Alternative to bored kebab - charcoal salmon

Coal Salmon

For many of us, going outdoors or relaxing in the country is always associated with meat barbecue. No doubt, the young lamb on skewers is a truly amazing dish, but it still has a few buts. Firstly, the meat is prepared for a long time, it needs a long pickling, in addition, guests may find themselves staunch opponents of eating animals, so there is a risk of leaving a certain part of the invited public without refreshments. Therefore, salmon on charcoal can make a good competition for barbecue. The recipe for this dish is extremely simple, and now we will share it with you.

For a little sabantui in nature, a two kilo weight fish will be quite enough. We need to not only clean and gut it, but also cut it into “washers” 2-3 cm thick. Salmon steaks on charcoal are better and more evenly fried than a whole carcass. Next, take a tray or dish, put pieces of fish there, sprinkle them with salt and a mixture of white and black peppers, but not much, sprinkle with lemon juice and white wine. We leave it for 15 to 20 minutes. Fans of any "Chinese" I can advise you to add a little soy sauce to the marinade or grate the steaks with garlic. It is not forbidden to use “For fish” spices for sprinkling. And, of course, we cover the dish with salmon to protect it from flies.

Charcoal salmon recipe
While the ocean guest languishes in the marinade, let’s take a fire. This fish is a tender, fat creature, so a high fire harms it. Coal salmon is tasty when the wood is burned well. In principle, it can also be cooked in a barbecue format, but there is a risk that loose meat may fall apart and slip off the skewer. From the lattice, the fish will definitely not run away. Lightly grease the steaks with olive oil and spread them to fry.

The main thing in the preparation of the “salmon on charcoal” dish is not to dry the fish. We are waiting for a hint of a golden crust and very carefully turn over with tweezers. After 2-3 minutes, we again shift the fish to the other side. To improve the smell, it is recommended to sprinkle steaks with white wine. The general process of frying should take about ten minutes. Serve to the table immediately. What to offer to salmon as a side dish? You can bake potatoes in a fire. Very tasty on the same grill to fry pita bread. And you can do without a hot side dish, serving a salad of fresh vegetables to the main dish.

Charcoal Salmon Steaks

Salmon on charcoal loves a society of greens, so you can add it both to the marinade and sprinkle the finished fish with chopped dill. But it’s important not to overdo it. Spicy herbs such as basil or anise can clog the delicate smell of salmon itself. The same goes for the choice of sauces. Tomatoes are not recommended for this dish, but Olandez, creamy, mayonnaise, and Thousand Islands will come in handy. If there is no time or ingredients for dressing, garnish the steaks with a slice of lemon.

As you understand, salmon on coals is not served with compote. But vodka to it will sound dissonant. White dry wine - light, refined, playful: Green Gascony, strict Riesling, Hungarian Tokai, as well as Chardonnay or Sauvignon Blanc - is best suited to this dish. An excellent solution would also be Georgian light wines. They stimulate the stomach and help cope with oily fish such as salmon.

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