Cernilton medicine: instructions for use, contraindications, side effects

The medicine "Cernilton" is a herbal remedy intended for the treatment of prostatitis and the benign nature of prostatic hyperplasia.

cernilton instructions for use
The preparation is produced in the form of biconvex tablets containing water-soluble and fat-soluble fractions of a plant pollen extract. Auxiliary components are magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, silicon dioxide.

Pharmacological properties of the drug "Cernilton"

Instructions for use explain that the medication has anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous properties, normalizes metabolic processes. This is possible due to the inclusion of amino acids, phytosterols and carbohydrates in the composition of the medication. An important property is the slowdown of COX and lipoxygenase, which contributes to inhibition of the reproduction of prostaglandins and leukotrienes and, accordingly, a decrease in pain and swelling. The medicine relaxes the smooth muscle elements of the urethra, thus improving urination. The use of the drug can reduce the size of the prostate gland, since the active components selectively block the urethral alpha-adrenergic receptors, slow down alpha reductase, improve erectile function and have an antiandrogenic effect on the male body.

cernilton instruction Price

Indications for taking Cernilton

The instructions for use explain that the medicine is used to treat various types of prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia, complicated by increased urination and prostatitis. The tool is also used for general weakness that occurs in old age.

Contraindications of the Cernilton medication

Instructions for use inform that tablets are not allowed for hypersensitivity. Do not use the product for children, pregnant and lactating women.

Side effects of the drug "Cernilton"

The instruction shows that the drug can cause allergies in some situations, in rare cases, nausea. There is no information about overdoses.


Means "Cernilton": instructions for use

Tablets must be taken 30 minutes before meals, washed down with liquid. It is not recommended to combine therapy with the use of alcohol. In acute prostatitis, 4 pills are prescribed three times a day. The duration of treatment is three months. The chronic form of prostatitis is treated up to six months, you need to take 1 tablet four times a day. With benign hyperplasia, two capsules are used three times a day, it takes up to three months to take.

Medicine "Cernilton": instruction, price

The instruction indicates that the drug "Adenoprostal" acts as an analogue of the medication. With bacterial chronic prostatitis, treatment should be carried out in combination with antibacterial agents. When stored in a dry and dark place and at a temperature of 25 degrees Cernilton will not lose its healing properties for five years. The cost of the medication is about 1400 rubles.

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