Modern cuisine is not complete without fish dishes. At the same time, trout (king fish) is gaining popularity, since the fish of the salmon family have long attracted attention not only with their taste, but also with beneficial properties, since it contains vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fats and other elements. Moreover, on how to cook and how to cook trout, it depends on whether all these beneficial elements get into the human body. Trout meat contains fewer calories than other types of fish, so it is used in diet food. The fatty acids that make up the fish ensure the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system and help lower blood cholesterol levels.
If earlier trout could be found only in the seas, today it also lives in fresh water bodies, which are clean, but such fish do not live in muddy and polluted water . Trout is of several types, depending on its habitat. At the same time, the fish that live in mountain rivers is considered the most valuable. It is environmentally friendly and has excellent taste.
They use this fish, both fresh and boiled, baked, fried or smoked, very often sushi is prepared from it. Before you cook trout, it is necessary to clean it, remove the gills and gut it. Further actions depend on which recipe will be used. At the same time, fish can be served both hot and cold.
Trout meat has a delicate smell of fresh cucumbers, but its taste may vary depending on the fishing season. Many European chefs grill trout on a barbecue or grill, cook fish soup or other liquid dishes. Caucasian cooks also know how to cook river trout. Here it is prepared with the addition of wine, various spices, juices, fruits and nuts. In this case, the so-called “blue trout” is the main dish (when marinating fish in vinegar, it acquires a blue hue). Western cuisine offers enough to boil and fry fish. However, it should be borne in mind that prolonged exposure to temperatures negatively affects its meat, it loses its useful properties and qualities.
Surprisingly, Japanese chefs do not cook trout sushi. They salt and preserve it, and also fry it in a pan or grill.
Let's consider in detail how to cook trout in a pan. To do this, you will need four trout, two glasses of water, a glass of white wine, onions, herbs, spices, including thyme, wheat crackers, a glass of sour cream, half a glass of porcini mushrooms, butter and several slices of lemon.
First you need to prepare the trout. To do this, they wash, clean and gut it. At the same time, fins, heads and bones are placed in a deep bowl, where bay leaf, onion, thyme, salt and pepper, as well as water and wine are added. All these ingredients are stewed for about twenty minutes. At the end of cooking, the broth must be filtered, throwing bay leaf, onions, heads, bones and fins.
Mushrooms need to be fried, add to them half a glass of sour cream mixed with breadcrumbs, herbs, salt and pepper. Put oil in the broth, transfer the fish and fill it with sour cream with mushrooms. Everything must be stewed for half an hour on low heat. The finished trout is placed on a dish, the remaining broth is boiled, the rest of the sour cream is added to it and the fish decorated with lemon slices is poured with such a sauce. Thus, it became known how to cook trout according to the recipe of Japanese culinary specialists.
Quite often salted fish. In this case, it is washed, dried, cut and laid in the dishes in layers, with each layer must be sprinkled with salt. Further, all the fish is covered with salt from above, covered and put in a cool place for a day and a half, after which they are eaten or frozen. When salting, you can also use various seasonings, sugar, lemon juice and pepper.
If the question arises, how to cook trout in a short period of time, you can just boil it. To do this, clean the fish, put it in a pan, fill it with water or broth and put on fire. Trout should cook for half an hour after boiling the broth. Ready fish is cleaned and placed on a portioned dish.
No matter how the trout is cooked, it will always be tasty and nutritious.