The film "Prestige": reviews, actors, plot of the film

Among the films about magicians “Prestige” has a special place. He is a kind of modern American founder of the whole genre. From time immemorial, the world community wanted to unravel the secrets of the greatest illusionists, and often the plots of films were built not only on a chain of ordinary actions, referred to as riddles, but also on something really connected with magic.

movie prestige reviews

Magic is the key to success

The British writer Christopher Priest was inspired by the American illusionist William Robinson and his rivalry with the Chinese fire extinguisher Jin Linfu. This formed the basis of the future mystical novel “Prestige”. Robinson subsequently adopted many tricks from him, remaining a leader in the field of special, exotic illusions, such as decapitation or catching a bullet. During one of the tricks, he died. The meaning of the film “Prestige” is quite simple - the authors took the story from the book as the basis. However, the scene changed dramatically.

The illusory film adaptation of Christopher Nolan

The name of the English director is known to the whole world, and only a little is known that Nolan began to feel his love for science fiction after watching Star Wars at the age of seven. Since then, he did not stop thinking about her, and when Christopher Priest’s novel fell into his hands, he realized that this was his chance. The 2006 Prestige film was the first fantasy film adaptation after Batman: The Beginning, which Nolan wanted to stage later. However, Warner Bros. Studios For a long time I was looking for someone who would be able to restart the brand of a well-known defender and fighter for justice, so the idea had to be postponed until next year.

film prestige 2006

Prestigious co-authorship

As soon as the “Batman” was completed, Nolan immediately began work on a new project. The film about the magicians “Prestige” united him with his brother Jonathan. In particular, they thoroughly reworked the key storylines, removing the features of modernity, and transferred the characters to the past. And they also changed the acquaintance of the main characters, who later became competitors: for example, in the book they did not know each other before the confrontation, but in the film they made friendship long before their enmity.

Combination of different genres

Creating a picture, Christopher Nolan was thinking about how to intrigue the viewer, just as Christopher Priest did. The novel over the years 1995-1997 was repeatedly nominated for various literary prizes. The director also included the detective character of the future film with the dramatic and tragic friendship of the heroes, not forgetting to season with an impressive portion of the components of this thriller. So the film “Prestige” turned out. The description of the picture largely coincides with the book, but Nolan takes the viewer to the two previous centuries, showing the rivalry of magicians-illusionists Alfred and Robert. Their once-born friendship and "kind" competition played a cruel joke, growing into a real war, not for life, but for death. To learn the secrets of each other’s unimaginable tricks, they are ready to do whatever they want, ripping off performances. Slowly but surely, confrontation affects the people around them. The peculiarity of the film is not in a consistent narrative, but in a series of changing flashbacks that throw the viewer along different time periods.

prestige type films

Premiere and success

The film was shown at the Rome Film Festival in October 2006, and was later released for wide release and on DVD release. Russian viewers saw the picture a few months later, but she herself, like the main characters, entered into a serious struggle with the main competitor - “Illusionist” Neil Berger, who came out almost simultaneously with it. Thus, films similar to “Prestige” were replenished with another creation about the life of magicians. And yet, the success of Prestige was unconditional - two Oscar nominations and a payback of more than 2.5 times.

Most important recognition

And also - audience love and rave reviews from critics. This was a great studio project, despite the lack of scale, as Nolan and Batman had before, and with an inherent share of special effects, without which it would be impossible to show fantastic tricks. Nevertheless, the director tries as little as possible to use computer graphics, bringing illusory magic closer to reality, investing their harmonious combination in the film "Prestige". The reviews of the audience said that it turned out to be interesting, because such a topic always captures the imagination.

What's the idea?

Thanks to the picture, viewers will learn the main components of any focus. “Bait” ​​shows the item itself, with which the magic will happen. In “Transformation”, the focus itself takes place, and only the last return of the original item was called “Prestige”. It is mentioned in the commercial of the film, implying a trick in which the audience is not able to unravel its secret. The primary novel includes an additional meaning, bearing a more mystical attitude compared to what the film Prestige itself is characteristic of. Viewers can draw on the description and clue of the double idea from the novel.

movie prestige actors

Creating the picture, Christopher Nolan was guided by the idea that most viewers might not like it. It was a narrow focus of the genre. Unlike other similar paintings, here the plot is built not around exposure, but around the life of the main characters. This is a movie with deep overtones. Fascination is combined with dynamism, resulting in a bright and perfect film “Prestige”. Reviews of those who saw the picture, for the most part, are reduced to a consensus on its magnificence. In particular, the confrontation is not limited to only the main characters. Almost all of them are a little crazy in their own way, the question remains, to whom to express sympathy, and to whom sympathy. The correctness of both duelists-magicians is based on an obsession with what they love, therefore it is extremely difficult to choose between them - and is it worth it if the film does not suggest such a thing?

Impressive looking recommended

According to statistics and personal perception of the audience, a huge part of the paintings published recently are not very impressive. In this case, the impression is not due to subsequent guessing of the plot. The expectation of what the denouement will be is an important component that the film Prestige has incorporated. The reviews of those who watched the picture are advised to wait for the finale, as it leaves a pleasant aftertaste, from which for some time the viewer will still be in light euphoria. Indeed, a wonderful property for the film! In addition, someone will be able to unravel a few secrets ahead of the denouement, and in any case, the finale will not leave you indifferent.

Everything is relative

Obviously, when the viewer enjoys watching, he is satisfied with the whole film. Giving birth to a logical question: what other films exist similar to “Prestige?” The viewers themselves can give an answer. To some extent, an association with this picture is called “Fight Club” by David Fincher. First of all, by its psychologism. Probably, “Prestige” should be attributed to those films when watching which there are no words, for all the genius of the plot, it changes every few minutes, showing through the prism of magic the realities of ordinary life inherent in an ordinary person - a continuous illusion in every minute lived and the constant need to stay alert . On the contrary, “Prestige” can show absolute, ideal misfortune. After all, some characters with their incredibly beautiful and enchanting life, each of which is unhappy in his own way, can also be perceived as such.

film about magicians prestige

Screen embodiment should not be an illusion

In preparation for the shooting, Christopher Nolan for a long time planned to give one of the roles to actor Jude Law. However, he could not do without his “favorite” Michael Kane, whom he shoots in almost every film. In Prestige, he played the scientist John Cutter. David Bowie, leaving for a while the musical field, appeared in the role of engineer and inventor Nikola Tesla, which his fans were incredibly happy. The opposing magicians were played by Christian Bale and Hugh Jackman, who will appear in other images during the film. The wife of Robert Anger Julia was played by Piper Perabo, and Scarlett Johansson turned into assistant Olivia, which is also unusual for the actress's filmography.

In general, the cast of the film can impress or even surprise any sophisticated viewer. Just as for each of them, the film “Prestige” may turn out to be iconic in a career. The actors, as the audience noted, perfectly coped with their roles. With a wonderful selection of their game gives impeccability and professionalism.

movie prestige description

What to see more?

Returning to the subject of magic and magic, it is worth recognizing that in modern cinema there are few such paintings. Films of the “Prestige” type are created with relative frequency, but the most interesting ones that are required to be watched can be called. The dramatic thriller Deadly with Catherine Zeta-Jones and Guy Pearce tells the story of the famous illusionist Harry Houdini. Woody Allen’s comedy film “Moonlight Magic” will take viewers to the 20s of the last century, telling about the acquaintance and subsequent exposure of the popular magician and young spiritualist. And finally, the detective thriller about the team of magicians “The Illusion of Deception” will not go unnoticed. The picture of 2013 was so successful that Hollywood plans to soon continue it.

The film "Prestige." Reviews about the picture, not flawed

This is the only way to characterize the overall success of the film. If viewers are willing to leave feedback, then they are positive. Otherwise, “Prestige” is not evaluated at all, because its neutral state is unacceptable. In a word, he either likes it or not.

prestigious films

Based on such a subtle and dangerous edge as magic and magic, which go along with many mysteries and the threat of exposure, Christopher Nolan made a film about how this magic is created. Plunging into its very depths, he returns to the surface the interweaving of science and obsession, insidiousness and skill, reminding the viewer of caution, allowing someone to take power over themselves. “Prestige” maximally showed the surroundings of the old era, including stunning costumes and the atmosphere of the old theater stages, as well as long intriguing stage versions of the illusionists, whose tricks you really want to watch.

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