Anastasia Savosina: biography and personal life

Anastasia Savosina was born in the capital of Russia on June 16, 1983. The girl’s parents divorced when Nastya was very young. Savosin was raised by one mother, who with great difficulty managed to combine study and work. For this reason, the future actress spent most of the time in a 24-hour kindergarten.

Anastasia Savosina restored relations with her father at the age of 18. As the actress admits, she herself showed the initiative for rapprochement, and now the father and daughter fully communicate.

Anastasia Savosina


Since childhood, Nastya dreamed of becoming a famous artist. In her youth, she took part in various theatrical productions in the Zagorye recreation center, playing in the Theater on the Outskirts. In 2004, Savosina successfully graduated from the Theater Institute. B.V. Schukin, in which she studied at the course of Knyazev Evgeny Vladimirovich. Until 2007, Anastasia worked at the Theater. Mayakovsky, where she brilliantly played in the performances of "Divorce as a Woman" and "The Adventures of Little Red Riding Hood." Soon, however, Savosina had to part with the theatrical career, since she seriously took up work in the cinema.

First movie roles

Anastasia Savosina, whose biography has many interesting facts, began to act in films even in her student years. So, in 2004, the aspiring actress played roles in such films as The Forest Princess, where she played Sineglazka, and Twins, where her stage heroine was Irina.

In 2005, Savosina starred in the serial film "My Prechistenka", where she played one of the leading roles. In this picture, Anastasia played the daughter of the Repnins, Anna - a thin, spoiled, artistic and flirty nature. Savosina brilliantly completed the task set by the director and established herself as a true professional in her field.

Anastasia Savosina: biography

Career development

Celebrity Savosina brought the role of Nastya in the film "Love as Love", which was released in 2006. Despite the fact that the heroine of the actress had negative character traits, Savosina looked so charming that she won the hearts of many viewers.

In the series "Lace" (2008), Anastasia Savosina was able to create an interesting and attractive image of Valery Vershinina. Her heroine is an ordinary student, who at first glance seems to many a frivolous girl. However, her ability to make a serious life decision at a crucial moment and decisively defend her point of view simply amazes the viewer and arouses his sympathies.

Peak of popularity

Savosina Anastasia actress

In 2010, the television series “There Was Love” was released, based on the autobiographical book of the famous singer Valeria. The film tells about the difficult fate of the singer Perfilova Anna (Valeria's prototype).

The actress, who would play a major role in this film, was searched for a very long time. In this case, not only the ability to accurately convey to the viewer the internal state of the heroine, but also the external similarity with the famous singer was taken into account. Candidates were chosen not only by the director, but also personally by Valeria and her husband Prigozhin Joseph. As a result, of all the applicants for the role, Anastasia Savosina was approved.

The actress lived up to all expectations, although, as she herself admits, the work in this picture was difficult for her, but at the same time very interesting. Savosina was very worried because of the huge amount of attention not so much to the image of her heroine, but to the personality of Valeria. But thanks to her excellent acting data, Anastasia brilliantly got used to the image. The series itself caused an ambiguous reaction from the audience. Many considered it unethical to represent the public discord of Valeria with her first husband. But, despite this, thanks to the picture, the number of admirers of Savosina’s work has increased significantly.

Last roles

In 2011, Anastasia Savosina starred in the films “Mom”, playing the role of laboratory assistant Masha Panfilova, and “Distance”. The following year, she becomes the protagonist of the multi-part film "Girl in a decent family." In the same 2012, the second part of the series “Moms”, so beloved by the audience, was released on the screen.

Personal life

Savosina Anastasia is married. Her husband, Sergei Mukhin, is also a professional actor. Young people met in 2004 on the set of the film "My Prechistenka", but at that time their relationship was exclusively related to work. A few years later, fate again pushed Savosina and Mukhin. This happened on the set of the television series "There was love," in which Sergei played a close friend of the heroine Nastya.

Sergey Mukhin and Anastasia Savosina

In life, the relationship between Mukhin and Savosina also began with friendship and gradually, over time, grew into love. Realizing that they could not live without each other, Sergei Mukhin and Anastasia Savosina decided to tie the knot. The wedding, which brought together all the relatives, friends and colleagues of the young, was celebrated on the ship.

From the first marriage, Anastasia has a son, Mikhail. Now the boy is 6 years old, he loves to dance, sing, and enjoys sports. But Misha’s real passion is animal films. The family is truly happy. Savosina’s husband has recently tried himself as a director, and it should be noted that he does it very well.

Savosina Anastasia is an actress whose talent cannot fail to fall in love with the audience. She brilliantly plays every role, getting the most out of herself in the images of her stage heroines.

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