The key to health and proper adaptation of the baby in the future is the correct development of all organs in him. That is why in early childhood it is very important to timely identify all problems with the health of the child and immediately tackle them. From this article you will learn how dangerous it is to expand the interhemispheric gap in the baby, what it is and why this pathology occurs in young children.
During the examination of the child’s brain, doctors identify various pathologies, as well as pay attention to the size of the interhemispheric gap. The distance is an anatomical feature of the newborn, it can be considered acceptable only if it is less than 3 mm. The rate of expansion of the interhemispheric gap in the baby depends on its age. From birth to six months, it should be from three to four millimeters. If the deviation is almost imperceptible, then it is necessary to periodically conduct diagnostics. Well, if the expansion of the interhemispheric gap in the baby is 7-4 mm or more, then urgent treatment is necessary.
For what reasons, the gap may increase
If an enlarged gap was detected in the newborn, the size of which exceeds the permissible norm, then perhaps this is a manifestation of a hereditary feature that was transmitted to the baby from his parents or closest relatives. The following reasons for its occurrence are also distinguished:
- Hypoxia of the fetus during pregnancy.
- The accumulation of fluid between the cerebral hemispheres.
- Injuries, for example, with cesarean section.
In almost all cases when a gap is revealed in a newborn, parents wonder how to treat it. However, if the expansion of the gap is observed to a small extent, then no treatment is needed. Also, it is not necessary to carry out therapy if the baby has not revealed other signs of concern to him. If the symptoms that accompany the clinical picture of a particular disease are detected, the necessary medications will be prescribed. For example, if a newborn has signs of rickets, and he lives in a climatic region where there is a lack of light, then the necessary vitamin complexes will be prescribed.
If symptoms are identified that indicate the development of intracranial pressure, the necessary diuretics will be prescribed. Also, in parallel, you need to use potassium preparations, then this will prevent the development of hypokalemia and hypomagnesemia.
Also, a specialist can prescribe certain vascular drugs that are designed to improve cerebral circulation, and drugs with a calming effect before bedtime. All this is necessary only if there are disturbing symptoms that indicate neurological problems.
The main thing is the mode
It is worth noting that sleep problems in a newborn should not be treated through the use of medicines, but only by normalizing the regimen of the day. It is necessary that every day the newborn is in the fresh air, and his room should always be ventilated, the nursery should be a little cool and fresh, and not hot and stuffy. You need to study how calm your home is: whether there are constant screams, loud music, etc. After all, these factors can have a negative impact on the children's psyche, so there shouldn't be any.
As a rule, it is on the developmental conditions of the child in the very first years of his life that his future life will depend. Further development depends entirely on how strongly the sensory organs will be developed in the growing person: vision, smell, touch and hearing.
The interhemispheric gap is formed in all infants. It is a consequence of the special structure of the human body. In medical practice, it can be natural (physiological) and not require increased attention, as well as with deviations, which indicates the accumulation of fluid between the hemispheres of the brain.
The key to a better treatment of any disease is its timely diagnosis. So, to determine pathologies and abnormalities in the work of the brain in an infant, doctors conduct a number of diagnostic studies that can establish the current picture of everything that happens in a small body.
What is neurosonography?
The best method for diagnosing enlargement of the interhemispheric bones is neurosonography. This process represents the same ultrasound examination (ultrasound), but only a point and more aimed at the study of the structures of the brain and everything connected with it. It provides a unique opportunity to study the inner space of the baby’s cranial box, establishing the degree of divergence of its head bones.
The bottom line is that ultrasound allows us to draw conclusions regarding the presence in the baby's skull of one or another pathology associated with the divergence of bones on the tempechka. Violations detected by ultrasound include even those that were received at the very beginning of the child’s life, even in the womb.
What needs to be done in this situation and what will be the treatment?
Dr. Komarovsky about the expansion of the interhemispheric gap in the baby says the following: if the size of the expansion is insignificant, then treatment in this case is not necessary, since it is likely that it will disappear on its own with age. Also, therapy is not required if the expansion of the interhemispheric gap is the only factor for concern. However, from time to time it will be necessary to conduct an examination with a doctor.
Medicines are prescribed when additional symptoms that are characteristic of a particular disease appear. So, if the child lives in harsh climates with a lack of sunlight, the climate, or he has signs of rickets, vitamin D is prescribed. If the symptoms indicate the development of intracranial pressure in the child, the doctor prescribes diuretics that cause the outflow of excess fluid from the brain. Along with this, medications containing potassium and magnesium are prescribed.
The effectiveness of drug treatment
If the baby has signs of neurological disorders, the doctor may prescribe vascular drugs, the effect of which is to improve cerebral circulation, as well as soothing medications for a good night's sleep. But before proceeding with the treatment of a child’s anxiety sleep with drugs, it is first necessary to analyze the general atmosphere in which he lives, the causes of failures. The problem can be solved without the help of drugs, by normalizing the regimen of a child’s day and by eliminating irritants.
If the increase in the interhemispheric gap of the baby occurred as a result of infection, then in this case, the doctor prescribes a course of treatment with antibiotics. Thus, the conclusion about the expansion of the interhemispheric gap in the child after undergoing ultrasound is just a statement of fact, if the indicator only slightly exceeds the norm.
The consequences of the expansion of the interhemispheric gap in the baby are quite different. In most cases, it leads to a delay in development. Therefore, it is so important to start treatment as soon as possible, if necessary. He is prescribed on the basis of a specific diagnosis, made not only by the results of neurosonography, but also on the basis of certain complaints, changes in the behavior of the child.