient Therapy

In case of severe alcohol poisoning with beer, treatment should be carried out in a medical facility. Specialists purify the digestive tract using a probe. If respiratory function is impaired, mechanical ventilation is performed. In addition, solutions containing glucose and insulin, as well as other substances that help restore fluid balance, are administered to the patient. Drug therapy is carried out against vomiting, spasms and pain. It is necessary to inject vitamins of groups C and B to improve the functioning of the nervous system.

How to prevent the development of the disease

This article is about beer poisoning, symptoms and treatment, prevention. Photos of signs of intoxication are presented in sections. Can ailment be prevented? The answer to this question will be positive subject to the following rules:

  1. You can not purchase goods that have expired.
  2. It is better to refuse to buy products in dubious retail outlets and catering establishments.
    refusal of beer
  3. Strong drinks should not be consumed.
  4. Frequent intake of alcohol and large doses should not be allowed.

Attentive attitude to your health will save you from problems.

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