Treatment of serous meningitis. Causes and manifestations of the disease

The brain is covered with three membranes: hard, soft and vascular. The first two are made up of different types of connective tissue, and the third is a network of tiny blood vessels. For its resemblance to the thinnest web, it is also called arachnoidal (from the Latin "arachnid" - "spider"). For various reasons, all three membranes can become inflamed, but doctors refer to the inflammation of the pia mater as the term β€œmeningitis”.

Causes of Meningitis

serous meningitis complications

In the vast majority of cases, meningitis causes some kind of infection (microbial, viral or fungal). In first place among the causative agents of this disease is the meningococcus microbe (its name speaks for itself). It should be noted that meningococcal infection can also occur as a common cold, it all depends on the state of the body's immunity. Other microorganisms can also cause inflammation of the meninges. Viral meningitis is often found - both secondary (in the form of complications of mumps, measles, rubella), and caused by tick bites. With a bite, tick-borne encephalitis virus infection occurs. Meningitis is of two main types - purulent or serous. The latter is more common and, in any case, is the precursor of purulent. It is necessary to know the signs of this disease in order to seek medical help as soon as possible, since the treatment of serous meningitis is possible only in a special department.

Manifestations of serous meningitis

The main symptoms: a sudden onset of the disease with a sharp rise in temperature against the background of obsessive, repeated vomiting without relief, as well as severe headache. Over time, consciousness may be impaired, convulsions begin, a rash may occur for several hours throughout the body. Usually a sick person takes a forced position, which is very characteristic: the head is thrown back due to the strong tension of the occipital muscles, the back is arched, the legs are bent and brought to the inverted abdomen. Excessive tension of the occipital muscles is a typical symptom of meningitis - because of the so-called stiffness, it is impossible to press the chin to the chest. Treatment of serous meningitis should be started immediately, no folk or home remedies exist here (they are a sure way to death). Immediate hospitalization required!

cerebrospinal fluid with serous meningitis

In a hospital setting, the main method for diagnosing meningitis is lumbar (lumbar) puncture, as a result of which a certain amount of cerebrospinal fluid (cerebrospinal fluid) is extracted and examined. Liquor in case of serous meningitis under high pressure results in cytosis (increased cell content per unit volume), lymphocytosis, a positive sedimentary reaction, a sharp deviation from normal levels of protein, glucose and chlorides.

Treatment and prevention of serous meningitis

Treatment of serous meningitis is primarily aimed at combating the pathogen. Therefore, antibiotics (intramuscular or intravenous) will almost always be prescribed. The second component of treatment is symptomatic therapy. To reduce pain due to increased intracranial pressure, eliminate cerebral disorders, diuretics (diuretics) are prescribed . To reduce the symptoms of intoxication carry out infusion therapy. At the same time, the scheme and preparations are carefully selected so that the therapeutic effect is, and additional accumulation of fluid in the body does not occur.

treatment of serous meningitis

If serous meningitis occurs, complications should be prevented with the utmost care. The greatest danger is the transition of inflammation into a purulent form.

Treatment of serous meningitis can include various additional drugs that improve blood supply to the brain, normalize the composition and characteristics of cerebrospinal fluid, and increase immunity.

A healthy lifestyle, hygiene (personal and nutrition), the use of only boiled water, and thorough treatment of all colds allow avoiding the disease. Caution should be taken when walking in nature: to protect yourself from tick bites, you should wear clothing that completely covers your arms and legs and has cuffs, avoid shrubs, and carefully examine the skin after returning from a walk. An important aspect is vaccination. A number of vaccinations (pneumo- and meningococcal, CDS, etc.) are the prevention of meningitis.

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