The saddest movie in the world! Top 10 films that are impossible to watch without tears!

Cinema can cause the viewer a whole palette of emotions: from loud sincere laughter to almost hysterical sobs. The choice of these emotions directly depends on the director who determines the genre of the future cinema, and the choice of a film is already entirely the business of film enthusiasts.

The time of crocodile tears, or the saddest movie

Someone likes to tickle their nerves and packs of horrors, clogging at night under the covers and shuddering at every suspicious sound.

the saddest movie
Someone just prefers to watch a movie in a fun company, so as not to focus on the quality of the acting and the script, but just relax and laugh at a quality comedy. Someone likes to stock up ice cream and chocolate and cry sobbily because of the injustice that happened on the screen with the romantic heroine of some kind of melodrama. By the way, there are not so many lovers of dramas. They say that life is already too hard to shed tears over the movie. However, the truly saddest movie will be able to tell exactly the fans of this genre.

Sorry for the dog

According to many modern filmmakers, the saddest movie is Hachiko. Every second viewer claims that after watching this movie for a long time he could not calm down and was in deep shock for several days.

the saddest movies list
The explanation is quite simple. Most often, a person is sorry not for his comrades or even for creatures that belong to the same biological species as he. Usually people are most sorry for the animals. Many would prefer to give a piece of bread to a small homeless puppy rather than a starving African baby. Some argue that the puppy is not to blame for its sorrows, and a person can always earn on his own a piece of bread. In fact, the reason is much simpler: the puppy is cute and cute, the little African is not. Perhaps this is why the Japanese film about the faithful dog Hachiko and his American remake make so many sad people around the world sad and sad.

How can the Germans be saddened

Oddly enough, a truly sad movie can also be shot by Germans, famous for their rigor and radicalism. A good confirmation of this is the film “The Life of Others”.

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It is safe to say that The Life of Others is the saddest film ever to be released in Germany. It touches on many topics: the problem of relations between those in power and their subordinates, unemployment, relations between husband and wife, prostitution for the sake of survival, censorship in literature and many others. The film tells the story of a subordinate from the Stasi, who once receives a personal order dictated by his superiors to spy on writer Georg Dreiman. He hears every word that is pronounced in the writer's apartment, so he becomes an involuntary participant in the life of Dreiman and his wife. At one point, he is imbued with deep sympathy for these people, so gaps and understands begin to appear in his spy reports. The film not only significantly breaks into a tear, but also makes you think.

Jared Leto and his Requiem

The saddest movie in the genre of arthouse is undoubtedly “Requiem for a Dream”. Even those who have never watched this film know its contents.

10 most sad films
Earlier, Requiem was elevated to the status of a cult movie, so each viewer knows at least approximately what they are talking about. Then the still rising star Jared Leto attracted such mass attention to this film production that now it is considered almost bad form to not know about “Requiem for a Dream”. The movie tells about what drugs can bring a person to. The film has one storyline, but four central characters around which events unfold. Each of the characters has their own reason for using drugs, but the outcome is the same for everyone. If it were not for hard shots, scenes of violence and sex, this film could be shown in schools to completely discourage the younger generation even from the thought of drugs. The images that can be seen in this film completely discourage the use of diet pills or drink sleeping pills again.

Indifference is the worst sin

The saddest films, the list of which is given in this article, concentrate by and large on everyday situations that make up the whole life of an ordinary person, and this makes the viewer even sadder.

the best sad films
Together, Russia and France released a film in 2003 with the sweet title “Granny”. An impressionable person will have a lump in the throat from just one name, and a well-written annotation can move to tears. The film shows how indifferent we are to our already elderly parents, grandparents, regardless of how much they have done for us. Grandma Tosya once left with nothing and was forced to seek refuge, but only her own daughter had died, and her grandchildren were in no hurry to take the grandmother to her. No matter how much they loved the grandmother in childhood, the grandchildren forgot that she devoted her life to her when she needed only a roof over her head. This movie is undesirable to watch at night, as the viewer runs the risk of sobbing all night or urgently going to visit his grandparents.

Love sorrows

Of course, for real romantics you need a special list listing the saddest films about love. You can safely bring here such paintings as “Head in the Clouds”, “Diary of Remembrance”, “One Day”, “Where Dreams May Come” and “Atonement”.

top saddest films
"Head in the Clouds" will delight the amazing cast and will certainly cause the viewer to want to call their loved ones. The Memory Diary is often cited as an example when it touches on the theme of the best love films. The story of how wonderful feelings for each other among representatives of different classes blossomed will show how strong the bonds of love can be. The film “One Day” uses a completely unexpected plot twist, because of which it will be difficult for the viewer to believe what is happening for the first time. “Atonement" is a kind of military drama with impressive timing, which tells us that war and death cannot defeat love. The film “Where Dreams May Come” will appeal to fans of esotericism or simply to people who believe in life after death.

Sad Londoner with brown eyes

The English actor Jim Sturgess picks up such roles for himself that he will soon become a real dramatic actor. Many films with his participation can in earnest make the viewer feel sympathetic. One of these films is Ashes. Unfortunately, “Dust” has not yet been translated into Russian, but has every right to be included in the top 10 most sad films released in the UK. This is a story about how a son abducts his father from a psychiatric hospital and spends time with him on his way back home. During the trip, such facts of the biography of both characters are discovered that completely change the plot stated in the annotation and make the audience bite their teeth from the experience. The Best Sad Films from Sturgess filmography also stocked up a place of honor for Heartless. This is not an ordinary thriller with stunningly sad music, landscapes of London streets and a charismatic protagonist. The ending of this film may not let go for quite some time, therefore it is not recommended to watch this picture for those who do not want to spoil their mood for the whole day.

The story of a tomboy with disabilities

In the top of the saddest films, you can also record the Irish movie "... But in my heart I dance." The story of the friendship of two disabled people who are struggling to live independently, without relying on the help of orderlies, will not leave anyone indifferent. The magnificent play of James McAvoy and Stephen Robertson and a very sincere script, as well as a completely unexpected ending, can make anyone shed tears of crocodiles. Critics say that these tears are specially forced by the filmmakers, but the picture does not lose its artistic value at all. It would be nice, of course, that this film would evoke among film enthusiasts not only a passive feeling of pity, but also encourage them to some kind of action. For example, "... But in my soul I dance" may well inspire someone to do charity work. People who need help exist not only on the screen, they are in real life. But those who really need our help, we usually don’t notice, instead worrying about fictional characters.

Lumberjack drama

Sometimes it is striking to the depths of one’s soul how unpopular truly truly talented and sad films can be.

the saddest films to tears
For example, the Lumberjack with Kevin Bacon in the lead role can bring to tears. The stated theme, however, does not cause anything but disgust for the main character, but the viewer will change his mind when he follows the development of the plot. The film tells about a repentant criminal who has served a prison term for seducing minors. The creators of the cinema do not justify such people, they just show their feelings and say that a person can change, if you give him a chance. Kevin Bacon played a wonderful character, not afraid of career bias and statements in the spirit of "looked organically in this role." If the viewer does not intentionally catch himself thinking that he sympathizes with the child molester, then he will certainly feel tears.

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