For various disorders of cerebral circulation, decreased memory and other problems of the central nervous system , Piracetam is often prescribed. This drug belongs to the group of nootropics. They are used in medicine to protect the brain from various damaging factors. Many drugs belong to this group, but Piracetam is most often used, since it is an inexpensive means of Russian production. It is available in tablets, capsules and in a solution for injection. In complex and emergency cases, Piracetam injections are most often used.
The drug "Piracetam" was created in the 60s of the 20th century. At first it was used to increase the resistance of the brain to hypoxia or intoxication, to treat the effects of injuries. Soon, scientists found that the drug improves memory, helps to absorb learning material, and improves mental performance. Then other drugs with a similar effect were synthesized. They were called nootropics, as they acted on higher cortical functions.
These drugs have many useful properties, which are explained by their ability to activate the transmission of nerve impulses, as well as regulate the synthesis of proteins and polysaccharides. Nootropics have a sedative, psychostimulating, antidepressant and nootropic effect. They improve thinking, increase the clarity of thinking and normalize the blood supply to the brain. These drugs are actively used in pediatric and neurological practice. Moreover, "Piracetam" is the most common drug. Although after him there were many more drugs with a similar effect.
Features of the drug "Piracetam"
This medicine is available in the form of tablets with a dosage of 200, 400 and 800 mg, as well as a 20% solution for injection. Each ampoule contains 5 ml of medicine. The main active ingredient is a gamma aminobutyric acid derivative.
Depending on the severity of the disease and individual characteristics, the doctor calculates the dosage and number of injections of Piracetam. The drug is used to improve brain function and increase the body's resistance to various damaging factors. The main active substance accumulates in the brain tissues, nerve cells and cerebrospinal fluid. It is excreted in 5-9 hours, mainly by the kidneys. It does not participate in general metabolism and does not bind to blood proteins.
What effect does the drug have?
Piracetam injections are used for a wide variety of health disorders. This drug belongs to the group of nootropics. It acts on the brain in that it improves blood circulation and metabolic processes in nerve cells. This drug is used quite often, and some doctors prefer to prescribe Piracetam injections intramuscularly, as they are more effective than pills. They have such an effect on the body:
- stimulate mental activity;
- improve memory, attention;
- restore lost speech functions;
- accelerate glucose breakdown processes;
- improve oxygen supply to the brain;
- increase the resistance of brain cells under various negative influences, for example, after trauma or intoxication;
- have a positive effect on the rheological properties of blood;
- prevents the formation of blood clots;
- improve communication between the hemispheres of the brain, as well as nerve conduction;
- restore metabolic processes in nerve tissues.
Why prescribe injections "Piracetam"
This drug is prescribed by different doctors, but most often it is used in neurology, psychiatry, narcology and pediatrics. Assign it at any age, but only according to the doctorβs testimony. Piracetam injections can help older people improve memory and general condition; in chronic alcoholism, it stops a critical condition and helps to recover from a stroke. The drug is used in the complex treatment of depression, atherosclerosis, anemia, Alzheimer's disease. It is effective for improving memory and mental activity, therefore it is often used by students before the session.
But the instructions for use for injections "Piracetam" recommends using them only as directed by a doctor. Most often this is done in such cases:
- after a stroke or traumatic brain injury;
- with a violation of the blood supply to the brain;
- with frequent dizziness, impaired gait;
- with a decrease in memory and attention;
- with mood swings, depression;
- with a decrease in cognitive activity, loss of skills in the elderly;
- with osteochondrosis;
- with poor memory, a decrease in the digestibility of educational material;
- with frequent headaches, high blood pressure;
- with sleep disturbance and decreased performance;
- with apathy, depression, tearfulness;
- with Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's;
- with lag in mental and psychological development in children, with cerebral palsy and dyslexia, after birth injuries;
- with poisoning by alcohol or narcotic drugs, withdrawal symptoms.
Contraindications to the use of the drug
Do not prescribe injections "Piracetam" to patients with renal failure and with increased sensitivity to the components of the drug. Such treatment is recommended only at the age of over 1 year, older people need to see a doctor and monitor the condition of the kidneys. Injections are also not prescribed for severe psychomotor agitation, Huntington's chorea, as well as for hemorrhagic stroke. The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, but if the benefit of its administration exceeds the risk to the child, the doctor can decide on its use. But breastfeeding must be stopped for the duration of treatment. According to the instructions, injections of "Piracetam" is recommended to be done with caution in case of bleeding disorders, during surgical interventions and severe bleeding, since the drug improves the rheological properties of blood, which can lead to increased bleeding.
Possible side effects
As stated in the instructions, injections of "Piracetam" are usually well tolerated, but sometimes there are negative side effects. Basically, they appear in old age, as well as when the dosage is exceeded or the doctor's recommendations are not followed. Most often these are allergic reactions that occur when intolerance to the main active substance. It can be skin itch, rash, sometimes swelling or dermatitis develops.
In addition, side effects from the nervous system often also develop. Perhaps the emergence of psychomotor agitation, irritability, motor disinhibition, imbalance. Insomnia, anxiety may develop. Sometimes the ability to concentrate is reduced, depression, cramps, headache appear. Other side effects are much less common. This can be a deterioration in the course of heart disease, an increase in sexual activity, a change in body weight, and a decrease in blood pressure. In patients with epilepsy, an increase in seizures is possible.
Basically, side effects appear with an overdose of the drug. Usually, after its cancellation, they quickly pass. If the overdose is strong, you need a plentiful drink, sometimes hemodialysis is prescribed. There is no specific antidote to the drug. In addition, local reactions at the injection site are possible. This is soreness, the development of thrombophlebitis.
Injections "Piracetam": instruction
Reviews note that injections work better, because the drug at the same time penetrates the tissues faster, bypassing the digestive tract. But the method of administration and dosage should be calculated only by a doctor. Piracetam injections are usually prescribed intravenously in difficult cases, as well as if the use of tablets is not possible. This happens if the patient is unconscious or his swallowing function is impaired. In this case, it is possible to switch to tablets of the same drug after 10 days. If the injections are used during the entire course of treatment, which is often long, then after 6 months it is necessary to significantly reduce the dosage or take a break.
According to the instructions for use with Piracetam, intravenous injections are recommended 2-4 times a day. The daily dose is from 3 to 12 mg of the drug. It is often recommended that it be administered slowly through a catheter, for example, with a coma. In normal cases, intravenous injections are made slowly, for at least 2 minutes. Intramuscular injections are less common, as they are painful due to the large amount of fluid, so no more than 5 ml is injected with such injections. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor, most often after 10 days of injection, they switch to tablets.
Application features
Since the drug is excreted by the kidneys, patients with impaired function must be careful. Dosage is reduced depending on the severity of renal pathology. Constant monitoring of the condition of the kidneys is necessary. It is not recommended to abruptly discontinue the drug in the treatment of cortical myoclonia. You must also remember that the speed of psychomotor reactions and attention can change, so caution should be exercised when driving a car. About this necessarily warns the instructions for injections "Piracetam". Reviews note that this is rare, on the contrary, from the first day of treatment, mental and physical performance, attention and coordination of movements usually improve.
Interaction with other drugs
Piracetam injections can only be prescribed by a doctor. Especially if the treatment is complex, as this drug may not be combined with other drugs. Often, "Piracetam" is prescribed in conjunction with psychotic, cardiac and antiepileptic drugs. It is undesirable to prescribe it with antipsychotics, since it enhances their effect, therefore, the risk of developing side effects increases. In addition, Piracetam enhances the action of thyroid hormones, which can cause drowsiness and confusion. With the simultaneous administration of the drug with CNS stimulants, the development of overexcitation and nervousness is possible.
Piracetam is the first nootropic drug. After that, a lot of similar tools appeared. Therefore, doctors often prescribe other drugs instead. There are several analogues of "Piracetam" in composition, which differ only in the manufacturer. Accordingly, their prices will be different. Piracetam itself is an inexpensive means - an injection solution costs about 50 rubles. Its analogs will be more expensive - from 100 to 300 rubles, but they are sometimes bought, since it is believed that they are better tolerated. There are such analogues of "Piracetam":
- Nootropil;
- Fezam;
- Lucetam
- Combitropil;
- Omoron;
- Thiocetam;
- "Piracezin".
On sale you can also find nootropic drugs with a different composition, but with a similar effect. They are also often used, but the decision to choose a drug should be made by a doctor. You can replace "Piracetam" with such means: "Vinpocetine", "Cavinton", "Phenibut", "Noofen", "Pantogam" and others.
Many helped the drug "Piracetam" (injections). Reviews of them note that after the first injection dizziness disappears, working capacity increases, and coordination of movements improves. The drug helps well with osteochondrosis, hypertension, increased mental stress. Moreover, patients note that the drug is quite cheap, and its effectiveness is high.