With severe vomiting caused by a variety of reasons, and diarrhea, accompanied by numerous urges, you need plenty of drinking. Doctors recommend taking Rehydron to prevent dehydration. For children, this is especially important, because leaching of salts and minerals from the body occurs very quickly and can lead to sad consequences. The instruction presents this tool as completely safe for small patients and preventing a deficiency of important substances. Therefore, parents should find out how to breed the powder, in what proportions, how it works and at what age it is recommended.
"Rehydron" - what is it?
According to official medical sources, "Regidron" is a medicine with which rehydration therapy is carried out in adult patients and children. With the loss of fluid caused by vomiting or diarrhea, electrolytes are washed out, which this drug effectively replenishes. It is also a Regidron glucose source. For children, its lack seriously affects well-being. From the reviews, we can conclude that the drug successfully copes with its task, even if dehydration is severe. In addition, doctors often recommend medicine for newborns.
Active components
The Rehydron solution for children needs to be prepared independently, because the drug is available only in powder form. It is a white crystalline granule that is completely odorless. At the same time, the finished medicine also has no aroma, looks like a clear liquid and slightly brackish in taste. In pharmacies, you can purchase packages containing 4 or 20 sachets of powder. In this case, the dosage of the active components is always the same, there are no differences in the children's or adult version.
The powder consists of the following active substances:
- Sodium chloride. It is an essential component and is recognized to make up for sodium deficiency.
- Sodium citrate. Needed to relieve acidity in the stomach.
- Potassium chloride Replenishes the potassium norm, regulates the acid-base balance.
- Dextrose. Provides the body with energy to restore metabolism.
Operating principle
For rehydration therapy, Rehydron is used. When a child is poisoned, it is necessary to induce vomiting, thereby upsetting the natural balance. To restore the body's work, it is necessary to fill the deficit of lost substances. The drug effectively eliminates the symptoms of dehydration that occurs with diarrhea or diarrhea.
The high effectiveness of the drug in restoring the amount of electrolytes has been proven. In this case, the acid-base balance is also leveled, because it is disturbed during dehydration. A similar effect is possible due to the presence of potassium and sodium salts in the composition. With diarrhea syndrome and repeated vomiting, a loss of energy and vitality is noted. Children become lethargic and lose interest in anything. To correct this situation and make up for the lack of energy helps included in the composition of dextrose. In addition, the instruction shows that:
- "Regidron" for children has the most beneficial effect, because the potassium content is increased here, and sodium, on the contrary, is reduced. This distinguishes the drug from other similar drugs for the better.
- The concentration of active substances in the finished solution is lower than in other similar ones. Therefore, "Rehydron" for children is the most useful and safe.
In what cases is the technique indicated?
Doctors often prescribe the drug as a complex therapy with other drugs. However, in cases of dehydration in children, Regidron can be used alone. The technique is indicated for any cases of rehydration caused by any reason:
- With repeated vomiting (especially if a similar condition applies to young children).
- With diarrhea caused by intestinal disorders.
- When the patient has a high temperature for a long time.
- In the case of heat stroke (electrolyte balance is violated in this case).
- If there is a large loss of fluid due to debilitating physical exertion.
Solution preparation
To replenish the deficiency of fluid and lost minerals, you need "Rehydron" (powder). For children, as well as for adults, it is necessary to breed one sachet per day. Only the reception scheme will differ. There are no difficulties in cooking, you must perform the following steps:
- Boil and cool one liter of water. You can use bottled.
- Water for the solution should be about 36 degrees. It is impossible to breed in boiling water, otherwise useful properties will be lost.
- The powder is poured into 1/3 of the total volume of water and thoroughly stirred.
- After that, add the remaining liquid.
Ready solution must be stored in a closed container. You do not need to put in the refrigerator. The instruction warns that mixing the solution with any other liquids other than water is unacceptable. Sometimes, young children do not like the salty taste of the medicine. But it is forbidden to use any sweetener or add the drug to juice or milk. Such actions adversely affect the current formula and significantly reduce effectiveness.
Competent reception
How to give Rehydron to a child will depend on the reason that prompted the treatment. So, according to the instructions, the circuit is as follows:
- If the baby has diarrhea, then for the prevention of dehydration, the reception lasts until the end of all symptoms (up to 4 days).
- When vomiting, it is worth drinking often, but in small portions. You can use a slightly chilled solution.
- If signs of dehydration appear, then to eliminate abnormalities in the composition of electrolytes, it is necessary to use the drug during the first hours and continue until the condition normalizes.
How to give Rehydron to a child depends on the total weight loss. This value is multiplied by two. Parameters are measured in grams and correspond to the required number of ml. the necessary solution to fill the deficit of minerals. If, after taking the necessary dose, vomiting or diarrhea continues, then the intake is calculated according to the following scheme:
- Newborn babies weighing up to 5 kg drink another 2350 ml.
- Kids from 5 to 10 kg - 500 ml.
- Children over 10 kg - 700 ml.
Use in newborns
The drug "Rehydron" is effective and safe. From what age children can be offered medicine, is described in detail in the instructions. Doctors consider it reasonable to use the drug in children from the first month of life. Dilute the powder in a little more water (1.5 l). Newborns should be offered one teaspoon of the solution after each case of diarrhea or an attack of vomiting. Moreover, for the prevention of dehydration in such young children, the tool is not used.
Use in infants
"Regidron" for children under one year of age is actively used, but also requires a dosage reduction. The solution is prepared according to the standard scheme, diluting the powder in one liter of liquid.
"Regidron" for children with diarrhea - dosage:
- In the first four hours after an attack of vomiting or diarrhea, offer 30 ml for each kg of the baby's body weight.
- Then the baby drinks two teaspoons of the solution after each vomiting or going to the toilet.
Are side effects possible?
It is known that even newborn children tolerate the medicine well and they have side effects. There may be single allergy phenomena that are the result of an individual reaction of the body. Subject to admission regimen, no negative effects were identified. However, "Rehydron" for children with vomiting may be taken in too high doses, because the reception is difficult to control. In this case, phenomena such as:
- Confusion.
- Weakness.
- Cramps.
- Difficulty breathing.
Therefore, it is important to accurately follow the dosage and not exceed the recommended norms.
When is Rehydron banned?
The instructions clearly stipulate cases when taking the drug is contraindicated:
- If the patient is unconscious.
- If there is a history of diabetes. Dextrose can trigger a jump in blood glucose.
- If serious impairment of kidney function is diagnosed;
- With bowel obstruction.
- If diarrhea is caused by cholera.
- With individual sensitivity to any component of the drug.
Quite rarely, the drug causes an allergic reaction. Usually, the powder is well tolerated by even the smallest patients. However, the taste of the solution is not always to the liking of children.
The basic principles of treatment
Rehydron is effective for children with vomiting and diarrhea. But the treatment should limit the use of fatty foods and foods rich in easily digestible carbohydrates. If the baby is breastfed, then feeding continues. With a rotovirus or intestinal infection, a sparing diet is prescribed for older children.
The main principles of treatment with the drug are as follows;
- It is necessary to drink the baby for at least three days.
- If the child is still too small, then the solution must be offered in a bottle, given in a spoon or with a syringe.
- A single dosage should be 5 ml, frequency - 10-15 minutes.
- An important rule is that the solution taken should be twice as much as the lost weight.
- It is also necessary to drink during the night.
- If the baby is vomiting from any liquid, then it is permissible to use "Rehydron" in the form of ice cubes.
- Breasts are offered a teaspoon every 10 minutes in the first 4 hours of illness.
The main thing is to prevent signs of dehydration. Such a condition threatens with serious consequences.
How to replace the drug?
A small number of drugs have a similar composition with "Regidron." Analogs for children are worth highlighting the following:
- Hydrovit. Almost a complete analogue of the drug in question. However, children are more often perceived more favorably, because it tastes good. It is worth noting that the concentration of active substances is noticeably reduced. However, the powder involves dilution in less water.
- Trihydron. Means of the Russian manufacturer. Sodium and potassium are two times lower here than in the Regidron.
- "Trisol". The drug has a budget price and wins due to the finished form of release. To take the drug, it is not necessary to dilute with water, it is completely ready for use.
If there is no way to visit the pharmacy
It is not always possible to quickly purchase a Regidron. Analogs for children can be prepared at home. Sometimes this need arises in the country or in a country house. If the need for medicine arose at night, you can also use a proven recipe. All rehydration medications are malfunctioning solutions of water with salt and sugar. Therefore, you can do the following:
- Prepare warm boiled water (1 liter).
- Add sugar - 30 gr.
- Salt - 3 gr.
- Baking soda - 2 gr.
The finished solution is used according to a similar scheme proposed for rehydration preparations. To make up for the lack of potassium, children after three years should offer a decoction of raisins and carrots.
In order not to get confused in grams, you can use the recipe that leads the popular pediatrician Komarovsky:
- Warm water - 1 liter.
- Sugar - 2 teaspoons.
- Salt - 1 teaspoon.
- Baking soda - 1 teaspoon.
If a child has poisoned, then it is only necessary to drink it with the help of "Regidron". You can also offer sweet tea and plain water. After the termination of vomiting and normalization of the state, you can offer stewed fruit and crackers. When the symptoms are practically fanned, it is permissible to feed porridge on water or rice broth. If desired, half the banana is allowed. Dairy, fatty and spicy foods are prohibited. Also, do not forget about the doctorβs control over the condition of the baby.