The drug "Adrianol" (drops in the nose)

The drug Adrianol is a drug that is used to treat infectious and allergic rhinitis, sinusitis. It has been widely used in pediatric practice. The main form of release are drops in the nose.

The drug "Adrianol" (drops in the nose). Instruction: composition

The following active ingredients in the composition of this drug are: phenylephrine chloride, trimazoline chloride . Among the auxiliary components are phenylmercury borate, citric acid monohydrate, methyl hydroxyethyl cellulose, ethanol, glycerol, sodium dihydrate hydrogen phosphate, concentrated ammonium solution, and purified water.

The drug "Adrianol" (for children). Instruction: pharmacological properties

The drug is practically not able to be absorbed when applied topically, therefore its concentration in the blood is very low. The medicine has a pronounced anti-congestive (vasoconstrictive) effect. It has an adrenomimetic effect. The drug stimulates the receptors of the nasal mucosa (adrenergic), causes a significant narrowing of small blood vessels, and reduces the blood flow of venous sinuses. Due to this, redness and swelling are eliminated, the volume of secretion is reduced, the patency of the nasal passages is restored, breathing is facilitated.

The drug "Adrianol" (for children). Instruction: method of application, dosage

The main method of using the drug is intranasal. For infants, the dosage is one drop in the nasal passage thirty minutes before the start of feeding. For children older than one year, the dose is doubled. It is necessary to use the drug three times during the day. The drug is effective in a couple of minutes. The duration of therapy is one week.

The drug "Adrianol" (drops in the nose). Instructions: side effects, contraindications

The use of the medication may be accompanied by the appearance of side effects: dryness, burning, soreness of the mucous membranes of the nose.

The drug has the following contraindications for use:

- the presence of hypersensitivity to the components;

- arterial hypertension;

- severe atherosclerosis;

- tachycardia;

- atrophic rhinitis ;

- hyperthyroidism;

- angle-closure glaucoma;

- taking tricyclic antidepressants, monoamine oxidase inhibitors,

- pregnancy.

The drug "Adrianol" (drops in the nose). Instruction: drug interactions

With simultaneous administration with phenylephrine, trimazolin, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants, drugs that excite the nervous system (sympathetic), it is possible to enhance the systemic effects of this drug.

The drug "Adrianol" (drops in the nose). Instructions: special instructions, overdose

You can not use the drug for a long period, because this can cause excessive vasodilation, which will lead to increased absorption in the general bloodstream. A local sign of this condition is swelling of the nasal mucosa.

It is allowed to use the drug during lactation, but only after consulting with your doctor. It does not have a significant impact on the ability to control complex mechanisms, various vehicles.

Symptoms of an overdose are similar to side effects, but they are significant. The main such signs include an increase in blood pressure, the development of arrhythmia, tachycardia. To eliminate such conditions, symptomatic agents are used. In this case, constant monitoring by the doctor of the patient's condition is necessary.

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