Gas in the stomach

Gases in the stomach can occur in any person, and sometimes at the wrong time. What are the causes of their occurrence and how to deal with them?

In a healthy person, the gases in the stomach can reach up to three pints, and the frequency of their release is up to 14-15 times a day. Intestinal gases, consisting mainly of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen and methane, usually have no smell. The cause of unpleasant odors are substances containing sulfur, which are formed from bacteria that exist in the large intestine.

Although gases in the abdomen are common, however, with an increase in their number or malfunctions in the mechanisms of their removal, a person may experience some unpleasant symptoms.

To begin with, the gases in the stomach are a completely natural phenomenon, they are in everyoneโ€™s stomach and intestines.

In the stomach, these gases enter the process of swallowing air, chewing gum, smoking, and accumulate in the intestine as a result of the vital activity of all those microorganisms that exist there.

In general, gases exit the digestive tract through belching, through the rectum, and also by absorption into the bloodstream.

Flatulence or bloating, gas and heaviness in the stomach are problems that are not customary to speak out loud or discuss loudly. However, their symptoms every time make you turn pale, blush and feel awkward in front of others.

There are several reasons for this condition. This includes excessive consumption of legumes, cabbage, potatoes, natural milk, beer, kvass, grapes, carbonated drinks, black bread, etc. The stomach heals, the gases are disturbing due to a change in the normal microflora in the stomach, as well as due to the development of putrefactive, fermentative processes in the human intestines.

Flatulence can be triggered by impaired intestinal motility as a result of surgery, it can be caused by stress or an upset nervous system.

How to get rid of bloating and minimize the appearance of gas?

Doctors recommend eating as little fresh bread, beans, peas as possible, and include in your menu a large number of protein foods: cottage cheese, eggs, meat, fish, yogurt. You need to try to use less chewing gum, to limit very cold or hot food.

You need to eat at about the same time, in small portions, while carefully chewing and not rushing.

There are many recipes for traditional medicine that remove gas in the stomach, relieve bloating. You can drink an infusion of anise seeds, peppermint, a decoction of chamomile flowers or fresh potato juice.

Today, many drugs are sold in pharmacies, which, as a rule, contain enzymes that improve the condition of the intestines, eliminate bloating and promote digestion. These are such products as Creon, Pancreatin, Smecta, Mezim Forte, etc.

In cases when bloating is a consequence of a violation of the diet or any particular poorly digested product, then you can take the drug Espumisan, which treats occasional cases.

If flatulence has become chronic, then you need to give up coffee, tea, chocolate, sugar, fatty foods as much as possible - they all provoke the fermentation process in the intestines and increase the formation of gases.

However, in such cases, you should not self-medicate, you should definitely consult a doctor, especially if the bursting of the intestines or abdomen begins to be accompanied by severe pain.

Sometimes these symptoms are the first signals of diseases such as colitis, gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis, cirrhosis, etc. In each case, the cause of flatulence and how to combat it should be determined by a specialist.

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