The best tea

Let's talk about the drink so beloved in our country. Strong, freshly brewed, aromatic, it invigorates no worse than coffee. Guess what it is about? Of course, about tea. And even though we are far from Chinese, we don’t spend so much time drinking this drink, but still ... And what is the best tea? You will not find the answer to this question, because each person has his own taste. Some people like black, some like green, and someone generally prefers to use herbal.

What kind of teas are there?

Around the world, there are more than one hundred types of this product. Teas vary in leaf quality, harvest time, enzyme level and aging time. There are species that are very popular in some countries and completely unacceptable in others. In general, people often have the best tea not even associated with a variety, but with a certain atmosphere and environment. For example, cooked outdoors in a pot on a fire (aromatic, with smoke) or in a restaurant at a tea ceremony ... Agree, there is a difference.

best tea

Therefore, it’s somehow more logical to divide it into varieties and talk about which one is the best. Tea and tea are different, and you’ll see that now. So...


Oolong tea is a Chinese variety. It has an average level of enzymes. It has the aroma of fresh green tea, but with a pronounced floral taste. Depending on the variety, oolong can be brewed from seven to fifteen times. And every time you will again enjoy its aroma and taste. When brewed, it has a sweet floral aroma and a honey aftertaste, and its color can vary from orange-red to emerald green.

the best tea
In the world there are more than two hundred and fifty varieties of this tea. They are truly beautiful and worthy to try them at least once. But among them, there is one that has received the most good reviews worldwide. Perhaps we can say that he is the best tea in this category. This is milk oolong. This particular variety was bred in Taiwan and called the "Golden Flower." The technology of its manufacture is rather complicated, but also interesting. A bush of tea is pollinated with a sweet solution of sugarcane, sprinkled with milk, which is why the leaf already has a sweet-milky aroma when harvested.

Good green tea

Worldwide, green tea is the most popular among all varieties. There are a huge number of its types and varieties. A distinctive feature is the processing technology, which does not expose the raw materials to the fermentation process. Green teas are divided according to the varieties of tea bush, manufacturing technology, place of growth, leaf shape, quality.

good green tea
He has miraculous power. Of course, tea is a good drink that quenches thirst, relieves fatigue, has a rich and rich aroma, and has a wonderful taste. The Chinese are probably the biggest connoisseurs of this drink. And here's what's interesting: their favorite is jasmine green tea. It turns out that the flavor of jasmine in the drink is a Chinese invention. Such a drink is very refreshing and invigorating, gives strength. The jasmine aroma itself is pure and fresh, it helps to stabilize the energy balance of the body. After its use, there is a feeling of some freshness and lightness, an energetic uplift is noticeable.

Best Tea - Puer

The homeland of Puer tea is considered the village of the same name in Yunnan. In this region there are several trees that are almost a thousand years old. The best varieties are obtained from leaflets torn precisely from trees, and not from bushes. And the older it is, the more refined the taste of the prepared drink.

best tea
A feature of this type of tea is that fermentation is constantly going on in it. Each year of its exposure gives it a new taste and color. Some like the taste of young Puer, while others like the seasoned. Brewed, it has a dark red color, persistent rich aroma, lasting taste. Puer - the best tea for true connoisseurs of quality varieties.

How to choose a good tea?

How can an inexperienced novice tea lover choose a good variety? You need to know the characteristic properties of this product, for which it is valued.

very good tea

The best tea is alpine. Although modern technology allows you to grow it anywhere, the green variety cultivated in the mountains is considered the most delicious. After all, it was there that nature created ideal conditions for plants.

In Japan, due to the lack of land of high mountain varieties, very little is grown. The best is Chinese tea, good and Taiwanese.

The next advantage of such a product is its price. Remember that high mountain varieties are quite expensive. In the country of growth, the minimum price is two hundred twenty dollars per kilogram. And rare and unique varieties generally have a huge price.

The most important feature of any tea is its freshness. If it is stored for a long time, it loses its properties (except for some expensive varieties).

Very good tea should have a uniform color, but if it comes across green leaves or whitish, this suggests that it is a mixture of different crops. And this is unacceptable.

tea is a good drink

In general, the right tea is the one that is sealed with you in the package. Packed at the factory, it is likely to be stored for years. Of course, modern packaging will not let him lose all his properties, but still he will not be fresh.

In order to store good tea, it is better to use porcelain containers. After pouring a few leaves, close the container tightly with a lid. After all, tea very quickly absorbs foreign odors. Yes, and contact with the air is harmful to him. In a porcelain box, raw materials can be stored both in the refrigerator and in room conditions.

Instead of an afterword

In general, the best tea is one that you like. This drink is unique in its properties. In addition to calming and relaxing, it also has a positive effect on vision. A vitamin such as B2 protects the skin from peeling and dryness, and vitamin P strengthens blood vessels, thereby supporting the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Tea lowers cholesterol and helps break down fats. For a long time you can list the advantages of this drink. Therefore, if you have not been fond of tea drinking before, we advise you to reconsider your attitude to it. Perhaps you just have not found your own variety, which will win you over with its taste and aroma.

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