Burdock, whose folk names are burdock, grandfather or burdock, is a valuable medicinal plant. In the Caucasus and Siberia, it is even used as food. They also love burdock in Japan. Young petioles and leaves are especially tasty, in the first year of growth the root of this plant is also suitable for consumption. The most popular were bread and burdock soup.
Burdock root, the use of which makes the dishes tasty and undoubtedly useful, is also used in folk medicine. It helps to overcome the following ailments:
· Constipation. A proven tool that promotes bowel movement is an infusion of burdock seeds. Well-ripened seeds need to be poured with a glass of boiling water and cover. After two hours, strain the resulting mass through gauze or a sieve and drink.
· Colds. This plant is used as an effective tool to lower high body temperature. To combat the virus, you need to pour a spoon (tablespoon) of dried and pre-ground leaves of burdock with one glass of boiling water. Keep the resulting mass in a water bath with boiling water for fifteen minutes, then strain and cool. The most effective warm infusion, taken up to six times a day after meals. If you have a sore throat, you can rinse this extract at least three times a day.
Rickets will also cure burdock root. The use of this plant in the fight against the disease is as follows: a tablespoon of burdock root is poured with two glasses of boiling water. The infusion will be ready for use in two hours (do not forget to pass it through cheesecloth, sieve). Take the product should be hot, with a regularity of three to four times a day for a third of a glass.
To continue the list of diseases that can be eliminated with the help of this miraculous plant, you can endlessly. Burdock perfectly cleanses the body of accumulated toxins and toxins, helps to cope with alcoholism and drug addiction.
Burdock root, whose use is also popular in cosmetology, has a positive effect on the hair and skin. Here are some of the most common recipes that significantly improve the appearance:
· Very useful burdock root for hair. A decoction of the rhizomes of this plant helps to improve the condition of the hair, they acquire a beautiful appearance, less fall out and split off. The method of preparation of such a beauty product is as follows: the roots of a burdock (collected independently or purchased at a pharmacy) must be poured with freshly boiled water. When it cools, the resulting mass must be filtered. It is not necessary to use all the resulting broth immediately. Its long-term storage will provide the addition of several milliliters of alcohol or cologne. At home, you can cook burdock a little using burdock root. For hair growth, the root of this plant is insisted on almond or olive oil. To apply such a tool should be externally, gently massaging movements rubbing the resulting mass into the scalp.
· This plant is indispensable for problem skin. A mask of its leaves is very effective. To do this, you need to select several large sheets and pour them with boiling water. Such a mask must be kept on the face for at least half an hour.
Burdock root. Application in the household.
This plant can be a good helper in the fight against rodents. Dried and peeled roots of burdock should be laid out in those places where these unwanted guests most often appear. Mice (or rats) simply will not tolerate such a neighborhood and will soon leave the territory.