Pregnancy is desirable for a woman, but, despite this, some ladies can only dream about her. The reasons for this are health problems of a different nature, ranging from low male sperm activity to reproductive disorders of one of the partners. If there is a problem with fertilization of the egg and for a long time it is not possible to conceive a child, then it is advised to take numerous female and male reviews of “Profertil”.
The composition of the drug
"Profertil" is a natural biologically active food supplement that helps to accelerate the onset of a desired pregnancy. Reviews "Profertil" are among the most effective means that positively affect the process of conception. The drug is prescribed only by a doctor. It happens male and female. Both have a 100% natural composition.
So, a herbal preparation for men contains the following active ingredients: L-carnitine - 220 mg, L-arginine monohydrochloride, vitamin E - 60 mg, zinc citrate - 20 mg, glutathione - 40 mg, coenzyme Q10 - 7.5 mg, sodium selenate - 30 mcg, folic acid - 400 mcg. Additional substances: gelatin and magnesium stearate.
The female dietary supplement contains Omega-3 acid in an amount of 500 mg, folic acid - 800 μg, selenium - 70 mg, vitamin E of the group 30 mg, catechins obtained from green tea - 4 mg, diosgenin obtained industrially from yam root , - 32 mg, spreading turner extract - 90 mg, glycyrrhizic acid from licorice root - 12 mg.
Pharmacological action of the drug "Profertil"
Reviews about the drug for the most part are only positive. They pay attention to increased sperm motility as a result of prolonged and regular use of tablets (at least one month). The ingredients in the composition complement the action of each other, saturating the human body with all the vitamins necessary for a successful conception. It:
- L-carnitine. It is found only in the male drug. It is produced naturally in the body. Affects the life of sperm. Improves their mobility, quantity and quality.
- L-arginine. Amino acid, indispensable for the human body. A decrease in its amount in the body entails inactivity of sperm and a decrease in their number.
- Zinc. Actively involved in the metabolic processes of the body. It has pronounced antioxidant properties. Increases sperm concentration. It increases its activity and the amount of testosterone, which is the main one in spermatogenesis.
- Vitamin E. Positive effect on sperm activity. It creates the conditions for the fusion of sperm with the egg.
- Glutathione and selenium. Oxidize free radicals. Stimulate sperm activity.
- Coenzyme Q10. Increases the chances of successful fertilization. Affects the quantity, quality of sperm.
- Folic acid. Affects the development and division of cells. It affects the metabolism of nerve tissue. Involved in coronary processes.
- Glycyrrhizin. It is only part of the female drug. It has anti-inflammatory properties. Normalizes the content of male hormones and anovulatory cycles.
- Catechins. These are antioxidants with anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic and lipid-lowering properties.
- Diosgenin A positive effect on lipids and antioxidants in the blood. Stimulates the formation of estrogen. Affects the reproductive functions of a woman’s body.
- Damiana. Normalizes the menstrual cycle and the content of female hormones. Prepares the endometrium for egg implantation. It plays the role of natural progesterone. Conducts preparatory work in the body of a woman for the onset of pregnancy. Increases libido. Tones up, stimulates blood circulation in the pelvic organs, strengthens the uterine muscles.
Both dietary supplements with the name "Profertil" include many useful substances and improve the reproductive picture of the human body.
Indications for use
Profertil reviews are recommended for men to accelerate the process of egg fertilization. It is an additional source of substances such as L-carnitine, glutathione, coenzyme Q10, vitamin E, folic acid, zinc, selenium. Stimulates sperm movement.
Women are prescribed the drug from the age of 28 years. Ladies of all ages with anovulation cycles and hormonal disruptions are also of interest. Use hormone-dependent tablets, ladies with underweight. Doctors recommend taking it if there is a history of miscarriages, people with autoimmune diseases and a predisposition to them.
As a result of a long regular intake is achieved:
- normalization of the menstrual cycle;
- full egg maturation and ovulation;
- inhibition of inflammatory processes;
- prevention of miscarriages at all stages of pregnancy;
- safe growth and development of the embryo;
- prevention of malformations of the nervous system of the unborn child;
- increased libido.
Reviews "Profertil" are not advised to take without a doctor’s prescription. A ban on the use of tablets may be the individual intolerance of certain ingredients in the composition of a biologically active supplement. It is worth refraining from taking pills during pregnancy and lactation.
Doses and method of application
"Profertil" female (reviews indicate an improvement in reproductive functions in women of different ages with regular use of the drug for a month) take one soft capsule and one tablet once a day with meals, washed down with plenty of water. A soft pill is taken with the pill.
The course of treatment should begin in advance (1-3 months) before the expected conception of the child and continue throughout the first trimester of pregnancy.
Men drink the drug one tablet once a day with meals, washed down with water.
When using the product, you must remember that this is a dietary supplement and it is not a medicine. Before use, you should always consult your doctor.
Clinical researches
The drug "Profertil" (reviews indicate its positive effect on the spermogram of men) has proven effective in a number of clinical trials. So, the tool improves the qualitative characteristics of sperm, expands the veins of the spermatic canal, increases the reproductive functions of men.
The dietary supplement contains carefully selected substances. Each of them has passed a number of clinical trials and creates the best conditions for the fertilization of the egg in a natural way. "Profertil" ensures a healthy condition of a woman throughout her pregnancy.
A special method for the manufacture of components removed dioxins, heavy metals from the preparation and made it possible to achieve high purity of the ingredients.
The price in the pharmacy network
Profertil tablets for men (reviews indicate that they contribute to the successful conception of a child) can be purchased at the Samson Pharma pharmacy network or through an official representative of Medingtorg JSC. Sixty pills will cost the patient 6 thousand rubles, and for 180 pieces will have to pay about 16 thousand rubles.
The price of a female drug is 3400 rubles per pack of 56 tablets. One hundred and twelve pills cost six thousand rubles.
"Profertil": patient reviews
The drug is German and has proven itself in Russia in the best way. Patients say that not all doctors know about him. For many couples who were desperate to conceive a child in a natural way, “Profertil” for men helped to get pregnant, increasing the activity of spermatozoa, as well as affecting their quantity and quality. It is noted that the result was not long in coming after 30 days of regular administration of the drug.
There are opponents, because for some people this dietary supplement did not fit, and its reception did not give significant results. Some prefer cheaper analogues and say that they are no worse than “Profertil”.
“Profertil Female” (reviews of women noted that it normalizes the menstrual cycle) to achieve the desired result, you should drink at least three months. There is little information about him, but the one that is available is only positive. Ladies claim that, thanks to these pills, they were able to get pregnant and bear a child. For some of them, the gynecologist prescribed the drug during pregnancy.
"Profertil" is a modern natural preparation that helps to conceive a long-awaited child. The price is high, but the result is worth it.