Custard Cake Dough Recipe

Even if you know how and love to bake cakes, it will not be superfluous to learn how to cook small products. A cake recipe can come in handy if you want to arrange a sweet table or buffet. These products can please children and decorate a festive tea party.

cake recipe

Custard recipe with photo

Vanilla Eclairs is a sophisticated piece of French pastry art. Variations on the theme of custard cakes can be found in the books of all the titled confectioners of Italy and France. This airy light product will cause children's delight even for those who are indifferent to sweets. Moreover, this cake recipe allows you to reduce the amount of sugar to your liking. And also to avoid such disadvantages of eclairs of industrial production, as excessive fat and cloying glaze. Try to make this half-pastry cake - a recipe with a combination of two types of dough is unusual and interesting.

custard recipe with photo
You will have to sweat over this product, but the delicate taste and unique aroma will reward you for your efforts. To make a shortcrust pastry, mix one hundred grams of chilled butter (diced) and one hundred and twenty grams of flour and sugar in a combine. The mixture must be flexible. You can add a pinch of vanilla sugar. For too long, this dough does not need to be disturbed, otherwise it will become dense when finished. Form a ball from it, cool in the refrigerator for an hour, then roll it out in a layer one millimeter thick (it is convenient to do this using two layers of cling film). Put in the refrigerator again for an hour. After that, you can cut the sand billet into portions: the pieces should be in the form of rectangles with a width of two centimeters and a length of twelve centimeters. They can again be put in the refrigerator and cooked choux pastry. The cake recipe suggests making it as follows. First, preheat the oven to one hundred and eighty degrees. Put a small saucepan on the fire and boil a hundred grams of milk and the same amount of water in it.
shortcake pastry recipe
Dissolve eighty grams of butter (unsalted) in a liquid, add a pinch of salt and a teaspoon of sugar. After removing the container from the heat, gradually pour a glass of sifted flour into the mixture of milk and water. Stir evenly and thoroughly, then return the pan to a minimum heat and dry the dough slightly. The mixture then needs to be transferred to a beater and add four large chicken eggs one at a time. Each of which must be thoroughly mixed with the dough before adding subsequent ones. Still warm dough should be placed in a pastry bag and use it to make small eclairs. On top of each of them place the strip of shortcrust pastry removed from the refrigerator. Bake for about ten minutes, and then open the oven and continue cooking cakes for another thirty minutes. Cool gently on a wire rack.

Cake recipe of two types of dough: cooking air custard

Boil milk (400 grams) with vanilla, let it brew under a lid. Then make a mixture of four egg yolks and corn starch. Slowly introduce it into the milk, stirring occasionally. Put on fire and bring to a thickening. Mix chilled cream with whipped cream. Fill the cooled eclairs with the mixture.

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