Simple and delicious egg pancake salad

In the cold season, you often want to pamper yourself and your loved ones with something tasty and high-calorie. In place of summer salads from fresh vegetables, more thorough dishes come to our table. These include a salad with egg pancakes. It is prepared quite simply and quickly, and the taste is incredibly delicate.

egg pancake recipe

Egg pancake: recipe

This is the main ingredient in our salad, so we will start cooking with it. We will need two raw eggs and a tablespoon without a hill of potato starch. In a wide bowl, carefully beat the eggs until smooth and salt. It is better not to abuse salt, just a pinch is enough. Starch is gradually added to the eggs, without stopping beating. We well heat a frying pan of a small diameter, pour a little odorless vegetable oil on it, and pour half of our egg-starchy mash. We fry on high heat very quickly: about a couple of minutes on each side of the pancake. We do the same with the remaining mass. Spread on a plate and cool to room temperature egg pancakes for salad. The recipe involves cutting the finished product into strips with a width of about 1 centimeter. To do this, twist the pancake into a tube and shred. We cut too long strips so that their length does not exceed 3 centimeters.

Egg pancake salad: prepare the rest of the ingredients

egg pancake salad

First, shred fresh cabbage into thin strips. For 6 servings of salad, 400 grams of this vegetable is enough. Slightly add and diligently crush chopped cabbage with your hands. The next ingredient going to our egg pancake salad is smoked sausage. We also cut it into thin strips. It will take 200 grams of this product. Sharp hard cheese (150 grams) is rubbed on a coarse grater. Now go to the bow. For the salad, one medium onion is enough. It should be very finely cut into cubes, pour boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. Then lay the onion in a colander and let it dry well.

Egg pancake salad : picking a dish

All the ingredients of our salad are ready, we proceed to assemble them in a single dish. Everything is quite simple here: pour all the ingredients into a bowl in which the salad will be served, mix, add salt and season with mayonnaise if necessary.

Variations on a Theme

egg pancakes for salad recipe

Cooking is always creativity, so the recipe is not a tough instruction that must be strictly followed. People who do not want to eat smoked sausage can successfully replace it in this salad with boiled chicken breast. Fans of spicy dishes will like a more brutal version of the salad: smoked chicken breast is cut into cubes, boiled potatoes are also chopped, onions are cut quite large and are not poured with boiling water. A pair of garlic cloves, passed through garlic gadding, will give the salad a special piquancy. Cheese and egg pancakes are minced in the same way as in the basic recipe. You can fill the salad by mixing soy sauce and mayonnaise in a 1: 1 ratio. Create and have fun!

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