Gelato ice cream - greetings from sunny Italy

Among all the goodies known in the world, ice cream is the most popular. This is a completely unique product, because most people on earth love it, regardless of age or status in society. According to many, the famous Italian gelato "Gelato" deserves special attention. There are real legends about his taste, and the locals themselves consider this delicacy an object of national pride, which so far has no worthy analogues.

Product Description

Gelato ice cream has an interesting name. Translated from Italian, it means "frozen." In fact, this is a dessert made from a mixture of cream and milk with sugar. And as additional components can be used nuts, berries, fresh fruits or chocolate. β€œGelato” is significantly different from the product that everyone is used to calling ice cream. Firstly, it is practically not produced on an industrial scale. This dessert is usually prepared in small specialized cafes, where most operations are carried out manually.

gelato ice cream

This is exactly how, according to experts, it is possible to achieve the desired result. Secondly, gelato ice cream, taking into account the original recipe, contains less milk fat than other similar products. Thirdly, it has a dense creamy consistency and melts very slowly. This is due to the fact that it contains half the air. If for ordinary desserts of this kind 52 percent is the norm, then in "Gelato" this figure is no more than 25. Therefore, such ice cream is less cold and more sweet.

Production Features

In Italy, at every step you can find such establishments where Gelato ice cream is not only sold, but also prepared on the spot. True, this is a rather lengthy process. As a rule, the following set of components is taken for cooking: a pinch of salt for 6 egg yolks, a teaspoon of vanillin and 3 tablespoons of 10 percent cream (you can replace half of this amount with ordinary whole milk).

The cooking process is not complicated:

  • Heat dairy products without boiling.
  • Beat the remaining ingredients separately, and then pour the mixture into a thin stream in hot cream.
  • Constantly stirring with a whisk, hold the contents on low heat for 10 minutes until thickened.
  • Pass the product through a sieve so that it is more uniform, and then pour into a clean container, cover with cling film and refrigerate.
  • After two hours, treat the mass with a mixer (3 minutes) and send again to cool. This procedure must be repeated twice. Each time in the refrigerator, the whipped mass should spend at least two hours.

After this, the product can be applied to portioned dishes and served, decorating to your liking.

Types of dessert

The Italians are very proud of their famous dessert, because its history began several centuries ago. The first institution (gelateria) for its production was opened back in 1800. He was even once visited by Pope John Paul II. Usually in such cafes there is a rather rich assortment. There you can find a variety of gelato ice cream. Photos of products are not able to convey their taste. With its help, you can only externally recognize individual species and varieties.

gelato ice cream photo

Currently known "Gelato":

  • "Alla crema di latte." Dessert is prepared on the basis of a mixture of cream and milk.
  • Al Latte is a dairy product.
  • Di Frutta - The recipe is supplemented with fruit.

To decorate each of these three types, you can use any products. And among the most popular tastes are:

  • Fjordilatte is a creamy mixture.
  • "Bacho" - a chocolate mass with nuts.
  • "Stracchetella" - a creamy dessert with pieces of chocolate.
  • Torrone is a product with added honey and roasted almonds in sugar.

From the proposed options, everyone can find a dessert suitable for themselves.

Customer reviews

Now in Russia, establishments have begun to open where Gelato ice cream is prepared and served. The reviews of numerous visitors only confirm the generally accepted opinion about this product. For the first time, entire lines were lined up for this popular dessert.

gelato ice cream reviews

Although some believe that the domestic ice cream is in no way inferior to the Italian invention. The only difference is that it is more fat, but less sweet. β€œGelato” has a rather dense, but at the same time very soft, creamy consistency. Sometimes it even seems that it is not at all capable of melting. But this is what distinguishes a really high-quality ice cream. It should melt under the influence of increased temperature gradually, so that the visitor has time to eat it during this time. There were also such owners who tried to cheat, using fragrances instead of natural products. But true connoisseurs are hard to fool. And such enterprise, as a rule, led to the absence of visitors.

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