The game "Stone, scissors, paper" - how to win? Rules of the game "Stone, scissors, paper"

“Stone, scissors, paper” is a game known all over the world. She is loved not only by children who initially came up with such an entertaining way of spending time, but also by adults who very quickly picked up this option to get rid of boredom. Indeed, “Stone, scissors, paper” is in demand among a wide variety of people, but children still play it more often. Moreover, it is quite possible that not because of a lack of desire among adults to plunge into this gambling world, where a successful hand movement promises victory, but because of a lack of time for the latter.

The advantage of the game is that anyone can quickly figure out its rules and play absolutely anywhere. All that is needed to arrange a competition is hands (opponents and one's own). If not all, then at least most people have them, so there will be no problems.

Rules of the game

Everyone who has never heard of the game “Stone, Scissors, Paper” should be interested in the rules in the first place. They are very simple, it is not in vain that this entertainment is popular not only among adults, but also among children, so it will be easy to remember them.

At first, both players (there may be more players, but for example 2 people will be considered) stand opposite each other. Then they count to three and simultaneously show one of the figures:

“Stone, scissors, paper” rules
1. “Stone” is a tightly clenched fist. He defeats the scissors and loses the paper.

“Stone, scissors, paper” rules
2. “Scissors” - these are the middle and index fingers, stretched forward, while all the others are pressed to the palm of your hand. They defeat paper and lose to stone.

“Stone, scissors, paper” rules
3. "Paper" is just a palm. Fingers should all be straight and extended, usually the hand is shown with the back side. She defeats the stone and loses to the scissors.

Secrets of Psychology

How to win a “rock, scissors, paper”
A man is a rational creature, but his subconscious can play a trick on him. Small psychological techniques will tell you how to win “Stone, scissors, paper”, and will help you to feel truly confident and strong opponent, capable of victory.

First, look carefully at the opponent’s hand. Most often, people already know in advance what move they want to make, so with developed observation you can notice how those preparing to make a move:

a) "stone" - all fingers are slightly tensed;
b) "scissors" - two fingers are slightly strained and slightly advanced forward;
c) "paper" - keep your hand relaxed.

Secondly, according to statistics, the most often used in the game is “stone”, and less often than other figures - “paper”. Keeping this in mind, you can get an advantage.

Thirdly, often men make the first move "stone". When playing against a representative of a strong half of humanity, there are great chances of winning by throwing out the “paper”.

What you can play in “Stone, scissors, paper”

"Rock Paper Scissors"
Playing just like that, of course, is interesting, but not so much that you regularly want to repeat the fun again and again. If the game “Stone, scissors, paper” becomes too frequent a companion for bored people looking for fun, then soon it will cease to be entertainment and annoying.

However, not everything is lost, as long as there are various options for gambling and advanced players. As in card or any other games, “Stone, scissors, paper” can be varied with incentive prizes. This will not only add interest to what is happening, but also make you think better before making the next move, because something will be at stake. The most common examples are given below, but it all depends on the imagination of the players, since it is not limited to anything.

“Stone, scissors, paper” for money

The game "rock, scissors, paper"
In this case, you need to be a brave and gambling person, able to understand the emotions and psychology of others, otherwise the game threatens to result in high costs. Follow your hands and memorize your opponent’s favorite combinations, and then the chances of winning will increase rapidly, which is what you need.

To stretch the pleasure do not make big bets. Let it be a symbolic sum, the main thing is that it will stir up interest, not letting it go out for a minute. Despite a very small bet, with constant luck and calculation, you can win good money. Each player will understand this, thanks to which excitement simply will not allow any participant to interrupt the game in the middle of the process. Winners will want more, losers will want to recoup.

"Stone, scissors, paper" to strip

"Stone, scissors, paper" to strip
A more relaxed option, suitable for a narrow company, in which both women and men are present, who are not embarrassed to show themselves in a not very decent form to the public. The game “Stone, scissors, paper” for undressing can not only allow you to feel the taste of the long-awaited victory, but also feel happy. Naturally, this refers to the option when a representative of the opposite sex loses and takes off her clothes.

“Stone, scissors, paper” for undressing will interest many, because to look at others, but not to show oneself is very tempting. In order for the game to stretch for a while, and not end after 5 minutes, you need to set the rules: for example, you can remove one thing from the body only after 3 losses in a row. Moreover, if a player has never lost within 10 rounds, he is given the right to rehabilitation, that is, the opportunity to put his clothes back on.

"Stone, scissors, paper" at will

"Rock Paper Scissors"

Another interesting version of the game. There can already be anything here, however, it is worthwhile to discuss forbidden topics in advance so that there are no annoying misunderstandings and refusals of players to fulfill the wishes of other participants.

In addition to the prohibited actions, it is necessary to discuss the rules. For example, a petty desire (like crowing 2 times) can be made to a person immediately after his first loss. However, you can not rush and wait a bit: after 3 consecutive losses, a player can arrange a more serious test (striptease, for example), depending on the relationship between the players and other important factors.


“Stone, scissors, paper” can easily become the favorite game of many people. It guarantees the pleasure of the process, the development of intuition and / or strategic thinking (anyone like that), free time and many other, no less pleasant bonuses. The main thing is to be confident in yourself and your victory, and then everything will surely work out.

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