Pain in the stomach: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Pain in the stomach can be triggered by a variety of diseases and disorders in the body. Often they do not talk about the nature of the clinical picture. To make a diagnosis, it is necessary to determine the peculiarity and characteristic of pain, and also take into account the accompanying symptoms.

If pain in the stomach area is repeated quite often, you need to visit a doctor to make a diagnosis and determine the treatment methodology. Self-medication is not worth it.

Types of pain

If there is pain in the stomach, it is necessary to identify the relationship of discomfort with food intake. In particular, doctors distinguish such types of pain as:

  • early
  • late;
  • hungry.

Early pain occurs literally 1-2 hours after eating. They last long enough and are even. Discomfort disappears only after the food goes through the main stage of digestion. Such types of pain can be with an ulcer, inflammation of the stomach, polyposis.

Pain in the stomach

Late pains appear 1.5-3 hours after eating. They grow gradually, and then appear very sharply. Cramps are possible, the stomach seems to be contracting. Pain in the stomach after eating mainly occurs with malignant tumors, duodenitis, gastritis with a high level of acidity, progressive pancreatitis, cholelithiasis.

Hungry pains, which can also occur at night, are severe. In the stomach, stabbing, aching. Pain in the stomach at night ceases to bother the patient after eating a small amount of food. In some cases, just drinking tea is enough. Such painful manifestations are more characteristic of ulcers and pre-ulcerated conditions.

It is important to consider the type of food consumed. In particular, if the pain appears after eating fatty foods, then this may be a sign of the presence of diseases with the gall bladder.

Nature of pain

To make a correct diagnosis in case of pain in the stomach, it is important to consider the nature of the discomfort. Intense painful manifestations are characteristic of:

  • gastritis;
  • pancreatitis
  • ulcers.

Deaf and aching pains mainly occur with hypertrophic disorders, as well as hypoacid inflammation. Painful manifestations with gastritis are often supplemented by a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen. Pain with an ulcer is additionally given to the left side of the chest and back, therefore, many confuse them with the heart. Wavy colic can indicate intestinal problems.

It is worth noting that pain is associated with the digestive process. If there is no reason to suspect an ulcer, gastritis or colitis, then you need to contact not a gastroenterologist, but a therapist. The cause of severe discomfort can be diseases of the gallbladder or liver. It is also possible that pain can occur with diseases of the kidneys, pathologies of the cardiovascular system or provoked by a nervous shock.

Causes of occurrence

The causes of pain in the stomach can be very different, and it all depends on the localization of the painful manifestations, as well as their nature. The most common causes are considered such as:

  • ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • the presence of polyps;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • damage to abdominal injuries;
  • mucosal damage with food poisoning;
  • severe stress;
  • intolerance to certain products;
  • mucosal injury.

Painful manifestations can be caused by many other reasons. These include cholecystitis, colitis. Often, pain occurs due to gastritis. This disease is characterized by inflammation of the gastric mucosa amid exposure to certain irritating factors. Quite often it has an infectious nature. With a chronic course of the disease, there may be mucosal atrophy. Among the provoking factors, it is worth highlighting such as:

  • alcohol abuse; smoking;
  • consumption of spicy and fatty foods;
  • Helicobacter bacteria infection;
  • uncontrolled intake of certain drugs.
Stomach pain after eating

Symptoms of the disease can be very different, however, the main is discomfort in the stomach. Pain can be persistent or paroxysmal.

Acute pain associated with eating food may be due to the presence of an ulcer. It mainly proceeds in a chronic form. Painful manifestations are most pronounced during the period of exacerbation. An ulcer can form due to the presence of endocrine diseases, gastritis, due to stress, as well as taking certain medications. Symptoms are almost the same as with gastritis. With an ulcer, pain in the stomach, contractions occur immediately after eating. There is a seasonal exacerbation.

If there is pain in the stomach, then the reasons for this may be hidden in the presence of malignant neoplasms. The danger of this is that for a long time, pathology may not manifest itself at all. In the later stages, the tumor can give metastases, which leads to the death of the patient.

Sharp stomach pains can be a sign of food poisoning. It is characterized by the fact that it develops with the use of poor-quality food containing bacteria, their decay products, as well as various kinds of toxic compounds.

Pain in the epigastric region may be a sign of duodenitis. This is the most common pathology of the duodenum. Quite often, this disease is combined with gastritis and enteritis.

If there is pain in the stomach on the left side, then this may be a sign of pancreatitis. Due to the lack of enzymes in humans, nausea, dyspeptic disorders, bloating are observed. The cause of pain can be a diaphragm spasm, which occurs when there is a lack of oxygen or poor circulation. In this case, an attack of acute pain may be observed.

In case of gallbladder inflammation, pain periodically occurs in the area of ​​the stomach on the right. Mostly discomfort occurs after eating. As a result, a full stomach presses on the gallbladder, causing pain.

Pain during pregnancy

If pain is observed in the stomach during pregnancy, the reason for this largely depends on the gestational age of the fetus. In the first trimester, a woman may experience toxicosis, which provokes the onset of painful manifestations. In recent months, there has also been constrictive pain in the stomach. This is due to the growth of the uterus, which presses on the internal organs, in particular the stomach.

Gastric pain during pregnancy

To slightly reduce discomfort, you need to adhere to fractional nutrition, as well as eliminate harmful products. After a meal, it is advisable to take a short walk in the fresh air. In the event that the pain recurs very often, you need to consult a doctor regarding the features of the treatment.

Main symptoms

Often, painful manifestations are spastic in nature. In addition, with the occurrence of certain diseases that provoke the occurrence of pain, additional signs may be observed, in particular, such as:

  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomiting
  • temperature rise;
  • fever.

Often, when you press the stomach and when moving, the pain sensations are somewhat amplified. In some cases, there may additionally be signs of intoxication. If the first signs occur, you should definitely visit a doctor.


The causes of pain in the stomach can be very different. However, if a person is not bothered by anything else, then his body is functioning normally. If there are additional signs, then it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive diagnosis. In particular, methods such as:

  • sounding;
  • ultrasound diagnostics;
  • X-ray

In addition, it may be necessary to analyze gastric juice for the level of hydrochloric acid. To determine the cause of the pain, the doctor asks questions regarding the time of the onset of pain, the frequency of use of medications. It is also important to determine the period of discomfort.

If colitis is suspected, a colonoscopy is indicated. To exclude the likelihood of a tumor, a biopsy is required.

When to call an ambulance

In some cases, an ambulance call is required. In particular, you need to call an ambulance when, in addition to pain and heaviness in the abdominal cavity, spasms periodically occur, which leads to its hardening. It is also important to urgently consult a doctor for food poisoning, and if signs of intoxication additionally join the painful manifestations.

If there is a squeezing of the stomach after eating, then this can be in the case of malnutrition. It is strictly forbidden to drink food eaten with cold water or carbonated drinks. In addition, food must be chewed carefully.

Treatment features

If a person has a stomach ache, then it is strictly forbidden to take pills on your own. Even an experienced doctor can not immediately prescribe a treatment, as a preliminary diagnosis is necessary. In case of intense pain, an ambulance must be called urgently. Prior to the arrival of doctors, it is strictly forbidden to take painkillers and antispasmodics. However, in order to reduce discomfort, the patient needs to lie down on his side and bend his knees. A cold compress can be applied to the abdomen.

Drug treatment

With heartburn, you can take antacids. Their effect is aimed at reducing the level of acidity. Medicines such as Almagel, Omeprazole, Maalox will help. When using them, it is important to follow the instructions and dosage. However, the problem is not always hidden in increasing acidity, therefore, in some cases, such funds may be powerless.

In the treatment of gastritis with high acidity, it is recommended to use such drugs as:

  • "Almagel";
  • Mezim;
  • Omez.

Mezim helps improve digestion. This remedy helps eliminate symptoms such as pain and heaviness in the stomach. If there is pain, it is recommended to take 1-2 tablets. The drug "Almagel" has enveloping qualities, and also neutralizes the effect of hydrochloric acid. This tool is recommended for severe paroxysmal pain. If the bacterium Helicobacter pylori was discovered, antibiotics, in particular, such as Metronidazole, must also be used.

With pancreatitis, treatment of pain in the stomach is carried out with antispasmodics, diuretics. It is also necessary to apply cold on the stomach, temporary fasting and infusion therapy are indicated.

With purulent pancreatitis, therapy includes taking antibiotics. If vomiting is observed, then the drug "Metoclopramide" is used. With the development of necrosis and peritonitis, surgery is indicated.

The chronic form of pancreatitis implies a diet, as well as the use of enzyme preparations, for example, such as Pancreatin, Panzinorm, Mezim. With a malignant tumor of the stomach, surgery is indicated, namely, resection of the organ or its removal. It is worth noting that in the presence of pain in the stomach, drugs and their dosage should be prescribed only by the attending doctor. Self-medication can be very dangerous and there is a risk of complications.

Folk remedies

If the stomach hurts, what to do at home? This question is of interest to so many patients, since there are several alternative recipes that can reduce painful manifestations. A good but simple enough way to treat gastritis and eliminate high acidity is potato juice. To do this, peel the potatoes, then grate, squeeze the juice. Warm it a little so that it is warm, and then take it every morning after waking up.

Folk remedies

To speed up the regenerative processes in damaged tissues and normalize immunity, you need to take aloe juice mixed with honey. To eliminate painful manifestations and calm the mucous membrane will help a dandelion broth. To do this, pour dry leaves of the plant with boiling water, insist and strain. You need to take this remedy an hour before eating food.

When a very sharp pain appears, peppermint tea will help. To prepare it, you will need pre-cooked green tea. Then brew mint in another container. When the broth is infused, it must be mixed with tea. To taste, you can add lemon juice and honey. This drink helps to normalize digestion and eliminate nausea. If the stomach hurts, only the attending doctor should recommend what to do at home, as some drugs may have contraindications.


As a prevention of the occurrence of pain in the stomach, in the presence of chronic diseases, it is imperative to follow the doctor's recommendations. In addition, it is important to follow a diet, lead an active lifestyle.


If you experience pain, you must immediately visit a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

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