Goosebumps: Causes and Treatment

Do you know the feeling in which goosebumps run like goose bumps? It can resemble an itch and be very annoying. For many this causes serious discomfort. The reasons for this may lie in the emotional state, and exposure to parasites, and skin diseases , etc.

The feeling of "goosebumps" has long been known to many people. It is often defined by phrases such as “goosebumps” (skin that is covered with “goosebumps” resembles goosebumps) or “head hairs on end”. Strong emotional states, such as sexual arousal, fear, and others, can cause this condition. It can also be caused by a feeling of cold. Scientifically, a symptom such as “goose bumps” is called a pilomotor reflex. It is caused by stimulation of the sensory peripheral nerves, as a result of which there is an excitation of the peripheral nerve endings, which are responsible for the smooth muscle contraction that is associated with the hair follicles. And when the muscles of the follicles themselves contract, the hair begins to rise. Raising the hair due to the "goosebumps" is scientifically called piloerection.

Goosebumps are a phenomenon that is more common in animals than in humans. Sawmill, which occurs in people, is just a rudimentary reflex, which is currently devoid of any meaning. He is called "goosebumps." The reasons for the occurrence of this phenomenon is that the hairline of most mammals rises to protect the body from the influence of cold air masses. Also, in animals, piloerection occurs in the event of a threat from another beast - the raised coat gives its owner a more massive and awesome look.

People have goosebumps or hair raised on end - a phenomenon that occurs not only because of cold or fright, but also as a result of a whole gamut of feelings - admiration, a sense of satisfaction or pleasure. It can also be caused by some sounds, for example, a creak of metal on glass, etc. In this case, the goosebumps disappear along with the cause that caused them. But what if this sensation lasts a considerable time?

Not always on innocuous grounds goosebumps occur. The reasons may be in the neurological state of a person. The pilomotor reflex is what is most often found in people who are highly excitable, anxious, suspicious. Therefore, the doctor should pay attention to the nature of the patient, who turns to him with complaints of goosebumps. The reasons for this condition may be the patient's moral instability and nervousness.

And now more about this syndrome. As a rule, goosebumps constantly shift. At first, this sensation can occur in the area of ​​the scapula, then on the forearm, then on the head. In the Temech region, it is often a tickling sensation that intensifies before bedtime. Often there are goosebumps in the head, if you pat your hand through the hair.

In itself, such a sensation, reminiscent of the movement of small insects throughout the body, is not a disease. However, this may be a symptom of the disease. If such a phenomenon occurs frequently and at the same time is combined with other symptoms - pain or numbness, in this case, contact the clinic. Examination of a patient with such a syndrome is the responsibility of a dermatologist and a neurologist.

Goosebumps often appear in case you have been sitting for a long time. As a result, the nerve trunk was transmitted. If the patient has paresthesia only on his legs, then this may indicate a violation of blood circulation. And this may be a sign of diseases in which blood circulation is disturbed in this area. The spectrum of such diseases is wide - from varicose vessels to atherosclerosis of the legs. And in this case, you need to contact a phlebologist.

Although the pilomotor reflex can be caused by harmless factors, you should still pay attention to such a thing as goose bumps. This may be related to any disease.

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