Medications for the memory of the elderly: a list of the best drugs and reviews

With age, a person's memory and attention worsen, this can be triggered by various reasons that the doctor establishes. First of all, a medical specialist prescribes nootropic therapy in order to neutralize these symptoms or to help the body restore the proper functioning of the brain. What are the most commonly prescribed medications for older people to remember?

What causes memory impairment?

There are several reasons for the development of this ailment in people of retirement age:

  1. Deterioration of a part of the limbic system of the brain.
  2. A decrease in proteins and hormones in the body that protect and regenerate brain cells and activate the formation of neural connections.
  3. Deterioration of blood flow to the brain, which adversely affects the memory and other cognitive skills of a person.

In order to distinguish between simple forgetfulness and the onset of an onset disease, it is necessary to consult a doctor in time.

medicines for the elderly

List of drugs to restore memory in the elderly

List of drugs that are recommended by medical specialists for use:

  1. Noopept.
  2. "Vinpocetine".
  3. Phenibut
  4. "Piracetam".
  5. "Glycine".
  6. "Phenotropil".
  7. Aminalon.
  8. Pantogam.
  9. "Picamilon".
  10. Cinnarizine.

These drugs will be discussed in more detail below.

medicine to improve memory in the elderly


This is a modern nootropic medication, which was developed by Russian scientists. The drug has a complex effect, improves blood microcirculation and the functioning of the brain.

In addition, Noopept helps restore memory and attention, eliminate dizziness, improve well-being, and promote good sleep. According to the instructions and reviews, the medicine for the memory of the elderly has a special spectrum of action:

  1. Nootropic influence - restores memory and, unlike its generics, directly affects the three stages of memory: memorization, storage, reproduction.
  2. Antioxidant effect - the drug protects against the influence of free radicals.
  3. Neuroprotective effect - the drug protects brain cells. The neuroprotective effect of Noopept is due to the fact that resistance to various damaging factors increases in the brain under the influence of the active component.
  4. Improves nutrition and blood microcirculation.

An innovative drug improves memory, as well as attention, learning ability, working capacity. In addition, it normalizes sleep and improves mood. What is the best medicine for older people to improve memory?

a cure for memory loss for an elderly person


Corrects disorders of blood microcirculation in the brain, and also improves metabolism. Helps utilize glucose.

The active component has a positive effect on the functioning of the central nervous system:

  1. Cerebral circulation improves.
  2. Areas of ischemia eat well.
  3. Increased efficiency and attention.

During therapy with a medicine to improve memory, older people noted an improvement in overall well-being, as well as a decrease in the frequency of headache attacks.

Under the influence of Vinpocetin, the connection of blood clots worsens and an improvement in blood properties is observed. The active component activates the supply of oxygen and glucose to brain tissue, and also serves as a prophylaxis to prevent the development of ischemia and has a pronounced antioxidant effect.

memory remedy for the elderly


Nootropic, which has a tranquilizing, as well as anticonvulsant and antioxidant effect. Prescribe medication for memory impairment for the elderly. The drug is produced in tablet form, it is prescribed to adults and adolescents from fourteen years old to eliminate the following conditions:

  1. Apathy (a symptom expressed in indifference, indifference, in a detached attitude to what is happening around, in the absence of a desire for any activity).
  2. Fatigue.
  3. Fatigue.
  4. Migraines (a neurological disease, the most common and characteristic symptom of which is episodic or regular severe pain in the head).
  5. Sleep disturbance.
  6. Urinary incontinence in adolescents.
  7. Meniere's disease (a disease of the inner ear of a non-inflammatory nature, manifested by repeated bouts of labyrinth dizziness, noise in the affected ear and progressive hearing loss).
  8. Dizziness.
  9. Stuttering.
  10. Nervous tic (a pathological condition characterized by the appearance of sudden and repeated jerky movements of certain muscle groups).
  11. Alcohol withdrawal syndrome (a complex of pathological symptoms that occur in alcoholics when refusing to drink alcohol).
what is the cure for improving memory for older people


Nootropic drug, which helps to restore and stabilize brain functions, and also has a moderate anticonvulsant effect. Minuses:

  1. Old medication, one of the very first.
  2. Many adverse reactions and contraindications.
  3. Not compatible with Thyroxine, Triiodothyronine.
medicines for memory impairment in the elderly


The drug is in the form of tablets. "Glycine" has a number of pharmacological actions, which include:

  1. Mood improvement.
  2. Decrease in psychoemotional tension, irritability.
  3. Improving sleep, its duration, facilitates the process of falling asleep.
  4. Increase mental performance.
  5. Memory improvement.
  6. Reduce autonomic disorders.
drugs to restore memory in the elderly


The drug has the ability to increase blood flow during hypoxia, as well as improve the energy potential of neurons.

The medicine is prescribed to people for oral use to eliminate during the following pathological processes:

  1. Diseases of the central nervous system, which are accompanied by a violation of psychomotor reactions.
  2. Neurotic conditions.
  3. Loss of sleep.
  4. Memory impairment.
  5. Mild lingering depression.
  6. Cramps.

"Phenotropil" is an effective cure for sclerosis for memory for the elderly.

sclerosis medicine for memory


Nootropic medicine that has a moderate psychostimulating effect. "Aminalon" has a number of positive actions:

  1. Enhances energy processes in neurocytes.
  2. Improves memory, mental working capacity, concentration of attention.
  3. It has a mild psychostimulating effect.
  4. Helps stabilize blood pressure for hypertension.
  5. It has an anticonvulsant effect.


  1. Side effects, contraindications.
  2. Enhances the effect of benzodiazepines, as well as sleeping pills and anticonvulsants.
memory remedy for sclerosis for the elderly


Nootropic drug, is a corrector of cerebral circulation. "Picamilon" has an antioxidant, as well as tranquilizing and psychostimulating effect.

The drug helps to expand the blood vessels of the brain. The tablets have soothing as well as antiplatelet and antioxidant properties.

The active component of the drug improves the functioning of the brain:

  • increases concentration;
  • improves mental activity, memory;
  • Helps stabilize cerebral circulation and saturate the brain tissue with oxygen.

Prescribe a medicine for memory loss for an elderly person to normalize sleep, eliminate anxiety and fear, improve memory.


The drug is considered a corrector of cerebrovascular accident, as well as a calcium channel blocker. "Cinnarizine" has several pharmacological actions, which include:

  1. Improving blood flow to brain tissue.
  2. Elimination of dizziness, tinnitus, periodic headache.
  3. Increased resistance of cells of the nervous system to hypoxia.
  4. Improving the elasticity of red blood cells.
  5. Decreased blood viscosity.
  6. Inhibition of reactions of cerebral arteries to their own vasoconstrictive biologically active compounds of the body.


  1. The medication improves microcirculation of the brain.
  2. Improves peripheral blood circulation.
  3. Inexpensive drug.

Alternative treatments

In addition to drug treatment, it is necessary to apply other methods to improve memory, so that therapy is comprehensive.

You need to pay attention to diet, as well as physical exercise and the creation of a favorable psychological environment around. An important point is a sufficient night's sleep, as well as walks in the fresh air.

To train the memory, you can use the following techniques:

  • read and retell texts more;
  • memorize poetry;
  • carefully study the details of the environment;
  • learn to play musical instruments.

Proper nutrition

One of the main aspects for maintaining the functioning of the brain in old age is nutrition. It is necessary to eat only healthy foods that contain vitamins and minerals necessary for the proper functioning of the brain.

Most of all, the brain needs useful components that improve its functioning, these are products containing vitamins B and K, as well as ascorbic acid, tocopherol, Omega-3, iodine, selenium, phosphorus, boron.

Some of the most useful foods for better functioning of the brain are:

  1. Fruit.
  2. Beef.
  3. Liver.
  4. Sea fish.
  5. Vegetables.
  6. Nuts.
  7. Olive oil.
  8. Honey.

Physical exercise

Constant moderate physical exercises have a positive effect on the whole body, including the work of the brain. Physical activity activates blood microcirculation, improves the supply of the brain with useful components. In addition, hiking, as well as Nordic walking and swimming, have a beneficial effect on memory.

The environment plays a big role in maintaining the proper functioning of the brain. From stress, memory deteriorates, as well as attention and other cognitive functions, so you need to protect yourself from nervous overvoltage. If possible, the flow of negative information should be limited and less worried.


According to reviews, when choosing a medicine for memory, it is important for older people to consider that in order to avoid improper therapy, you must first visit a medical specialist for a diagnosis.

As a rule, with memory impairment, doctors prescribe nootropic drugs, and Noopept is considered one of the modern medicines in this group. This medicine differs noticeably from substitutes in its excellent tolerance, as well as its mild and long-lasting effect and safety. The drug does not provoke addiction, does not have a toxic effect, is combined with other drugs in a combined treatment.

This memory medicine for older people can be used not only in the presence of serious neurological diseases, but also in case of deterioration of attention due to stress, insomnia.

According to the reviews of medical specialists, it can be concluded that Noopept, Cinnarizine, and Phenotropil are considered to be one of the most effective and safe drugs today. These medicines help improve cognitive function (attention, memory).

In addition, the drugs eliminate anxiety, irritability, and also have vegetotropic and antiasthenic effects. A noticeable positive effect occurs approximately fourteen days after the start of medication use.

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