Pea soup in a slow cooker: step by step recipes simple and tasty

First courses are an integral part of a normal human diet. However, modern housewives often do not have enough time to prepare such a meal. To make this process faster and easier, chefs recommend using modern kitchen appliances. This article talks about step-by-step recipes for pea soup for a multicooker.

First course with pork

It includes:

  1. Chipped yellow peas (approximately 150 g).
  2. Five tubers of potatoes.
  3. Onion.
  4. Pork pulp in the amount of 400 g.
  5. Carrot
  6. Sunflower oil (at least 2 large spoons).
  7. Fresh parsley.
  8. 2.5 liters of water.
  9. Salt and black pepper.

A step-by-step recipe for Redmond multicooker pea soup is presented in this chapter.

pea soup with pork in a slow cooker

This dish is prepared as follows:

  1. The peas are washed, left in a plate with warm water for 10 hours. Then the liquid must be removed.
  2. Pork pulp is divided into small cubes. Onions and carrots are peeled, cut into squares. Place the sunflower oil in the bowl of the appliance. Cook meat and vegetables on it in the frying mode for fifteen minutes, stirring the food from time to time.
  3. Then the components are transferred to a separate container.
  4. Peas are placed in the bowl of the device. Add half a liter of water. Cover the crock-pot with a lid. Prepare the grains in soup mode for an hour and a half.
  5. Peel the potatoes and wash them. Divided into slices. Greens should be chopped. Then potatoes, parsley and meat with vegetables are added to the peas.
  6. Salt and pepper the food. Mix the products. Two liters of water are added.
  7. Cook the dish in the "Soup" mode for 60 minutes.

Smoked meats

This step-by-step recipe for pea soup for a multicooker includes:

  1. At least 4 glasses of water.
  2. 250 g of brisket or bacon.
  3. Two stalks of celery.
  4. A glass of peas.
  5. 2 carrots.
  6. Onions (same amount).
  7. Garlic - at least 2 cloves.
  8. Three leaves of laurel.
  9. Half a teaspoon of dried thyme.
  10. Black pepper, salt.

How to cook pea soup in a slow cooker?

soup with peas and smoked meats in a slow cooker

A step-by-step recipe for a smoked dish is presented in this section.

  1. Grains should be rinsed. Leave in a bowl of warm water for several hours.
  2. Bacon or smoked brisket is divided into thin long slices. Fry in the appliance bowl for 10 minutes.
  3. Onions should be peeled and chopped. Carrots are divided into semicircular pieces. Celery and garlic are cut into slices. Place the vegetables in the appliance bowl, combine with the bacon. Add bay leaf, thyme.
  4. Cook in the baking program for ten minutes, stirring occasionally.
  5. Peel, wash, divide the potatoes into small squares. Add to other products.
  6. Peas are placed in the bowl. Pour the dish with water, sprinkle with pepper, salt.
  7. Prepared under a lid in a fire extinguishing program for an hour and a half.

Recipe for pea soup for multicooker "Polaris"

For this meal you will need:

  1. Two liters of purified water.
  2. 200 g dry green peas.
  3. Half a loaf of white bread.
  4. Four cloves of garlic.
  5. The stem of leek.
  6. Six large spoons of olive oil.
  7. Salt.

How to make pea soup in the Polaris slow cooker? A step-by-step recipe is described in this chapter.

  1. Peas should be placed in a deep plate and pour boiling water. Leave for two hours. Then the liquid is removed.
  2. Transfer the grain to the bowl of the device. Pour water. Peas are cooked for about 60 minutes in a soup program.
  3. Olive oil is placed in a pan. Put the dish on the fire. Leek is cut into round pieces. Fry in oil for 60 seconds. Placed in the bowl of the device. Cook for another 10 minutes.
  4. Bread is divided into squares. Garlic is passed through a press. Combined with oil. In the resulting mixture, the bread is fried.
  5. Grind the soup with a blender so that it has a mashed potato texture.
pea puree soup in a slow cooker

The dish is laid out on plates, sprinkled with crackers.

Chicken and mushrooms

This is another popular option for cooking pea soup in a slow cooker. A step-by-step recipe involves the use of such products:

  1. Onion head.
  2. A pound of champignons fresh.
  3. A glass of dried chopped peas.
  4. Carrot.
  5. Two teaspoons of curry.
  6. Bay leaf.
  7. A pound of chicken pulp.
  8. A stalk of celery.
  9. Sunflower oil (at least 2 tablespoons).
  10. Black pepper, salt.


A step-by-step recipe for pea soup in a slow cooker looks like this.

  1. The chicken is rinsed, placed in the bowl of the device. Two liters of water are added. Cooked in soup mode. Cook for 60 minutes. After boiling, remove the foam from its surface, add salt.
  2. While preparing the broth, it is necessary to pour pea grains with boiling water. The chicken is removed from the bowl of the device. Leave to cool.
  3. Peas are removed from the bowl with water. Put in the slow cooker. Cook about 60 minutes in the broth.
  4. Mushrooms and vegetables are cleaned, washed, divided into small squares. Celery is cut into round slices.
  5. Onions and carrots are cooked in a pan with butter. Add champignons. Combine products with celery, spices. Fry for about 8 minutes.
  6. Place in a multicooker bowl. Add chopped chicken flesh, bay leaf, pepper.
  7. Prepare the dish for about a quarter of an hour.
pea soup with chicken in a slow cooker

Lenten Recipe

For him you will need:

  1. A glass of pea grains.
  2. Four potatoes.
  3. Carrots (one piece).
  4. Bulb.
  5. Water in an amount of 5 glasses.
  6. Salt.
  7. Fresh greens.
  8. Spice.
  9. Sunflower oil.
  10. Crackers.

How to make lean pea soup in a slow cooker? A step-by-step recipe looks like this.

  1. The grains are rinsed and placed in a bowl of hot water. Potatoes are divided into cubes. Chop the onion. Carrots are cut into slices. Oil is placed in the bowl of the device. Cook vegetables on it in frying mode.
  2. Add seasonings. After a minute, peas, potatoes, salt are placed in the bowl of the device. Pour the food with water.
  3. Prepare in a stew program for 60 minutes.
  4. Then the soup is ground with a blender.
lean pea soup in a slow cooker

The dish is served with chopped herbs and crackers.

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