Instructions for use "Metamax". Analogues of the drug and consumer reviews

In the modern XXI century, a person lives a rich and fast-moving life. Streams of information load and force the brain to function intensively. Large physical exertion, poor ecology, the impossibility (or, which is much more common, reluctance) to organize a proper and complete diet, leads to the fact that even at a fairly young age there are diseases that people in the late XIX and early XX centuries had .

In order to protect the human body from such problems and diseases, or at least delay the time of their development, modern chemical and pharmaceutical industries are developing entire series of medical preparations. One of these is Metamax. The instruction for use recommends taking it for a number of serious and dangerous diseases.

The principle of the drug

Instructions for use metamax

In the medical field, Metamax is considered a good cardio- and angioprotective agent (ango - compress, squeeze, strangle; protector - protector), which has an antianginal and antihypoxic effect. With severe tissue ischemia (local decrease in blood supply, usually caused by vascular diseases - complete closure or narrowing of the artery), the drug is able to restore the balance between the transport of oxygen to the organ and its consumption by cells. Metamax is able to prevent ATP transport disruption. The role of this substance (ATP) in the processes of metabolism and energy in the human body is exceptional. The most important fact is that ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is a universal energy source for any processes occurring in living organisms at a biochemical level. In parallel with transport control, ATP Metamax activates the glycolysis process (glucose oxidation), which is accompanied by energy storage in the form of ATP.

Application area

metamax instruction

Instructions for use "Metamax" describes the widest range of the drug. It is indispensable for the complex treatment of coronary heart disease. A good effect will be achieved by taking Metamax in case of chronic heart failure, with manifestations of angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, and cardiopathy of a dishormonal nature. Positive results can also be achieved with abnormalities in the area of ​​cerebral circulation (a chronic form of insufficiency, cerebral strokes). Also, the medication is prescribed for some problems with the respiratory system. Here we can talk about diseases such as chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma of an infectious-allergic nature. In chronic diseases of the pulmonary sphere, Metamax can also be appointed as an immunomodulator by the doctor as an immunomodulator.

The instruction regulates its administration in case of problems with the organs of perception (hemophthalmus, thrombosis of the central vein of the retina of the eye and its branches, hemorrhage in the retina of various origins, retinopathy).

Also, the drug is prescribed for increased physical exertion (very important for athletes), with a drop in the level of performance. As a component of complex therapy, “Metamax” is prescribed to relieve withdrawal symptoms characteristic of chronic alcoholism. Instructions for use of "Metamax" allows you to use it to reduce the rehabilitation period after surgery.

The release form of the drug "Metamax"

Manufacturers offer the medicine to consumers in the form of capsules and injectable solutions. One capsule contains 250 mg of the main active ingredient of the drug - dihydrate propionate (trimethylhydrazinium). The drug is sold in cell blisters (10 capsules in one). Each pack contains 4 such blisters - 40 capsules.

Another form of release is Metamax injections. One ampoule contains 5 ml of the substance. The dosage of the drug is 100 mg / ml. One package consists of 10 ampoules. And one and the other form of release (capsules and injections) has its consumers.

Indications for use of capsules "Metamax"

Doctors recommend taking the drug during the first half of the day. The treatment regimen and dosage of the medication can vary significantly depending on the disease, its intensity, and the condition of the patient.

metamax instructions for use

For patients suffering from bronchial asthma of an infectious-allergic nature, Metamax tablets are usually prescribed once a day, one capsule for 21 days. In chronic forms of abnormalities in the sphere of cerebral circulation - 500 mg (2 capsules) of Metamax during the day. The treatment course can last from one to one and a half months. The attending doctor may further recommend another 2-3 courses throughout the year, depending on the well-being of the patient.

If against the background of myocardial dystrophy the patient has cardialgia, then the instruction involves taking the medication twice a day, 250 mg for a two-week period. If complex treatment is carried out for diseases in the cardiovascular system, the use of Metamax in a dosage of 500 mg to 1 gram is acceptable. You can take a daily dose at a time, or you can divide it for administration twice a day. The course of therapy for such diseases can usually last a month or a half.

In case of serious overloads (mental, emotional, physical), the instructions for the use of Metamax regulates taking it four times a day for 250 mg for a time period of 10 days to 2 weeks. If there is a need to repeat the treatment course, it is permissible to do this 2-3 weeks after the end of the previous one. People involved in professional sports and experiencing severe physical and emotional overload, during the preparation for the competition, it is recommended that up to 1 g of medication (the daily volume should be divided for two doses) for a period of 2-3 weeks. In the process of sports tournaments, you can also take medication. The mode of use is from 10 days to 2 weeks.

Patients suffering from chronic forms of alcoholism are usually prescribed 500 mg of the drug four times a day (total daily dose - 2 g). The treatment period can last from a week to 10 days.

Indications for the use of injections "Metamax"

Composition for injection "Metamax" (injections), the instructions for use are regulated by the reception to enhance the effect of the use of tablets. For example, abnormalities in the cerebral circulation are usually treated with capsules. However, in the acute phase of this disease, doctors prescribe first injections for 10 days to 3 weeks (intravenously), and then switch to capsules. Although chronic forms of this disease can be treated with injections (500 mg, intramuscularly, once a day).

If the patient has problems of a vascular nature with the eyes, or there is retinal dystrophy, ophthalmologists also prescribe treatment in the form of injections for parabulbar administration. Usually the treatment course lasts up to 10 days. Further therapy continues with capsules. Dosage and regimen - from 500 mg to 1 g throughout the day of the Metamax medication.

metamax injections instruction

Injections instruction also allows you to prescribe in the treatment of patients with alcoholism. In such cases, it is recommended to administer the drug intravenously twice a day, in a dosage of 500 mg. The therapeutic course usually lasts 7-10 days.

Contraindications for taking "Metamax"

Like any drug, Metamax is contraindicated in patients with increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug. Do not prescribe Metamax (the instructions for use contain comprehensive information about this) with an increase in intracranial pressure caused by impaired venous outflow or intracranial tumors. The use of the drug by patients with organic lesions of the central nervous system is unacceptable. There are no statistics on the impact of Metamax on the body of a pregnant and lactating woman, on the child's body. Therefore, the drug is also not prescribed for these categories of patients.

Possible side effects

In the Metamax preparation, the instruction describes some possible side effects that may accompany the use of the drug. The cardiovascular system of the human body can respond to medication by lowering blood pressure, tachycardia (increased heart rate).

metamax reviews
On the part of the digestive system, dyspepsia is possible (deviations in the functioning of the digestive tract, painful, difficult digestion process). An infrequent reaction to "Metamax" patient reviews called allergic manifestations in the form of skin rash, itching. From time to time you can hear about the excitation of the central nervous system.

Exceeding the permissible dose and features of taking the medication

For the drug "Metamax" overdose is manifested in an increase in adverse events. That is, patients have overexcitation, a fairly serious drop in blood pressure, and manifestations of dyspepsia from the gastrointestinal tract are intensified: nausea, vomiting.

To eliminate these manifestations, paramedics usually carry out gastric lavage, and a salt laxative is prescribed for use. In some cases, a cleansing enema is useful. Next, symptomatic treatment is carried out aimed at eliminating the symptoms of Metamax overdose.

Paramedics should be prescribed with caution in conjunction with nitroglycerin or nifedipine, various adrenergic blockers, peripheral vasodilators. Together, these medications can cause the patient tangible tachycardia, an increase in blood pressure. But the combination of Metamax with glycosides in the treatment of patients suffering from chronic forms of heart failure is quite acceptable. It is also possible joint use with bronchial medicines for the treatment of patients with asthma.

If the course of administration is long enough, it will be justified to control the functions of the liver and kidneys.

Drugs with a similar effect

metamax analogues

The modern pharmaceutical industry produces analogues for Metamax in different forms of release. If we talk about capsules, then such medicines as Metonat, Mildronat, Mildralex, Vazonat, Trimedronat, Celebis will become a completely adequate replacement for Metamax. The list, of course, is not final; it can be continued.

Of the tableted preparations, effective medicines such as Trizipin, Mildrazin, Mildronat can become effective analogues.

Metamax has a fairly wide range of analogues among injectable solutions. The instructions for use of Metamax here speaks of such drugs as Metonat, Mildronate, Myocardyl, Trizipin, Mildracor, Mildralex. In general, with the development of biology, microbiology, and other industries related to the development of new chemical compounds, the list of analogue drugs is constantly and rapidly expanding.

Patients' opinions about Metamax

“Metamax”, the use of which is appropriate for a sufficiently large list of diseases of the human body, has both its grateful patients and people whose effect of the application was little or not noticeable.

A separate group of patients was very pleased with the effect of the use of the medication. People with problems of the cardiovascular system respond positively about Metamax. The intensity of manifestations of hypertension, angina pectoris, atrial fibrillation significantly decreased with the start of the use of the drug “Metamax”. In ampoules (the instruction contains such information) as a component of complex therapy, a good positive effect is observed in the treatment of myocardial dystrophy.

Patient reviews about Metamax also have a positive connotation when withdrawing withdrawal symptoms in chronic alcoholism. Professional athletes who are forced to endure large physical and emotional stresses respond well about the drug. The treatment with the use of "Metamax" manifestations caused by bronchial asthma is effective.

metamax application

Individual consumers do not often, but still observed some side effects. Most often, it was a question of increased heartbeat, a certain decrease in blood pressure and small deviations in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Occasionally, skin rashes can be heard.

Instructions for use "Metamax" positions the drug as a modern drug with a fairly wide sphere of influence. Uncontrolled use of it can turn into serious problems for the human body as a whole and for individual organs in particular. Therefore, in order to avoid such problems, the appointment for the reception of Metamax should be made by the attending physician. Only in this case, the medication regimen will be correctly developed and its effective dose selected, which will make it possible to achieve the most positive result from treatment, while minimizing the likelihood of side effects.

The instructions for use of "Metamax" described the possibility of repeated courses of treatment (2-3 times) within one year. However, this does not mean that the patient can prescribe these same repeated courses of therapy on his own, without consulting a specialist. Appointment to receive "Metamax" (as, indeed, of any drug) is the prerogative of the doctor.

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