Meat in a baking sleeve

Today there is such a wonderful thing - a baking sleeve. This device can be purchased at any supermarket, and at a cost it is comparable to foil. It has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The meat in the baking sleeve is cooked simply. In such a sleeve it is quite possible to cook even real kebab, only meat should be marinated in advance. But if you don’t have time for this, then just baked meat in the oven will also be very tasty.

You will need:

About 1 kg of pork (it is better to take the loin portion, in which there are no bones);

3 medium onions;

black pepper;



So, we begin to cook the meat in the sleeve for baking:

First you need to cut the meat into pieces (about the same as for barbecue). Then you need to chop the onion in half rings. Next, all this needs to be mixed well and put salt, spices, pepper. Again, everything must be thoroughly mixed.

Take a baking sleeve. On one side, we twist it and carefully pour the prepared mixed meat into it. Put the sleeve on a baking sheet and carefully twist it on the other side as well.

Next, put the baking sheet with meat in the sleeve into the oven. The cooking time for this dish is about one and a half hours at a temperature of 180 degrees. Do not preheat the oven more than 200 degrees, because the baking sleeve is not designed for such high temperatures.

After an hour and a half, meat can be taken out and served. There will be quite a lot of juice in the sleeve. The meat is very tender and tasty.

We can also offer you such a recipe for meat in the sleeve - beef, which is baked in a whole piece.

You will need: 700 g of beef, 1 teaspoon of sugar, mustard, 2 tablespoons of salt, the same amount of lemon juice, bay leaf, pepper, garlic, vegetable oil.

It is better to buy beef in the market and choose "young", which is pink and smells of milk.

So, we tell you how to cook meat in the sleeve.

In one liter of water, 2 full tablespoons of salt, a teaspoon of sugar, and lemon juice should be dissolved. Put the meat in the resulting solution (pre-wash). In the event that the piece of beef is too large, it is recommended to pierce it in different places with a knife. In this case, the brine should completely cover the meat. Put pepper peas (about 5 pieces) and two bay leaves.

Put a plate on a piece of beef and crush it with a rather heavy object. The meat must be marinated under load for at least 12 hours at room temperature. If the apartment is too hot, then you can hold for 4 hours at room temperature, and then put in the refrigerator.

The next day, beef should be removed from the brine and lightly dried with a napkin.

Lubricate meat with vegetable oil, mustard, pepper. We make small cuts and put garlic cloves in them. Leave for half an hour.

We put the meat in a baking sleeve, where we pour about 100 ml. water and put in the oven, preheated to 180 Β° C. At the same time, the sleeve is inflated, and therefore it is necessary to ensure that it does not come into contact with the walls of the oven.

If you see that the water is already boiling in the sleeve, you should lower the temperature to 120-150 Β° C and continue to bake beef for 80 minutes. Then turn off the oven and leave the meat in it for another 20 minutes. If the piece of beef is too big, then you will need a little more time to cook the meat in the baking sleeve. It is not required to set a very high temperature, our meat will become rosy in the sleeve, and if it is baked at high temperature, it can even burn from above.

Beef baked by this method is suitable as a hot dish and as a cold snack. To appreciate this yourself, cook the meat in a baking sleeve.

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