S. Yesenin: statements about love, about life, quotes, aphorisms

Statements about famous people by Yesenin attract the attention of a thoughtful reader. A person who loves literature and art, as a rule, appreciates aphorisms and quotes, filled with enduring meaning. They can be re-read an infinite number of times, constantly finding something valuable in them. Poems by Sergei Yesenin have been firmly in our lives since childhood.

Sergey Alexandrovich Yesenin

We get acquainted with the creative world of the writer, being at a young age. Then, getting older, his huge legacy is able to warm the thinking person, fill his life with special meaning. Yesenin's statements are easy to remember. They are quite wise and beautiful, immediately attract attention. If you carefully read these aphorisms, you can find many useful thoughts in them. It will be interesting for a thinking person to plunge into such statements and find something meaningful in them.

About the nature of love

“Love is swimming, you need to either dive headlong or not climb into the water at all. If you wander along the shore knee-deep in water, then you will only be sprayed with spray, and you will be cold and angry. ”

Many people try to explain to themselves the nature of love. The poet says that this feeling needs to be given in full, without trying to analyze it and not trying to understand with the mind. Only then can you appreciate it, to know all the shades of significant experiences. If someone is afraid of unpleasant consequences for himself, it is better to completely abandon the feeling of living. Surviving it “by half” will not work: love embraces a person completely, preventing him from relaxing, comprehending what is happening.

the wisdom of life

Feeling can only be completely absorbed, or, on the contrary, completely abandoned. For this reason, there are so many cases of unhappy, unrequited love in the world.

Ability to live

“In thunderstorms, in a storm, in everyday life, with heavy losses and when you are sad, to seem smiling and simple is the highest art in the world”

This statement of Yesenin emphasizes the idea that it is important for a person to learn to overcome his negative emotions. Whatever happens, it is necessary to remain self-sufficient. Being strong means not just being able to hide from unpleasant manifestations, not letting them into your life, but struggling with difficulties. In moments of sadness or despair, most people give up. It is important to ignore what is happening, to be able to find something good in each individual situation.

happiness and harmony

You must constantly work on yourself in order to see emerging prospects. A person who constantly strives for development finds strength in order to change his character for the better.

Joy of communication

"Face to face, face not to see: the big is seen in the distance"

The meaning of this statement of Yesenin is to learn how to sometimes get out of the situation in order to look at it from the side. Sometimes, instead of trying to solve a problem here and now, you need to ignore it a little. As a rule, one’s own mistakes and mistakes become visible to the person only when he looks at them from a considerable distance. It is necessary to stop perceiving oneself in the center of the Universe, and to take a modest position of a student who is always ready to learn something new. If there is any significant problem, then it will be better solved if the person concerned discovers a willingness to change.

Worries and frustrations

“Life is a deception with bewitching longing, because it is so strong that with its rude hand, fatal writes letters”

This statement of Yesenin is aimed at creating an understanding that the existence of a person is sometimes filled with numerous trials. But nothing happens in the world just like that. Any difficulties temper the character. Many famous personalities were disappointed in life only because at a certain point in time it did not live up to their expectations. And everyone felt such feelings at least once.

separate world

Sergei Yesenin emphasizes the idea that, despite persistent obstacles and difficulties, you need to continue to fight and believe in the invincibility of your own strength of mind. Problems and difficulties are encountered by all. However, life itself does not lose its value and greatness from this.

The charm of feeling

“I would have forgotten the taverns forever, and I would have abandoned poetry, only to touch my hand and your hair with color in the fall ...”

Yesenin's statements about love are always imbued with unprecedented tenderness. The lyrical hero suffers from an excess of his feelings and seeks answers to his questions. The poet holds the idea that love for a woman can change a lot in life, help to understand some important facets and meanings. This feeling leads, helps to find new meanings and values ​​in your own life. Often, under the influence of a strong love, a person begins to change right before his eyes: he does better, begins to better understand what is happening, and does noble deeds. Refusing bad habits is also the merit of this great feeling. Only a person in love can look at the world with wide eyes and see in it something bright, good, eternal.

Acquired wisdom

“He who loves cannot love. Who burned down, you will not set fire to it ”

This refers to the fact that an unrealized feeling destroys a person. If love is not expressed, then it begins to undermine the personality from within, to suppress its natural aspirations and in every way interfere with the feeling of being a happy and self-sufficient person. If at a certain period of our lives we have to deal with dramatic history, then next time we will be wary of looking at new acquaintances and relationships. In many cases, an individual is inclined to look back at his own experience and look in it for confirmation of individual internal inferiority. People generally tend to perceive their past as a kind of standard, which is worth following, choosing a future. Both men and women equally believe in their fears. People prefer to learn from any lesson that fate presents. It is a pity that they often do not notice that they themselves greatly limit themselves to their own beliefs and views. A person often misses the opportunity to become happy.

funny cup of coffee

Thus, the statements of Sergei Yesenin are aimed at creating a holistic view of the world. The poet shares not just the breadth of his soul, but the undeniable wisdom that is contained in each individual aphorism or line. In primary school, children are often given test tasks. They meet questions like the following: “Mark the correct statement: Yesenin was an artist, poet or writer?”. A child familiar with the aphorisms of the great master will surely be able to find the right answer. Reading the statements of famous people is also useful because they develop imagination, train memory, and contribute to the disclosure of creative thinking. These lines teach to perceive the world from different angles and draw appropriate conclusions.

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