The medicine "Akriderm" (cream) is characterized by instructions as a means for external use of the combined type. The medication has an antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory effect, exhibits an anti-allergic effect.
Betamethasone, which is part of the drug, has an antipruritic, antiexudative effect. The component helps to slow the accumulation of leukocytes, suppress phagocytosis, inhibit the release of inflammatory mediators and lysosomal enzymes in the lesion, reduces the permeability of tissues and blood vessels, and prevents the development of swelling. Clotrimazole, which is also part of the Akriderm-cream drug (instructions confirm this), has an antifungal effect. The mechanism of this activity is caused by disturbances in the synthesis of ergosterol - an integral part of the membrane of a fungal cell. Another component - gintamycin - is an antibiotic that has a fairly wide range of effects. The component is active against many gram-negative microbes.
The medicine "Akriderm" (cream), the instruction recommends for dermatomycosis (including on the feet, in the groin area), dermatosis, accompanied by a secondary or primary infection. Indications include diffuse or limited neurodermatitis, pityriasis versicolor.
Cream "Akriderm". Instructions for use
The medicine is recommended to be applied with a thin layer on the problem area. Frequency of use - no more than twice a day (in the morning and evening hours). The duration of therapy is set in accordance with the tolerability and effectiveness of the medication. As a rule, the duration of the course is from two to four weeks.
Adverse reactions
Based on the use of the Akriderm cream (cream) (the instruction warns about this), allergic dermatitis (contact), erythema, urticaria, furunculosis, hypertrichosis, perioral dermatitis, paresthesia can occur. Some patients have swelling, folliculitis, striae, telangiectasia, irregularities in pigmentation, a burning sensation, dry skin, and atrophy of the skin. A medication can provoke peeling of the skin, prickly heat. On the basis of too long use, the appearance of adverse reactions of a systemic nature, in particular, inhibition of the function of the adrenal cortex.
The use of the drug is not recommended for chickenpox, during lactation, for herpes (a simple type), skin syphilitic manifestations. No medicine is prescribed for reactions after vaccination, under the age of one year, with perforation in the eardrum. Contraindications include open wounds, hypersensitivity. During pregnancy, the absolute safety of the drug has not been established. In this regard, the appointment is carried out only by a specialist in the presence of vital indications.
Means "Akriderm" (cream). Instruction Price
The cost of the drug is from three hundred rubles.