Cooking Chicken Galantine Together

Galantine came to us from French cuisine. The word itself is translated as “jelly,” so the dish was originally jellied, made from fish or lean meats. The product was given a strict cylindrical shape. Cooling occurred under the action of an arbitrary load. Galantine was served to the table in a whole piece, laid on a dish, and cut into portions with a knife like a regular roll.

Currently, more often cook galantine from chicken. This diet meat is most suitable for cooking. Moreover, now it is no longer jelly, but minced meat with eggs and spices, baked or boiled in chicken skin. Externally, the dish looks like a regular stuffed chicken. And only when it is divided into portions, it becomes clear what is inside. There are several cooking methods, each of which is worthy of attention.

chicken galantin
Most often, chicken galantin is prepared with pork (for a more delicate taste and aroma).

Product Set:

based on 1 chicken we take 250 grams of pork, 1 egg, ½ cup cream (milk or plain water), salt, garlic, ground pepper and other spices to taste.

Prepare galantine from chicken as follows:

  1. Wash the chicken carcass thoroughly and dry it with a towel.
  2. Then it is necessary to remove the whole skin from it and separate the meat from the bones. First you need to cut off the legs and wings.
  3. We put the skin aside, fixing the places of the cuts with a toothpick or ordinary thread.
  4. Grind chicken and pork in a meat grinder, and then add all the products according to the recipe. You can also add mushrooms, slices of bacon, vegetables or dried fruits to the minced meat. It all depends on what the hostess's fantasy tells.
  5. With the resulting meat, we fill the chicken skin and sew up all the holes.
  6. We cover the baking dish with foil, put the chicken with the seams down and grease it with mayonnaise.
  7. We put the form in the oven at 190 degrees for an hour and a half. Product readiness can be checked with a toothpick or match.
  8. We take the finished galantine from the chicken out of the oven, cover it with foil on top and leave it for 15 minutes to get the dish well. You can serve both hot and cooled to the table.

chickens galantine
In order to cook a delicious galantine from chickens, it is not necessary to give it the shape of a bird carcass and bake in the oven for a long time. You can use another, no less interesting recipe. You will need: one and a half kilogram chicken, 2 eggs, 100 grams of cream, 300 grams of fresh mushrooms, pepper, 30 grams of butter and salt.

It all starts, as in the previous recipe:

  1. My chicken carcass. Then we make an incision on the back and carefully remove the skin.
  2. We turn meat into minced meat.
  3. Fry fresh mushrooms in a preheated pan.
  4. We combine all products and spices together. The resulting mixture is filled with chicken skin.
  5. The resulting semi-finished product is tightly wrapped in cling film and put in a pan with hot water. Such a “parcel” is brewed for approximately 1 hour.
  6. We take out the hot product from the water, unfold the film and leave it for a while until it cools completely. If you put such a “roll” under the press, then it will become flatter. This will facilitate the cutting process when serving.

galantine recipe
If you decide to make galantine at home, the recipe can be selected based on the products that are available in the house. The dish acquires a very unusual taste if nuts are added to the minced meat. The recipe will look something like this:

For a chicken weighing 1 kilogram, 200 grams of pork, 1 egg, salt, 70 grams of bacon, 300 grams of milk, ground pepper, 120 grams of pistachios and a little nutmeg (to taste) are necessary.

The cooking method is similar to the previous ones:

  1. We free the chicken from the skin, cut the fillet, and remove the remaining meat from the bones.
  2. Pulp the chicken and pork twice through a meat grinder.
  3. Add egg whites, milk and beat in a lush mass. We add the remaining ingredients and make the final batch. Stuffing is ready.
  4. From the remaining bones, we cook the broth.
  5. On the skin, alternately lay out the layers of minced meat and fillet pieces. We fasten the edges and form a blank in the form of a bird.
  6. Wrap it in gauze, fill with broth, add fresh carrots and onions. Cook for an hour and a half.
  7. At the end of cooking, “galantine” is freed from gauze and put on a plate to allow drainage of excess fluid. Such a dish is usually served with vegetables or herbs.

Such a "boneless chicken", prepared according to one of the proposed recipes, will be a real decoration of any table.

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