Diarrhea: treatment with folk remedies

Diarrhea is an intestinal disease associated with an imbalance in the intestinal microflora. That is why, with a diagnosis of diarrhea, treatment consists in taking medications that help restore this balance. Such probiotics include: bifidobacterin, lactobacilli.

Intestinal Disorders

Probiotics are those drugs that are based on living organisms that, when introduced into the human body, have a positive effect, since they help restore intestinal microflora.

However, victims of this ailment are sure that with a diagnosis of diarrhea, treatment with folk remedies is somewhat more effective than the medication method. The most popular recipes are:

- breeding a spoonful of potato starch in a glass of boiled water, but already cooled. The resulting mixture is drunk;

- 80 g of vodka is diluted with a teaspoon of salt. This solution is drunk;

- with severe diarrhea, the following is an effective remedy: 2 tablespoons of bird cherry is poured with one glass of boiling water. The broth is boiled over low heat for 7 minutes. After it is insisted for about 20 minutes. After which the broth is filtered, and water is added to the same volume level as it was originally. A folk remedy is taken in the form of heat in ΒΌ cup three times a day 20 minutes before meals.

For a diagnosis of diarrhea to be effective, a certain diet should be followed. For example, drink strong tea with crackers of white bread. Rice broth will also be useful .

An excellent remedy is a banana. This is due to the fact that the composition of this fruit does not include coarse plant fiber, which can irritate the intestinal mucosa. Eat 1-2 bananas 3 times a day. For a child, this dosage is slightly less.

Also, with a diagnosis of diarrhea, treatment includes taking Β½ teaspoon of garlic pulp. This product should be consumed with food. Garlic, as a rule, suppresses fermentation in the intestines and reduces inflammatory processes.

Diarrhea in children

Most often, this disease occurs in children. This is due to the fact that a large number of microbes enter the children's body. After all, as a rule, every child is energetic, plays a lot, touches various objects, takes dirty hands in his mouth. As a result, an infection enters the intestines.

Another cause of intestinal upset is eating unwashed vegetables and fruits. Also, diarrhea infection in children is associated with:

- some animals;

- direct contact with feces;

- drinking dirty water, etc .;

- a dirty changing table;

- dirty toys.

When diarrhea occurs in children, treatment is required in the following situations:

- frequent and prolonged loose stools;

- the age of the child does not exceed six months;

- at a body temperature of more than 38 degrees;

- repeated vomiting;

- refusal to drink;

- stomach ache;

- diarrhea with an admixture of blood or mucus.

As a rule, if the diagnosis of diarrhea is made, the treatment of children consists in following a strict diet and drinking plenty of water. If this disease is caused by viruses and bacteria, taking antibiotics and antiviral drugs is not provided.

Read more at Folkremedy.ru .

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