The drug "Enap-N": instructions for use, dosages, analogues, reviews

One of the most popular drugs these days is Enap-N, a drug recommended for high blood pressure. This is a modern remedy effective for hypertension. True, its independent use is categorically not recommended, you should seek the help of a doctor. The doctor will prescribe the optimal treatment program. It should be remembered that there are contraindications: Enap-N is considered a fairly safe drug, but in some cases its use is strictly prohibited.

enap n analogues

When and why?

As follows from the instructions, Enap-N (10mg, 25mg) is designed to normalize high blood pressure. In order for the product to have the desired effect, it is important to take it in reasonable amounts (for adults - 1 tablet per day), since an overabundance can lead to the most negative consequences. It must be remembered that the lack of proper treatment for high blood pressure can cause death. To achieve a therapeutic effect, you must visit a doctor and describe all the disturbing symptoms. The doctor will direct for analysis, on the basis of which it will be possible to make a decision - which dosage "Enap-N" is necessary. A qualified professional will determine how long treatment should be.

As can be seen from the reviews of doctors, Enap-N with relative safety is highly effective. This is due to the composition of the medication. According to the manufacturer, the work on the creation of the drug has been conducted for more than one year, therefore, all the features of the influence of the active substance on the human body are currently studied. The main compound due to which the drug works is enalapril. To increase efficiency, hydrochlorothiazide, maleate are introduced into the medication. During the manufacturing process, additional specific compounds were used to simplify the administration of the drug and improve the quality of its digestibility. Any allergic person who knows the negative reactions of his body to substances used in the pharmaceutical industry should thoroughly examine all included components. In particular, the tablets contain starch, magnesium stearate and sodium bicarbonate, talc, lactose monohydrate. In the instructions, the manufacturer mentions that the tablets should have a yellowish tint. This is ensured by the introduction of a special dye into the preparation.

What's in pharmacies?

On the shelves of pharmaceutical points of sale you can find different dosage options "Enap-N" - 10 mg, 25 mg. The drug is produced by several manufacturers, although the Krka product is most widely used. The packaging design, the color of the tablets inside, the amount of the drug depends on the manufacturer. The dosage, the number of capsules contained inside the cardboard box, must be indicated on its outer side. There are round and flat tablets, some companies produce a little beveled on one edge, equipped with a risk or not having one. Mostly color - shades of yellow.

If you pay attention to the pharmacy shelves, it can be seen that Enap-N (25 mg, 10 mg) is represented mainly by packages, which contain two blisters for a dozen pieces each. The cost is about 200 rubles. The specific price is determined by the policy of the pharmacy, the manufacturer of the composition, the amount of medicine in the package.

Safe and reliable

Distinctive features of tablets from pressure “Enap-N” - fast absorption, increased bioavailability. Active components are adsorbed in the intestinal tract. The main compound (enalapril) can prevent the failure of the functioning of the heart muscle, prevents hypertrophy of the heart chambers. With proper and regular use of the compound, cardiac output remains close to normal for a long time.

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Due to the use of Enap-N, blood flow in the kidney area is normalized, glomeruli are less affected by hypertension. The lipid spectrum returns to normal, the likelihood of necrotic processes in the muscle fibers of the heart decreases due to a lower chance of heart attack. According to statistics, the regular use of Enap-N under the supervision of the attending physician helps to normalize the rhythm of the heartbeat and reduce the frequency of breakdowns. The positive dynamics of heart activity is usually most pronounced if you analyze the changes in key characteristics within six months from the start of taking the medication or more.

Mechanics of work: what else to look for?

The presence of “Enap-N” (the instructions for use also clarifies this point in detail) hydrochlorothiazide can increase the effectiveness of the effect of enalapril on the patient’s body. Thanks to this compound, ion reabsorption of sodium is reduced, due to which excess fluids are removed from the tissues. Proper use of the medication helps reduce the tendency to swelling, lowers heart stress and inhibits the processes of excretion of calcium ions.

As indicated in the instructions, Enap-N contains thiazide diuretics. Such compounds help to stop the effect of mediators that provoke vasoconstriction. At the same time, bcc decreases, pressure indicators decrease. Once in the human body, pharmaceutical components are rapidly absorbed, so the effect of taking is not long in coming.

Use correctly

If the doctor has issued a prescription for the drug in question, it is important to follow the instructions for use. "Enap-N" is intended strictly at a pressure above the normal value, if monotherapy with means to normalize the indicator is ineffective. The combined medication helps to cope with the primary, secondary form of the abnormal condition, and also improves the prognosis of the patient as a whole. Recommended for the prevention of heart failure. In general, it is taken daily once. The manufacturer recommends combining the use of Enap-N with food intake. The greatest positive effect is observed with stable use of the drug at the same time. Experts recommend using Enap-N in the morning. The specific dosage is chosen by the doctor, assessing the patient's condition.

Regarding the duration of the treatment course, certain tips are in the instructions for Enap-N, but the manufacturer recommends that this question be left to the discretion of the attending physician. Before the initial use of the medication, you will have to undergo a complete diagnostic kidney examination. If the patient has previously used diuretics, taking this group of drugs is stopped three days before the start of the Enap-N course.

What to look for?

As can be seen from the instructions for use, Enap-N (reviews confirm this) must be used carefully if the patient has kidney failure. If the clearance is less than 80 ml per one minute, you should warn about this condition of the doctor. This is the reason for adjusting the dosage in a smaller direction. It is especially important to choose a safe amount of diuretic, enalapril, otherwise, the likelihood of side effects increases.

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When taking the product in food, there is rapid absorption through the intestines, after an hour the maximum level of enalapril in the circulatory system is observed. Hydrochlorothiazide in the highest concentration is present in the blood four hours after taking the drug. Just over half (up to 60%) of the compounds react with plasma proteins. The product is able to penetrate the placenta and is found in breast milk, which imposes severe restrictions on the possibility of a therapeutic course using Enap-N during pregnancy and lactation. The kidneys are more responsible for the withdrawal of the drug. They provide the purification of tissues from hydrochlorothiazide, remove more than half of enalapril (up to 60%). Other volume leaves the body naturally - through the intestines.

Treat - Do Not Cripple

As can be seen from the instructions, reviews, Enap-N should be used very carefully if the patient is forced to take other medications in parallel. It is known that the active compound of the drug is able to activate a number of pharmaceutical compounds. If you combine "Enap-N" and other drugs to lower the pressure, the total activity increases. This is especially true for patients taking methyldopa, nitroglycerin. Probably, a dosage adjustment will be required if the person is prescribed calcium channel blockers, adrenergic receptors.

The manufacturer categorically does not recommend the use of Enap-N if the patient is undergoing therapy with angiotensin receptor blocking agents. Such a combination significantly increases the risk of syncope, fainting. Prolonged use of the medication in question can cause an increase in the concentration of potassium ions in the blood plasma. Normally, this effect is blocked by a thiazide diuretic, but this imposes certain restrictions on additional therapy with the use of additives that help preserve potassium, as well as amiloride, triamteren.

Following the recommendations

As can be seen from the reviews, Enap-N is sometimes prescribed to diabetics, but this approach to the therapeutic program requires extremely careful monitoring of the patient's condition. If the patient is forced to use artificial insulin, the combination of the described medication and drugs that reduce glucose indicators develops, leading to unpredictable activation of the latter. To prevent negative consequences, if necessary, the continuous use of Enap-N twice daily check the amount of sugar in the blood. It is especially important to regularly monitor the patient's condition for the first half month from the moment of admission.

When prescribing Enap-N, doctors consider that an ACE inhibitor can cause lithium accumulation, and this imposes restrictions on the compatibility of medicines. The negative results of combined treatment with theophylline, antacids are known.

Combinations and effects

According to reviews, Enap-N is sometimes recommended for people undergoing antidepressant therapy, antipsychotics. If such a program is really necessary, it is important to regularly check the vital indicators of the body: there is the likelihood of an unpredictable sharp decrease in pressure. A similar danger is associated with the use of Enap-N and the use of alcohol. Nonsteroidal drugs that stop inflammatory processes reduce the effectiveness of diuretics, ACE inhibitors.

Requires adjustment and dosage of “Enap-N" while using gold preparations. In the general case, such a combination is not recommended, in a specific situation it remains at the discretion of the doctor, who is able to evaluate the guaranteed benefits of therapy and the possible risks associated with its practice. High probability of nausea, fever. If Enap-N is used in combination with cytostatics, allopurinol, there is a chance of leukopenia. Inhibition of amantadine clearance is possible.

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Unpleasant aspects: what to prepare for?

As can be seen from the instructions for use, Enap-N (analogues, however, too) can provoke adverse effects. More often this is typical for people using the medication without medical supervision, in the presence of contraindications, individual intolerance. The doctor, prescribing the drug, warns which side effects can occur, and what kind of behavioral strategies they require - stop using, reduce dosage, replace. Most often, as can be seen from the responses, the medication provokes conditions that are close to fainting, especially if used incorrectly or in combination with certain groups of pharmaceutical products. There is a chance of increasing the frequency of heartbeat, an allergic reaction, upset stomach, intestines.

The manufacturer warns that Enap-N may cause a decrease in blood levels of hemoglobin, neutrophils, and platelets. Sometimes dizzy, sleep may be disturbed. The kidneys can react to Enap-N by producing less urine and actively removing protein. In laboratory tests, it is sometimes seen that the concentration of creatinine, potassium increases, but sodium, on the contrary, is lost. Enap-N may cause a decrease in sugar susceptibility. Occasionally, when taking the drug, the lipid spectrum suffers.

Too much

Side effects are highly likely if Enap-N is taken in an excessively large dose. The primary sign of this situation is a sharp decrease in pressure significantly below normal. There is a risk of heart attack, stroke, renal failure. Against the background of an overdose of Enap-N, thromboembolism, a decrease in the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle, and an increase in respiratory rate are possible. In some, an overabundance of active ingredients provokes a strong cough, others feel causeless anxiety.

If an overdose is detected, an urgent gastric lavage is required. To alleviate the condition of the patient should be laid horizontally. If the condition is serious, an infusion solution is required. The doctor can dialyze, apply catecholamines. Sometimes pacemakers come to the rescue.

Not at all!

The manufacturer pays special attention to the impossibility of taking the described medication if the patient has an increased sensitivity, immunity of any of the components used in the manufacture of the drug. "Enap-N" is not intended for the treatment of pregnant women, people who do not tolerate lactose, as well as patients prone to allergies to sulfonamides. Despite the possibility of using the medication in the treatment of children, in some cases the ban is strict. This applies to those who have a history of angioedema (the factor does not play a role).

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Enap-N is not intended for the treatment of patients with Addison's pathology, gout, or severe diabetes. A categorical prohibition is imposed on the therapy of persons with renal failure, when creatinine clearance is 30 ml / min or less. You can not use the drug for anuria.

"Interesting" position

If a woman is being treated with Enap-N, in case of pregnancy, the therapy should be urgently discontinued. ACE inhibitors, as shown by medical studies, can affect the fetus, provoke intrauterine death. From medical statistics, cases of the birth of children much earlier are known. A high chance of developing a variety of vices. The components of the drug are able to penetrate into milk, so taking the drug and breastfeeding are categorically not combined.

How to replace?

Analogs of "Enap-N" on sale are represented by a fairly wide variety of items. Some medications are significantly cheaper than the described drug (recall, for him in pharmacies they ask about 200 rubles). In particular, for only 90 rubles you can buy the tool "Renipril". True, the replacement should be agreed with the treating doctor, otherwise there is a likelihood of insufficient effectiveness of the selected medication.

The names “Prilenap”, “Enapharm-N” also act as analogues of “Enap-N”. A fairly expensive substitute is a remedy sold under the name Co-Renitec. For one package in pharmacies you will have to pay about 450 rubles. On the other hand, the reviews on the drug are positive: with a low frequency of side effects, the drug is effective. Another possible replacement for the name in question is Berlipril Plus.

What does the medicine help from?

Enap-N is designed to eliminate high blood pressure and other dangerous conditions associated with arterial hypertension. The disease, according to experts, has become a real epidemic for our century, because in developed countries a similar diagnosis was formed for more than half of all elderly people. As can be seen from medical statistics, in half of all cases associated with the development of complications, the outcome is fatal. Of course, this situation has long attracted the attention of scientists, medical breakthroughs have become the basis for the development of new tools that are significantly more effective than those available to people several decades ago. Nevertheless, hypertension retains its status as an insidious disease associated with considerable dangers. This is largely due to the fact that at first there are no symptoms at all. People in the high-risk group do not even know about it, and if they do, they are not involved in preventive measures or treatment. Many people are accustomed to thinking that this problem will not affect them.

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Stable hypertension - forms when the pressure rises steadily, and bringing parameters back to normal requires therapeutic measures throughout life. An even more severe case is malignant, when the pressure rises to critically high rates. Such a disease progresses at a high speed, can cause complications, many of which are deadly. Finally, the most difficult option is a crisis course, when the patient suffers from hypertensive crises. This is what they call a sharp increase in pressure indicators to critical values, while usually the body is working stably normal or the parameter is only slightly above normal.

Symptoms: how to suspect a disaster?

Based on the study of body parameters, the doctor determines the degree, stage of hypertension. Easy, the first is the situation when systolic pressure reaches 159 mm, diastole - no more than 99 mm. The second stage - 179/109 (boundary indicator). With a pressure level of 180/100 and higher, severe hypertension is diagnosed.

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At the first stage, the pressure rises occasionally and not too much, there are no crises at all, or they are diagnosed with a very low frequency. No target organs affected by high blood pressure. In the second stage, indicators are stably higher than normal, and crises are disturbed with sufficient frequency, target organs suffer. Finally, the third stage is a sharp increase in pressure parameters, while the failure of the functioning of the kidneys, heart muscle is diagnosed, the symptoms of target lesions are very bright.

The danger of hypertension in the absence of symptoms with a slight increase in pressure. Such a problem is usually noticed by accident, if a citizen undergoes preventive monitoring or visits a doctor due to a different pathology. Usually pressure only draws attention to itself in a situation where target organs suffer, and this is already a rather difficult situation. As can be seen from the experience of doctors, most often the heart is under attack.

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