Patients sometimes ask specialists for what reasons the hand hurts after taking blood from a vein. Many people have this problem. The appearance of a hematoma does not always indicate that a pathology develops in the body. For example, if the vessels are too thin, then a bruise will certainly appear.
What factors can cause a bruise?
Only after a thorough medical examination can the attending physician determine the cause of the pain in the arm. If there is no opportunity to consult a phlebologist, then you need to make an appointment with the surgeon. After conducting a thorough medical examination and passing all the necessary tests, the therapist prescribes the medicine. The feeling of pain arises for several reasons, among which there may be dangerous diseases. Why do my hands hurt after taking blood from a vein? Among the most common causes of hematoma are:
- circulatory disturbance;
- the patient is injured;
- heredity;
- obesity;
- active cigarette smoking.
These are the main reasons that can cause soreness after the delivery of biological material. It is important to take into account the experience of medical professionals. If the nurse has little work experience, then the patient may experience soreness in the hand due to non-compliance with the elementary rules for blood sampling.
What causes a bruise?
Quite often, an inexperienced specialist can provoke the appearance of a hematoma. In this case, the patient often has painful sensations. Among the main causes of painful sensations are the following:
- needle too large;
- the doctor punctured in the wrong place;
- the syringe broke during the collection of biological material;
- the specialist poorly processed the puncture site;
- a medical worker pierced a vein through.
In order not to harm your health, it is important to contact only an experienced doctor.
Why did you experience soreness after visiting the laboratory?
Only the attending physician can respond after examining the patient. Normally, soreness does not cause severe discomfort. A hematoma is formed due to leakage of blood into the tissue. In the event that the pain intensifies, while there is a fever and the patient's health worsens, you must go to the hospital.
Dangerous disease
Sometimes a bruise after taking blood from a vein is formed due to the individual or age-related characteristics of the patient, for example:
- vessels are too fragile;
- the patient is overly active in the process of delivery of biological material.
If a hand hurts after taking blood from a vein, this should alert the patient. Sometimes such a reaction is observed due to the development of varicose veins or other diseases. Much depends on physical fitness. A person who is engaged in physical education is less likely to encounter the problem of poor functioning of blood vessels and muscles.
The doctor recommends
In order not to form a hematoma, it is necessary to follow some recommendations, which are especially important to take into account during the procedure. Namely:
- The swab must be dipped in alcohol and applied to the place where the puncture was made.
- Do not remove cotton until the blood oozes. After 15 minutes, the blood ceases to stand out.
- Do not move while taking blood.
If your arm hurts after donating blood from a vein, it is important to immediately undergo a medical examination.
Varicose veins
With varicose veins, the full functioning of the veins is impaired. In the process of the development of the disease, nodes are formed that, over time, begin to protrude and expand. Most often, varicose veins develop on the legs. In some cases, it appears on the hands. If a person needs to constantly carry weights, then this can provoke the appearance of the disease on the upper limbs. Due to the systematic load on the arm, stagnation appears.
Sometimes pathologies cause soreness due to disturbances in the operation of vascular valves. Due to the fact that the functioning of blood vessels is disturbed, blood pressure rises. For this reason, the vessels are deformed and can twist. As a result, severe soreness develops. How to prevent pain in the arm after taking blood from a vein is of interest to many. To do this, it is important to take biological material only from qualified and experienced health professionals. It is important not to remove cotton wool from the hand immediately after the procedure.
Treatment process
There are several methods for treating hematoma on the arm. For this, you can use a pharmacy drug or folk remedy. Among the most effective methods of therapy are:
- Cold treatment. If a bruise appears on the arm, immediately apply ice cubes to the injured area. Thanks to the cold, the vessels narrow. It is undesirable to keep cold on a bruise for a long time, since hypothermia can occur. The whole process should last no more than 15 minutes.
- Elastic bandage will effectively solve the problem. To do this, bandage the hand. This will prevent the hemorrhage in the tissue. Due to this, the hematoma does not increase to a large size.
- Using a heating pad, you can get rid of pain. Heat dilates blood vessels, and the fluid quickly dissolves. To do this, you can use both a heating pad and a bath.
The iodine grid will help get rid of the bruise. To do this, draw a mesh on the hematoma. With this simple method, you can quickly get rid of the hematoma.
Popular pharmacy products
To get rid of bruises, traumatologists advise using pharmacy products. Among the most effective are:
- Heparin-based ointment. This drug positively affects the functioning of blood vessels, tones and strengthens them. The ointment will eliminate pain in the hand after taking blood from a vein.
- Medicines that contain arnica eliminate pain.
- "Trombless gel" eliminates subcutaneous damage caused by trauma.
It is undesirable to carry out treatment at home if the bruise occupies a large area on the arm. This can make the problem worse. Why veins on the hands hurt after taking blood, excites many patients. Only a specialist will answer this question after examining the patient.