Potassium in food. High Potassium Products

The key to good health is a balanced diet, saturated with all the necessary vitamins, micro and macro elements. An acute shortage of at least one of them very often leads to a malfunction of several organs at once, moreover, regardless of the person's age. Today we will consider a macrocell such as potassium.

In this article you will find information about its role in the processes of various organs, the daily intake, as well as the consequences of the lack and excess of this element in the body. And we will tell you about which foods contain large amounts of potassium. After all, everyone knows that beneficial substances are much better absorbed not from drugs, but from natural products.

The main functions of potassium

In order to prevent a deficiency of a substance in the body, it is very important to eat varied. Vegetables, fruits, nuts, berries, dairy and sour-milk products, meat, fish - all this is an excellent source of nutrients necessary for the normal functioning of internal organs. This is especially true for potassium - it is found in all cells of our body, and its salts are one of the main components of intracellular fluid.

The use of this macrocell is vital for all internal organs, muscles and blood vessels. So, the main functions of potassium are:

  • support the normal functioning of cell walls;
  • maintaining water-salt balance;
  • maintaining the concentration of magnesium in the body (which is also extremely important for the work of the heart and nervous system);
  • heart rate normalization;
  • providing oxygen to brain cells;
  • blood pressure stabilization;
  • general strengthening of immunity;
  • increase body stamina.

Assimilation of potassium

This process depends on a number of factors. Among them: drinking alcohol, following a diet, taking hormonal drugs and laxatives, constant stress, excessive consumption of coffee and foods high in sugar.

Potassium is absorbed in the small intestine and this process is accelerated with a sufficient level of vitamin B6 and neomycin in the body. At the same time, an increased sodium content leads to leaching of potassium from the cell walls.

Daily Intake

Daily potassium rates

Since almost all nutrients enter the body through food, it is important to know which foods contain potassium and how much should be consumed daily. The body of an adult healthy person contains at least 200 grams of potassium. Its main part is in the liver and spleen.

To maintain the normal functioning of these and other organs, an adult needs to consume from 1800 to 2500 milligrams of potassium in foods. For children it is more convenient to calculate the amount of macronutrient based on the dosage for each kilogram of weight - from 18 to 35 milligrams. Thus, for a child weighing 20 kilograms, the required daily intake of potassium in foods is from 360 to 700 milligrams.

Supplemental Potassium

In some situations, the standard dosage should be increased. These include:

  • the period of bearing a child;
  • high physical activity (professional sport);
  • age over 50 years.

Due to the high load on the work of the heart and blood vessels in the above situations, for the body, the potassium in the products in the usual dosage may simply not be enough. That is why it is worth increasing the amount of their consumption.

Potassium in food

Potassium in foods

In this section, we consider those natural products that contain the maximum amount of potassium. The richest sources of this macroelement are legumes, cereals, mushrooms, dried fruits and seafood. For your convenience, we have prepared a table of potassium content in food.

Product namePotassium content in milligrams per 100 grams of product
Black tea2470-2500
Powdered milk1100
Whole bean coffee1680
Pumpkin seeds880
Beef and turkey meat150
Milk chocolate485
Whole milk147

In addition, a sufficient amount of potassium in the cheeses of the Poshekhonsky and Dutch varieties is at least 100 milligrams per 100 grams of product. Therefore, a cup of black tea with a sandwich of cereal bread and cheese is an excellent snack that nourishes the body with potassium. In general, dairy products can hardly be called champions in potassium content, but for a full and varied diet they should not be excluded from the daily diet.

Cereals also contain a considerable amount of potassium. For example, in buckwheat it is almost 400 milligrams, in oatmeal about 330 milligrams, in wheat and corn grits about 250 milligrams, in barley and pearl barley a little less - no more than 200 milligrams.

Potassium in vegetables

Potassium in vegetables

Vegetables are not only a source of fiber, but also a storehouse of vitamins and macronutrients. The daily diet must necessarily include a large number of different vegetables and herbs, also because of the high potassium content. In herbal products, especially green, the amount of this valuable substance is incredibly high.

For example, do you know how much potassium in cabbage? Varieties such as white cabbage, Brussels and Beijing download, contain about 300 milligrams for every 100 grams of vegetable. But mushrooms are considered to be the true record holders for potassium content. Dried porcini mushrooms contain about 4000 milligrams per 100 grams.

The rest (oyster mushrooms, honey mushrooms, champignons, boletus, etc.) are slightly less rich in this macro element - from 250 to 550 milligrams. In the greens of dill, parsley, cilantro, sorrel and garlic potassium from 300 to 800 milligrams. Therefore, be sure to add them to salads and other dishes.

Potassium in fruits and dried fruits

Potassium in fruits

Fruits are rich in various vitamins and minerals necessary for the proper functioning of all organs. Dried fruits and berries are considered even more useful. For example, raisins contain about 1000 milligrams of potassium, while in fresh grapes no more than 300 milligrams per 100 grams. You will not find as much potassium as in dried apricots in any fresh fruit - almost 2000 milligrams.

Prunes, dried figs and dates are also rich in this useful substance - from 600 to 1000 milligrams for every 100 grams of product. In general, the potassium content in fresh fruits varies from 200 to 600 milligrams, in fresh berries it is even less - from 100 to 350 milligrams.

Potassium preparations

Potassium in the preparations

Despite the best assimilation of nutrients by the body when using natural products, there are situations in which doctors prescribe additional potassium preparations. Experienced nutritionists when drawing up a nutrition plan must take into account the content of vitamins and minerals in the daily diet.

For example, with an allergy to a particular product, its complete intolerance or a lack of potassium in products consumed by a person daily, the intake of a macroelement in the body is significantly reduced. Just in such situations, medicines and biologically active food supplements are prescribed - Asparkam, foamy potassium and potassium chloride. Before prescribing a dosage, the patient must pass the appropriate tests.

Danger of excess

Potassium deficiency

Hyperkalemia is an excess of potassium in the body. Such a disease is not uncommon, and therefore you should carefully listen to the body and try to maintain a balance of nutrients. Hyperkalemia can be recognized by:

  • excessive excitation of the nervous system;
  • a malfunction in the heart;
  • impaired renal function, and as a result, increased urine output;
  • muscle soreness.

The main danger of excess potassium is its ability to develop calcium deficiency. Do not try to diagnose hyperkalemia on your own - consult a doctor who will prescribe the necessary examination and conduct treatment.

Since it is possible to detect this disease only after blood tests and other diagnostics of the internal organs, the symptoms listed above are not enough to make a diagnosis. Fortunately, getting rid of this disease is quite possible in a fairly short time.

The main measure aimed at reducing potassium in the body, of course, is to maintain a diet and reduce the consumption of foods that are rich in them. It is extremely rare to use medications that accelerate the process of reducing the potassium content in the body.

Sometimes hyperkalemia develops after the use of potassium preparations prescribed against the background of its deficiency. In this case, it is enough to simply stop using the prescribed medication, be sure to consult with your doctor.

Macronutrient deficiency

Excess potassium

Lack of potassium in the body most often leads to metabolic disorders and water-salt balance (increased fluid loss, consisting in profuse sweating and frequent urination). Which, in turn, provokes a violation of the heart and blood vessels. Also, a deficiency of this element affects blood pressure and leads to the formation of ulcers and erosion on the mucous membranes.

Insufficient use of potassium in foods is also reflected in children - growth is slowed down and bone formation processes are worsened. Sometimes a lack of potassium is the cause of miscarriage and other problems in the genital area. The main symptoms of potassium deficiency are:

  • dry skin prone to microcracks;
  • thin and brittle hair;
  • a long period of healing of lesions on the skin;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • frequent urination
  • headaches and muscle aches;
  • cramps (most often calf muscles);
  • renal failure;
  • feeling of constant tiredness and drowsiness;
  • increased sensitivity of capillaries, leading to the appearance of bruises and bruises, even with weak mechanical stress.

Replenishment of potassium deficiency mainly consists in enriching the diet with foods saturated with this macrocell. In some very serious cases, special medications are prescribed.

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