Actor Jim Hanks: roles, films, biography

Jim Hanks is a filmman with American citizenship. Filmed in series and feature films, works as a director, cameraman, producer. On his account 54 cinematic works. As an actor, he took part in the creation of popular TV series: Clinic, Robotsyp, Lois and Clark: New Adventures of Superman, Dexter. Interacted with actors: Christopher Darga, Sarah Lancaster, Larry Sullivan, Shelley Malil, Thomas Crawford and others. The most successful year of his career is 2006, when the actor worked on the series Dexter. Films with Jim Hanks are comedies, short films, movie dramas.

The brother of master of cinematography Tom Hanks. The husband of actress Karen Parksel. Before that, he was married to Karen Hanks. The father of two children. According to the zodiac sign - Gemini. Now the actor is 56 years old.

actor jim hanks


Born June 15, 1961 in a small California town in the family of Amos and Janet Hanks. It is the youngest son of this couple at that time. After the parents divorced, Jim moved with his mother to Red Bluff, and the rest of the children (Tom, Sandra and Larry) chose to stay with their father. After graduating from college, Jim Hanks settled in Sacramento, where he worked as a waiter. In the late 1980s, he went to Los Angeles to become a professional actor. Soon after, he began acting in low-budget cinema projects and worked as a voice actor.

frame with actor Jim Hanks

At this time, he worked in the company of the city of Los Angeles Feet First Films, which is engaged in the production of short films. Now lives with his wife and son in the California town of Venice. The financial condition of Jim Hanks is estimated at $ 2 million.

Work in large projects

At the beginning of his career in 1993, he played Forest Barrish in the series “Lois Clark: New Adventures of Superman”. Two years later, appeared in the role of Kyle Anderson in the television project “Military Legal Service”. In 1996, noted in the children's series "Sabrina - a little witch." In 1999, he played a cameo role in the action movie "Jean-Claude Van Damme" Inferno. This is a story about finding himself alone Eddie Lomax, whom fate once throws into the town of Inferno, where he will become the defender of its inhabitants, in every possible way oppressed by smugglers. In 2001, he received an invitation to play Dr. Turner in the popular medical comedy series Clinic. In 2006, he captured the image of one of the secondary characters in the thriller of the serial format “Dexter”, in which the main character is a Miami police officer who kills only criminals and villains.

New roles

In the 2014 TV series Rake, Jim Hanks can be found in the director. In 2017, he portrayed Matt Flanery in the movie Sex Trip, a fantastic comedy in which the main character, the womanizer Eddie Greenpuff, becomes a woman after he refused the old woman who wanted to be kissed.

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