How to cook hake fish in the oven: the most delicious recipe

Almost everyone knows about the beneficial qualities of fish. One of the most popular types of this product is hake. It contains a small amount of fat. Such food is recommended for those who follow the figure and adhere to the correct diet. The article talks about how to cook hake fish in the oven.

Carrot Recipe

This food requires the following products:

  1. 4 carcasses of fish.
  2. Four large spoons of mayonnaise sauce.
  3. Sunflower oil in an amount of 17 ml.
  4. 50 grams of dill.
  5. Bulb.
  6. 1 carrot.
  7. A small spoon of dry seasoning.
  8. Salt - as much.

To cook hake carcasses in the oven with a carrot, the fish should be thawed. Remove fins and scales. Vegetables need to be peeled. Onions are divided into semicircular pieces, the carrots are rubbed. Rinse dill and chop finely. Carcasses are cut along the back so that they can be conveniently deployed. Do not divide the fish into 2 halves. The ridge must be carefully removed. Only the flesh should remain. The inner layer of the fillet is covered with salt, seasonings and mayonnaise sauce. Sprinkle with half a serving of dill, onions and carrots. Then the dish is greased with sunflower oil. Stack the fillet in half. Filler should remain inside the fish. The pulp is placed on the surface of the foil. Cover with a layer of oil, sprinkle with spices, salt, remaining herbs. Wrap the fish in metal paper, put on a baking sheet. Make a hake in the oven with carrots at a temperature of about 180 degrees for forty minutes.

baked hake with carrots

Then the dish is taken out of the oven, carefully removed from the foil, slightly cooled and served on the table.

Baked fish with butter

To prepare the food you will need:

  1. One and a half kilograms of carcasses hake.
  2. Salt.
  3. Black pepper.
  4. Butter (at least 180 grams).
  5. A bunch of fresh herbs.

This is the most delicious hake recipe in the oven. In addition, it is very simple.

hake with butter and herbs

To cook such a dish, you must defrost the fish. It should not have ice. Then fins are removed from the surface of the carcasses, and tails are cut. The pulp is rinsed under cold water, dried with paper towels. The baking dish is lined with "metal" paper. Put carcasses on it. The greens are rinsed, dried and finely chopped. Placed on the surface of the fish. Cover the dish with butter, which must be cut into large squares. The edges of the metal paper are joined together to completely cover the dish. The hake in foil in the oven according to the recipe presented in this chapter is cooked at a temperature of 110 degrees for about 25 minutes.

Add potatoes

For this dish you will need the following ingredients:

  1. Fish fillet in the amount of 2-3 pieces.
  2. Small onion head.
  3. Eight potato tubers.
  4. Sour cream (approximately 150 grams).
  5. Salt.
  6. Spices and herbs.
  7. Sunflower oil.
  8. Hard cheese - approximately 150 grams.

How to cook hake fish in the oven with the addition of potatoes?

potato hake in the oven

The recipe is presented in this section. The pulp must be rinsed. It is cut into small squares. Sunflower oil is placed at the bottom of the baking dish. The potato should be peeled and rinsed. Divide into round pieces with a knife.

Place half of the product on the surface of the vessel. Add salt, spices, herbs. Pieces of hake are placed on a layer of potato. Sprinkle them with spices and chopped onions. Cover with a layer of sour cream. Put the rest of the potatoes on top. It can also be salt and pepper. The dish is greased with sour cream, sprinkled with chopped cheese, cooked in an oven until all components are soft. This is one of the most popular hake dishes in the oven, which can be served on weekdays and on the festive table.

Garlic & Sour Cream Fish

The composition of the dish includes:

  • Hake pulp weighing approximately 700 grams.
hake fillet
  • 2 medium onion heads.
  • About 200 milliliters of sour cream.
  • Carrot.
  • A few cloves of garlic.
  • Salt, herbs, spices.
  • Fresh greens.
  • Sunflower oil.

Many people think that the most delicious hake recipe in the oven is fish cooked with sour cream. This component makes the pulp soft and juicy, forms an appetizing crust on the surface of the dish, which prevents the product from becoming dry.

To make such a "masterpiece", the fillet must be rinsed, divided into small-sized slices. Vegetables (carrots and onions) are peeled, washed, cut into small squares. Sour cream is combined with garlic cloves, salt, herbs and spices. Sunflower oil is placed in a baking dish. Spread on it half a portion of vegetables, fish slices. Hake sprinkled with the remaining carrots and onions. Cover with sour cream gravy. The dish is baked in the oven for about 30 minutes. The finished dish is sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Fish with vegetables

The hake pulp contains few calories. Therefore, it is recommended to eat those who would like to lose weight. The dish mentioned in this section can be consumed during the diet. Roasting is the best way to cook fish. It helps to preserve not only excellent taste, but also all the beneficial substances that are contained in the pulp. To make a dish in the oven, it is not necessary to use a large amount of vegetable oil. This is another plus for those who follow the figure.

To eat with the addition of vegetables you will need:

  1. Half a kilogram of hake pulp.
  2. Fresh tomatoes in the amount of two or three pieces.
  3. Spices for the preparation of fish dishes.
  4. Lemon juice.
  5. Carrots (at least two).
  6. One onion.
  7. Sunflower oil.
  8. Fresh greens.

How to cook hake fish in the oven?

hake with vegetables

This is described in the next section.


Hake pulp should be rinsed in cold water. If the fish has bones, they must be removed. Then the product is divided into small slices. Place the pieces in a deep bowl, sprinkle with spices and salt, pour over lemon juice. Leave the fish for thirty minutes to marinate.

At this time, vegetables are cooked. They are rinsed, cleaned. Tomatoes and onions are divided into semicircular pieces. Carrots are ground on a grater, half a portion of the product is placed on a metal sheet coated with a layer of oil. Then place the hake slices. Sprinkle them with onions. Cover with the rest of carrots and tomatoes. Cook in the oven for about thirty minutes. Then it is taken out, laid out on plates and sprinkled with finely chopped greens.

Cheese recipe

The composition of this dish includes:

  1. Two to three carcasses of fish.
  2. Onion head.
  3. Cheese in an amount of 50 grams.
  4. Salt.
  5. 17 ml of sunflower oil.
  6. A pinch of chopped pepper.

How to cook hake fish in the oven with cheese? Carcasses should be rinsed, cleaned from fins. The baking sheet is covered with a layer of "metal" paper. The onion head is divided into semicircular pieces. Stack them on the foil. The flesh of the fish is divided into slices. Place on the surface of the onion. Sprinkle with salt, crushed pepper. Cover with sunflower oil and put in the oven. Cook at a temperature of at least 200 degrees for fifteen minutes. Cheese should be chopped. Open the oven and place the product on the surface of the dish. Put the food in the oven. Bake for about ten minutes, until a light crust of golden hue appears.

hake with cheese crust

Hake with cheese in the oven is a simple and nutritious dish.

Add mushrooms

It will require such products:

  1. A pound of hake fillet.
  2. Mushrooms fresh or frozen - about 300 g.
  3. Onion head.
  4. Butter.
  5. Greens and spices.
  6. Salt.
  7. Mayonnaise sauce.

How to cook hake fish in the oven with the addition of mushrooms?

hake with mushrooms in the oven

The pulp should be rinsed, chopped. Cover with a layer of spices and salt and leave for a while. Mushrooms are washed, divided into plates. Frozen mushrooms must first be boiled in boiling water, then put in a colander, cool. The bulb is peeled, rinsed. Divided into semicircular slices. The metal sheet is coated with melted butter. Slices of hake, onion, chopped champignons, mayonnaise sauce, crushed hard cheese are placed on it. Sprinkle with salt and spices. The dish is cooked in the oven for approximately forty minutes.

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