Pulse 100 beats per minute: reasons and what to do? How to lower heart rate at home

An increase in heart rate due to physical and emotional stress is not a pathology. If this is observed at rest and for no apparent reason, it may indicate abnormalities in the work of the heart and blood vessels. In the article, we consider what the pulse rate of 100 beats per minute means.


In healthy people, the heart rate is 60-85 beats per minute. If this indicator is less than 60, doctors diagnose the patient with bradycardia.

Pulse 100 beats

A pulse of 100 beats per minute is a sign of tachycardia. Typically, your heart rate changes with increasing or decreasing pressure. But the reasons for this phenomenon may be different.

Why the pulse rises

As mentioned above, a pulse of 100 beats per minute in a calm state indicates the presence of tachycardia in the patient. Heart rate is related to blood pressure. With tachycardia, it can be high or low. Both cases are symptoms of a malfunction in the functioning of the heart and a malfunction in some of the body systems (nervous, autonomic, endocrine).

A pulse of 100 beats per minute can be observed with:

  • Hyperthermia.
  • Myocarditis.
  • Heart defects.
  • Heart attack.
  • Cardiosclerosis.
  • Anemia
  • Rheumatism
  • VSD.
  • Thyroid disease.
  • Neurosis and psychosis.
  • Dehydration.

Often a pulse of 100 beats per minute is observed at normal pressure. This happens when:

  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  • General intoxication.
  • Infectious disease that caused purulent inflammation, blood poisoning.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Pathologies of the nervous system.
  • Respiratory diseases (pneumonia, asthma).

If the pulse is constantly increasing, and it is difficult to normalize it, you should contact a cardiologist. All people should periodically monitor this indicator. If the pulse is 100 beats or more, this indicates a health problem. In this case, specialist assistance is required.

When the pressure is low, and the pulse is 100 strokes, this may be a symptom of such diseases and conditions:

  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Lack of vitamins.
  • Lowering the temperature.
  • Inflammation of the organs.
  • Great blood loss.
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  • Shock state.
  • Frequent alcohol consumption.
  • Diabetes.
  • Abnormal processes in the myocardium.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Dehydration.
Pulse 100 beats per minute

Often the pulse quickens after taking alcohol. This is due to the effect of alcohol on the vessels. A condition that is characterized by a prolonged increase in heart rate, the presence of other symptoms of poisoning is considered alcohol intoxication. How is this dangerous? Serious intoxication can cause organ malfunction, cause liver and kidney failure.

In some people, the pulse quickens when standing up. This is due to hypotension or VSD. The success of therapy depends on addressing the root cause. If you get rid of the primary ailment, you can normalize the number of heart contractions.

In children

A pulse of 100 beats per minute in a teenager 16-17 years old may be the norm. In the first years of the baby's life, this parameter is more than 100 strokes. Gradually, the indicator decreases, reaching the norm. Parameters temporarily increase due to stress. If they happen constantly, appropriate measures are required.

With a constant pulse of 100 beats, the child needs to adjust the diet and ensure regular sports loads. It is necessary to ensure that the teenager does not drink alcohol.

During pregnancy

A pulse of 100 beats per minute in women carrying a baby is normal. Often this occurs under reduced pressure. This indicator is associated with changes in the female body. The cause of tachycardia during pregnancy is an imbalance in hormones and an increase in fetal size.

How to lower heart rate at home

With the growth of the child, the uterus increases in size. This compresses the veins and diaphragm. Due to these processes, an increase in the frequency of contractions of the heart occurs. It is not always dangerous for the pregnant woman and the fetus. During diagnosis, serious pathologies are rarely detected. But doctors can prescribe medications to reduce heart rate and improve health.

After meal

The physiological reason, due to which the pulse is allowed, is the ingestion of food. The reason is overeating. Because of this, the pulse can be 100 beats per minute, even at rest.

To prevent this condition, experts advise to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • You need to eat food often, but in small portions.
  • Eating should be a focused event. You should not be distracted by something outside at this time.
  • Do not drink liquid within 20 minutes after eating.
  • Do not eat unhealthy foods.
  • After eating, active physical activity is prohibited.

A pulse of 100 beats is caused by gastrocardial syndrome. At the same time, there is a risk of not only increasing the number of strokes, but also the appearance of nausea, chest pain, pressure drops, even at rest.


Heart palpitations cause a lot of inconvenience to a person. If the heart rate is 100 beats per minute, then this can be detected by the following signs:

  • General weakness.
  • Pain in the sternum.
  • Dizziness.
  • Lack of air.
  • Dyspnea.
  • Darkening in the eyes.

Such symptoms adversely affect the general well-being of people. They may manifest as all signs, or several. Do not ignore these symptoms, as this can lead to complications. Timely access to a doctor will quickly improve your well-being.


If the pulse is more than 100 beats, it is necessary to identify the cause of this phenomenon. For this, the following diagnostics are carried out:

  • Consultation of doctors (cardiologist, narcologist, psychiatrist, neurologist). Referral to them is provided by the therapist after examining and interviewing the patient.
  • General and biochemical analysis of blood. Research may also be required to determine thyroid hormone levels.
  • Examination of the heart. For this, an electrocardiogram is performed, a study of the heart with a load, ultrasound diagnosis.
What to do if the pulse is 100 beats

A full examination allows you to determine the state of human health. Only after diagnosis, the doctor can prescribe an effective treatment.

First aid

If the pulse is 100 beats, what should I do? The nuances of first aid are determined by the severity of the person's condition. If the pulse increased from physical or psychological stress for a short time (up to 15 minutes), then special measures are not required. In this case, you need a good rest.

And if the increased pulse persists for a long time, then the help of a doctor is needed. Before the arrival of the doctors, a few simple steps should be taken:

  • Provide fresh air.
  • If the cause of the crisis is overheating, you should wash yourself with cold water, take a sedative or infusion of valerian, taking into account age.
  • Go to bed.
  • Perform acupressure. To lower the pulse, with relaxed hands, press on the upper eyelids for 1 minute.
  • Breathe calmly and evenly.

If the pressure is low, the patient will benefit from warm and sweet tea. When blood pressure is normal or rises, it is preferable to drink cool water.


How to lower the pulse at home? Treatment of tachycardia should be performed under the supervision of a specialist. The doctor prescribes therapy based on the diagnosis and individual characteristics of the patient. Medications are usually taken to normalize the pulse. It also requires adjusting the lifestyle, eliminating the causes of heart palpitations.

You can get rid of tachycardia symptoms with the help of different categories of drugs. The dosage regimen and duration of therapy are set individually. Usually, doctors prescribe the following medications:

  • Sedatives based on herbal ingredients. They normalize the pulse, eliminate pain, provide a calming effect. These drugs can be purchased without a prescription. This is Persen, Tenoten. Still used infusions and extracts of valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, peony.
  • Antiarrhythmic drugs. This group includes Atropine, Panangin, Asparkam.
  • Synthetic soothing medicines. These funds are prescribed if there is no action from natural preparations. These include Relanium, Phenobarbital.
  • Beta blockers. This is Bisoprolol, Propranolol.
Pressure Low Pulse 100 Beats

Synthetic agents are also used for emergency care if tachycardia appeared from alcohol poisoning. Medications are taken in courses or according to indications.


How to reduce the pulse at home without medication? Many people prefer folk recipes. They can be used in the absence of serious health problems. Before this, it is advisable to consult a doctor. There is a risk of incompatibility between home prescriptions and prescribed drugs. In addition, there is the likelihood of contraindications to such funds.

The following recipes are used at home:

  • A decoction of hawthorn, it will take 1 tbsp. l dry flowers, which are poured with boiling water (glass) and insist 30 minutes under the lid. Take the drug three times a day. It is advisable to do this before eating.
  • You can prepare a useful remedy from garlic (10 medium-sized heads), honey (1 liter) and lemon (10 pieces). This is enough for the entire course of treatment. All components are crushed, mixed with honey. The tool is put in a dark place for a week. The composition is taken according to 2 tbsp. l once a day in the morning.
  • Herbal tea, which consists of chamomile flowers, valerian rhizomes, caraway seeds and fennel, is effective. All components are taken in equal parts and mixed. To get 1 cup of the product you need 1 tbsp. l collection and 250 ml of boiling water. Tea must be infused. After that, it is ready for use.


If the frequent pulse is not associated with heart disease, the risk of complication is small. When pathology is a symptom of diseases of the cardiovascular system, this can cause the following conditions:

  • Fainting. With frequent heartbeats, a decrease in pressure and a violation of the blood supply to the brain occur. This is usually observed with valvular or congenital heart defects.
  • Stroke. This complication is possible if the pulse is frequent and irregular. This is a tachysystolic form of atrial fibrillation. With this ailment, the atria function irregularly, and the blood in them leads to the appearance of a clot. With the separation of the clot, an embolus appears, penetrating the cerebral artery and clogging it.
  • Heart failure. In extreme cases, a frequent pulse is considered a symptom of the development of severe arrhythmia, which stops cardiac activity.
  • Heart failure. A long-lasting, frequent pulse weakens myocardial contractility.

With a rapid heartbeat, sleep disturbance is observed. It is associated with the musculoskeletal or nervous system. A secondary panic attack may occur, which manifests itself in an acceleration of the heartbeat and breathing. A man wakes up, it is difficult for him to fall asleep.

Heart rate over 100 beats

To reduce the increased heart rate at night, use sedatives that are taken in the evening. Sometimes they are prescribed with a frequent pulse that appears suddenly. If an increased heart rate often occurs at night for no apparent reason, you need to seek help from a specialist.


For the proper functioning of the heart, you need to eat foods saturated with magnesium, potassium. Here is a list of foods that you need to consume at least once a day:

  • Apricots
  • Legumes
  • Dried fruits.
  • Nuts.
  • Currant.
  • Beet.
  • Citrus.

These products must necessarily be in the diet, if there is a predisposition to heart palpitations.


In order to prevent attacks of increased palpitations, factors leading to an increase in heart rate should be excluded. Doctors recommend following these rules:

  • Provide a good rest. You need to sleep at least 8 hours a day. With tachycardia, you should not work at night.
  • Correct the diet. It is advisable to eat plant foods. It is necessary to limit the amount of salty, heavy for the stomach, fatty foods. They increase the load on the heart.
  • Avoid stress and control emotions.
  • Do sport.
  • A lot of time to be in the fresh air.
  • Get rid of bad habits.
Heart rate 100 beats per minute

An increased heart rate can be a symptom of a dangerous disease. To eliminate this condition and prevent negative consequences, you should consult a doctor in a timely manner and follow his recommendations.

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