Georgian adjika with walnut

It's no secret that adjika with walnut is a truly Caucasian seasoning. It has a sharp taste and consists of spices, pepper and salt. To prepare this sauce, approximately the same set of ingredients is used. Only their ratio changes. After reading today's article, you will learn several options for this dish.

What will be needed for cooking?

In order for you to get a really tasty adjika with walnuts, the recipe of which we will give later, you need to take care of all the ingredients in advance. To prepare this Caucasian sauce you will need:

  • A pound of hot pepper.
  • 100 grams of walnuts.
  • Three tablespoons of salt.
  • 400 grams of greens.
  • One tablespoon of coriander seeds.
  • 100 grams of garlic.

It is advisable to use parsley and cilantro as greens, since it is they that are best in harmony with the above set of products.

Cooking technology

To protect your hands, you need to work in thin rubber gloves. Otherwise, skin irritation caused by sharp ingredients may appear. It is also necessary to ensure that the juice of hot pepper does not get into the face and eyes.

adjika with walnut

First you need to dry the walnuts in a hot frying pan and free them from excess husks. After that, peel the garlic. To speed up the process, it is advisable to choose large heads.

Then coriander, nuts and garlic need to be passed through a meat grinder with a fine mesh. In the same way you should do with pre-washed pepper. By the way, it is not necessary to remove seeds from the latter. If the pepper gave a lot of juice, you can drain it. After that, you need to mix all the adjika components and once again pass them through the meat grinder until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

Then the future sauce needs to be salt and add to it the previously washed and finely chopped greens. Cooked according to this recipe adjika with walnut should be infused for three days. After this time, it can be laid out in clean jars, covered with lids and put in a cold place.

Second option

A delicious adjika with walnuts and tomatoes is prepared according to this recipe. To create this sauce you will need ingredients such as:

  • 150 grams of walnut.
  • Two chili peppers.
  • Medium bunch of cilantro.
  • A kilogram of sweet bell pepper.
  • Two tomatoes.
  • Head of garlic.

In addition, you will need two teaspoons of salt and coriander, twenty grams of horseradish root, one tablespoon of paprika and sugar, and one tea of ​​suneli hops and cumin.

adjika with walnuts recipe

In order for you to get a real Caucasian adjika with walnut, you must carefully follow all the stages of its preparation. First of all, you should cut pre-washed and peeled peppers and tomatoes. As for the walnuts, they can be fried in a dry frying pan or placed for ten minutes in an oven, heated to two hundred degrees. If desired, they can be freed from excess husk.

adjika with walnuts for the winter

Spice fried in advance (paprika, coriander, suneli hops and zira) should be placed in a mortar and crushed. Having mixed all the ingredients, it is necessary to pass them through a meat grinder or grind them using a food processor. It is important not to overdo it so that vegetables do not turn into porridge. The resulting mass should be transferred to a saucepan and simmer under the lid for twenty-five minutes. After adjika with walnuts is cooked, it is advisable to add chopped horseradish and garlic to it. Cooled sauce can be served.

Third option

This recipe makes delicious adjika with walnuts for the winter. To do this, you will need two kilograms of multi-colored sweet pepper, two tablespoons of salt, one hundred grams of sugar, half a glass of apple cider vinegar, two hundred grams of garlic, five pods of hot pepper and a pound of walnut kernels.

adjika with walnut and tomato

The sauce according to this recipe is prepared at an unbelievable speed. Therefore, before the start of the process, it is necessary to sterilize banks in advance. Otherwise, you risk not having time to roll the adjika hot.

Peeled garlic and pepper should be passed through a meat grinder, add chopped nuts, vinegar, sugar and salt there and put on a small fire. It is recommended to cook the mass for a quarter of an hour, not forgetting to periodically stir the contents of the pan.

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