War film "Burnt by the Sun-2: Ahead": actors, roles, short story

In the film "Burnt by the Sun-2: Ahead," the actors continued the storyline of the previous tape, titled "Burnt by the Sun", which received an Oscar in 1995. However, the second part of the epic was not as successful as the first. What new tragedies will the old heroes of the film face?

The creators and the short plot of the picture

Burnt by the Sun-2: Ahead-end film was shot by Nikita Mikhalkov in 2010. Mikhalkov was used to doing his projects from time to time, and this time also remained true to himself: the director simultaneously acted as producer and screenwriter of the film.

burnt by the sun 2 actors

Together with Mikhalkov, Gleb Panfilov (a talented Soviet director) and screenwriter Rustam Ibragimbekov also worked on the script. Ibragimbekov also wrote screenplays for such films as The White Sun of the Desert, The Siberian Barber, The Tale of the Chekist.

The co-producer of the project was Leonid Vereshchagin, who performed similar functions in Soviet times during the filming of the paintings “Dear Elena Sergeevna”, “Station for Two” and “Cruel Romance”.

As for the plot of the film, the old heroes are again bound, only already during the Great Patriotic War. Sergei Kotov manages to avoid being shot, and he ends up in a penal battalion. And Stalin himself gives Colonel to the NKVD Arsentiev an order to find a counter-revolutionary figure.

Burnt by the Sun-2: Ahead: Actors. Mikhalkov as Sergei Kotov

The hero of Mikhalkov Sergey Kotov in the first part of the franchise was a convinced communist. He, as they say, faithfully served the regime, so when he was arrested, he could not believe that he was so cruelly treated.

Nikita Mikhalkov
Despite the death sentence, the former divisional commander manages to survive: at the last moment, he changed the political article to the criminal one. After spending some time in the camps, Sergei goes to the penal battalion. However, soon information reaches Stalin that his order was not fully executed, and that the accused of treason remained alive. Again, Kotov’s soul was sent to the NKVD officer Arsentiev.

Nikita Mikhalkov often in his directorial work assigns himself the main role. So it was in the films "Among the strangers", "Slave of Love" and in many other films.

Nikita Mikhalkov invested 40 million dollars in the filming of the continuation of “Burnt by the Sun”. Even Bondarchuk, stuffed with Stalingrad special effects, cost Fedor a couple of million cheaper. As a result, Mikhalkov received a tape with spectacular battle scenes, but in a commercial sense, this project was a failure.

O. Menshikov: biography of the actor and his character

Oleg Menshikov is a unique actor. Already in the 80s, being a 20-year-old boy, he managed to make a name for himself: the artist became famous for his roles in the films “Pokrovsky Gate”, “Splashes of champagne”, “Flying in a dream and in reality”, as well as “Mikhailo Lomonosov”.

Oleg Menshikov

For many actors, the 90s became a period of oblivion. However, Menshikov, thanks to the projects of Nikita Mikhalkov and Sergei Bodrov Sr., was at the peak of his popularity in these years. In the 94th he played the main role in the Oscar-winning film "Burnt by the Sun", in the 96th appeared in the legendary "Prisoner of the Caucasus". Then there were equally significant films for Russian cinema: the mini-series Doctor Zhivago, the melodrama Siberian Barber and the drama East-West.

In the film "Burnt by the Sun-2: Ahead," the actors Menshikov and Mikhalkov play competitors, and in every sense: they compete for the favor of Marusya, are on opposite sides of the barricades. But in the final of the picture they have to understand that in this internecine war there will be no winners.

Other role performers

In the film "Burnt by the Sun-2: Ahead," the actors were collected with fairly well-known names.

film burnt by the sun 2 coming
Nadezhda Mikhalkova - a recognizable theater actress - played, as in the first part, the role of the daughter of the protagonist.

But Ingeborg Dapkunaite, who played Marusya (beloved of Kotov and Arsentiev), was replaced by the equally popular Victoria Tolstoganova (“Lily of the valley silver”, “Antikiller”).

Dmitry Dyuzhev, the star of the Brigade and the High Security Vacation, appeared in the frame. Sergey Makovetsky (“Liquidation”) played the role of SMERSH employee Lunin. Andrei Merzlikin (Boomer) appeared as a major tanker, Andrei Panin as a pioneer leader.

Also in the frame you can see Alexander Pashutin, Maria Shukshina and Valery Zolotukhin.

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