Polyp in the maxillary sinus: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, classic and surgical treatment, prevention

The purpose of the maxillary sinuses is to purify the air that is inhaled by a person. Respiratory pathologies can provoke in them the processes of formation of the mucous mass, in which very fast multiplication of various pathogens will subsequently begin. With inadequate treatment or lack thereof, mucus can cause an increase in polyps in the nose in patients, and as a result, polypous sinusitis forms. Further, we will talk about such a factor as polyps in the maxillary sinus, about therapy, symptoms, and also about the diagnosis of this disease.

maxillary sinus polyp

Pathology Description

Polyps in the maxillary sinus are benign growths that develop from the nasal mucosa. They are insensitive or painful growths of pinkish or red. Formations are formed in the form of whole clusters, while hanging down from the mucous walls. As a rule, they form in the uppermost region of the nose.

The danger of this pathology is that the formation takes on such dimensions that it can completely block the passages, so breathing through the mouth is the main sign that indicates the emergence and development of this process. Polypous sinusitis is productive in nature, that is, the processes of development of inflammation of the mucosa in the nasal cavity are accompanied by changes in its structural qualities.


No obvious reasons for the formation of polyps in the maxillary sinus have yet been identified. Medical statistics say that quite often the abnormal growth of tissues in the nasal mucosa is carried out under the complex influence of various factors. The main reasons due to which this type of pathology develops are:

  • The occurrence of allergic ailments.
  • The presence of a genetic predisposition.
  • The presence of inflammation in the sinuses.
  • The appearance of abnormalities in the structure of the nose.
  • The development of concomitant somatic and chronic pathologies.

If we take into account various research works, we can conclude that the appearance of growths is a multifactorial and relapsing ailment, which is provoked by an allergic and autoimmune reaction.

polyps in the maxillary sinuses


The processes of formation of growths in people in the nose are characterized by certain features that help the patient in his body to identify changes and visit the doctor on time. The main symptoms of the maxillary sinus polyps include:

  • Presence of difficulty breathing.
  • Lack of breathing at all.
  • The presence of a headache without the possibility of establishing its localization.
  • The lack of therapeutic effect when using decongestants and vasoconstrictors.
  • Decrease or loss of smell.
  • The feeling of being a foreign body.
  • The presence of abundance of purulent discharge.
  • The development of general intoxication of the body in the form of fatigue, insomnia or drowsiness, irritability.

In the event that the disease becomes chronic, the patient often develops eye pathologies (keratitis or conjunctivitis). Also quite often in a similar situation, complaints of severe cough are noted, whose attacks occur mainly at night. It is incredibly difficult to cure a cough, because all the medicines are simply helpless.

maxillary sinus polyps operation

Types of Polyps

Polyps in the maxillary sinuses of the nose can be formed of the following types:

  • In the form of growths reaching the trellis maze.
  • In the form of an education that completely fills the nasopharynx cavity and affects the sinuses.
  • In the form of growths of large sizes, which can be seen with the naked eye.

The last of the above types of education was called an atrochial polyp. It is these growths that are the main cause of the most serious and dangerous form of this disease for people.

There are also polyps of the left maxillary sinus or right.


During the analysis of complaints and an anamnesis of pathology, the doctor takes into account the presence of concomitant diseases in the form of allergies, asthma, a chronic inflammatory disease of the lower respiratory canals, and so on. In addition, an examination of the nasal cavity is carried out: in the presence of a large polyp in the course of the diagnosis, as a rule, does not present difficulties.

Often, a simple examination with a nasal mirror is not enough to identify polyps in the maxillary sinus of a small size. This will require an endoscopic examination. An additional diagnostic technique, which allows you to specify the prevalence of the pathological process, is computed tomography of the paranasal sinus, in which a layered head picture is taken.

Externally, other formations, including malignant ones, are sometimes masked under polyps. Polyposis is required to differentiate with other tumors that occur in the nose, especially in a unilateral process.

Is surgery for polyps in the maxillary sinuses necessary?

maxillary sinus polyp

Classical and surgical treatment

The treatment of this ailment is directly related to some difficulties. Attention should be paid to the fact that the pathology in question does not accept a conservative method of treatment. Mostly, the therapy is performed in the departments of the surgical hospital. Only very small polyps, the presence of which is very difficult to determine, can respond to steroid treatment.

Removal of polyps in the maxillary sinuses begins with therapy, which is aimed at destroying the entire pathogenic microflora. Due to the fact that the closed sinus is ideal for the unhindered occurrence of bacteria, the doctor prescribes systemic antibiotics to the patient before the operation. As a rule, these are antibacterial drugs in the form of Augmentin, Azithromycin or Ceftriaxone.

Quite often, the occurrence of a repeat of this pathology is noted even after successful surgical treatment of polyps in the maxillary sinus. In this case, hormone therapy can reduce the risk of relapse. In some situations, local hormones can act on small growths, thereby slowing down their growth, and sometimes reducing them in size.

Until recently, such growths were removed using a special loop designed for this, however, there were too many shortcomings in such an operation. The procedure in the operated patient provoked severe pain along with bleeding, moreover, the lesions were not completely removed, and there was a high risk of repetition of the pathology.

Endoscopic surgery

Today in medicine there is a new technique in the form of endoscopic removal of polyps through the use of electromechanical tools (a shaver or microdebrider). This technique of surgical intervention is safer and more reliable, since it controls absolutely all the actions of the surgeon.

removal of polyps in the maxillary sinuses

Laser removal

Single small growths can also be easily removed with the help of a medical laser beam, under the influence of which the polyps evaporate and leave a completely empty shell. After the operation, the patient is prescribed glucocorticosteroid drugs, and the course of therapy can be several months. This is required in order to minimize the risks of re-formation of polyps.

The human body is a very complex system, and a disease of only one organ can come back to be extremely unpleasant, and at the same time, painful consequences in unexpected places. It would seem that with a runny nose people wave their hands, saying that they will have time to cure him, because now is not up to it. But this is a big mistake. Delaying with treatment provokes the formation of polyps, which are very difficult to get rid of, and in fifty percent of cases, the pathology can become recurrent. You just need to allocate at least a little time and take care of your health in a timely manner.

What is the length of hospitalization for removal of the maxillary sinus polyp? As a rule, 1-2 days. For the treatment of sinusitis with a laser, hospitalization is not required.

polyp of the maxillary sinus

Complications and consequences

With the disease in question, in the absence of the necessary treatment in patients, the following complications are possible:

  • The appearance of difficulty in nasal breathing, which can lead to chronic hypoxia (lack of oxygen), this will have an extremely negative effect on all organs and systems. In particular, on mental activity, above all, attention and memory also suffer.
  • The occurrence of nasal congestion is also a source of psychological problems, consisting in low mood and irritability.
  • In the case of advanced stages of this disease, large polyps, due to prolonged pressure, can lead to resorption (i.e., resorption) of the bone and cartilage structure of the walls of the paranasal sinuses and septum. Against the background of the growth of polyps in the nasolacrimal canals (through which tears flow from the eye to the nasal cavity), regular lacrimation may occur.

Next, let's talk about methods of preventing the appearance of such an education in the nose, such as polyps.


As part of prevention, doctors advise patients the following:

  • Timely treat all kinds of infections of the nose, and in addition, teeth and paranasal sinuses.
  • In the case of constant difficulty in nasal breathing and low sense of smell, consultation with an otolaryngologist is required.
  • In asthma, against the background of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory canals of an allergic nature, characterized by spasms of the small bronchi and accompanied by shortness of breath, wheezing and wheezing and a feeling of stuffiness, the examination of the otolaryngologist is very important for the patient.
  • Relapse prevention after surgical therapy: the use of hormonal intranasal sprays for long courses, low dosages of macrolides and observation by an otolaryngologist.
maxillary sinus polyp removal hospital stay


Thus, polyps in the maxillary sinuses are an overgrowth of the mucous membranes in the form of pale edematous tissue. It is worth noting that nasal polyps are benign formations associated with prolonged inflammation in this organ. Pathology must be cured in a timely manner, otherwise the appearance of various complications is possible. And in order to prevent this disease, otolaryngologists advise to regularly visit a doctor and not start inflammatory processes of the respiratory system.

We examined the symptoms and treatment of polyps in the maxillary sinus.

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