Deterioration of appetite or aversion to food can lead to a lack of useful trace elements in the body, which are necessary for its full work. Medicines to increase appetite in the form of dietary supplements, as well as vitamins and drugs can help with this. It should be noted that not always with a loss of appetite in a person decreases weight.
The help of an endocrinologist is necessary in that situation if the patient’s weight gain is the reason for refusing food. If the source of the problem lies in psychological trauma or stress, then the help of psychotherapists is needed. In all other situations, you can cope with the help of special pills that improve appetite.
With prolonged exposure to such a state, the body's strength is depleted. Therefore, with a persistent decrease in appetite, you should consult a medical specialist and pass certain tests. First you need to go through studies for the presence of diseases of the stomach and intestines, to pass tests for worms. After diagnosis (if necessary), the patient will be prescribed medications for appetite.
Modern man is in a constant struggle with excess calories, with an increased sense of appetite. Lowering the desire to eat is perceived positively, and the need to increase appetite is not considered a problem.
When there is a partial or complete refusal of food, this can be caused by a malfunction of the digestive system. In the absence or deficiency of trace elements necessary for the body, it has a negative effect on the operation of all systems, which can lead to serious diseases.
The doctor has no right to prescribe medications, based only on descriptions of the symptoms of the disease by the patient. A diagnosis should be made, the results of which can confirm the appearance of the following diseases:
- Anorexia nervosa (a disease characterized by an eating disorder).
- Schizophrenia (endogenous polymorphic mental disorder or a group of mental disorders associated with the breakdown of thinking processes).
- Depression (mental disorder, the main signs of which are a deterioration in mood and a decrease or loss in the ability to enjoy, for example, from delicious dishes).
- Avian influenza (a viral infection of birds with high infectivity that can be transmitted to humans).
- Atypical pneumonia (a group of infectious and inflammatory lung diseases that are caused by atypical pathogens and have an uncharacteristic clinical picture).
- AIDS (a condition developing against the background of HIV infection and characterized by a decrease in the number of lymphocytes, multiple opportunistic infections).
- Oncology (benign and malignant tumors in various organs).
- Diabetes. This is an endocrine disease that is associated with impaired glucose uptake. It appears as a result of absolute or relative insulin deficiency. Due to this, there is a persistent increase in blood glucose.
- Hormonal background malfunctions.
- Problems with the functioning of the heart.
- Metabolic disorder in the body.
- Digestive diseases.
- Infection (infection by pathogenic microorganisms).
- Failure in the functioning of the liver and kidneys of the patient.
- Bad habits.
- Vitamin deficiency (a disease resulting from prolonged malnutrition in which there are no vitamins).
- Stress (body reaction to strong emotions, fuss and overstrain).
- Gastritis (a long-running disease, characterized by dystrophic and inflammatory changes in the gastric mucosa).
- Dysbacteriosis (a condition that is provoked by a violation of the intestinal microflora).
- Intestinal dyskinesia (functional bowel disorder, manifested by pain, discomfort in the abdominal cavity, changes in the frequency and consistency of the stool).
Against the background of many incurable diseases, a cold or flu does not seem dangerous. In such a situation, you probably will not need to use drugs to increase your appetite, as he will recover after recovery.
Poor nutrition is perhaps one of the common causes of poor appetite. In this case, the medical specialist will make certain adjustments to the diet, while eliminating fatty and spicy foods, harmful products.
During the "interesting situation" the woman’s body can also refuse to receive food. The same can be said about people of retirement age or professional athletes.
If loss of appetite is associated with destructive behavior (drug addiction or alcoholism), then treatment should be carried out by a narcologist. Dosage and duration of therapy is compiled by a doctor.
Best Appetite Medications
It is worth starting to worry in that situation if the violation of appetite does not leave the patient for ten days or longer. Since the cause of this condition can be various diseases, a medical specialist recommends medicines, various biologically active additives and vitamin-mineral complexes that will support the body and strengthen the immune system. Time-tested folk methods can also increase the craving for food.
Pharmacy preparations
Not always dietary correction can help improve the situation. Sometimes it is necessary to use a number of drugs to increase appetite. Below are the most effective:
- "Periactin".
- Peritol
- Ferrovir. "
- Apilak.
- "Elkar".
- Gismanal.
It should be remembered that anabolic steroids can also be used to instantly and effectively increase appetite. The most popular of them are Primobolan, but it, like many anabolics, can provoke negative reactions.
According to reviews, it is known that the drug has antihistamine activity. In addition, it reduces the spasmogenic and other effects provoked by serotonin. "Periactin" also has an anticholinergic effect. It has an anti-allergic effect. This remedy is especially effective for itchy dermatoses.
The medication blocks the increased secretion of growth hormone with acromegaly and the production of adrenocorticotropic hormone in Itsenko Cushing's syndrome.
There are a lot of positive reviews about this drug. It helps to gain weight well, increases appetite.
A medication that has an antihistamine, antiserotonin and antiallergic effect. With oral administration of an appetite medicine, the active substance is rapidly and almost completely absorbed from the stomach and intestines. The maximum concentration in the blood is achieved during the first two hours after use, and the required content is maintained for four to six hours.
After one use of the drug in a dosage of four milligrams, up to twenty percent of the substance is excreted through the intestines. About forty percent of the medication taken is excreted in urine.
An appetite medicine has a sedative effect, especially at the beginning of therapy. Therefore, the first dosage of the drug is recommended to be taken after dinner.
The drug is considered a biogenic stimulant with a general strengthening effect.
Apilak for increasing appetite is a kind of complex of biologically active substances, which includes vitamins, as well as mineral components and twenty-three amino acids.
The drug has a tonic and antispastic effect. The drug has a positive effect on recovery processes and cellular metabolism, and also increases trophic tissue.
For children from two years of age, the drug can be prescribed in the form of tablets - one thing twice a day. Adult patients are recommended to take pills to increase appetite for two weeks.
A single dosage is ten milligrams. Adults should take these doses three times a day. Tablets need to be put under the tongue and dissolve. They can not be taken orally, since gastric juice decomposes royal jelly. The duration of treatment can vary from one week to two months. What kind of medicine can be given for a child’s appetite?
It refers to drugs that have a positive effect on metabolic processes in the cells of various tissues of the human body. The medication is used for various pathologies accompanied by metabolic disorders.
According to the instructions for use, Elkar can be taken by children. The main active trace element is levocarnitine. It is a natural organic compound.
Levocarnitine acts on the metabolism of cells by facilitating the transfer of certain fatty acids to the mitochondria, where they are prone to oxidation with the release of energy.
According to the instructions for use, Elkar for children is able to compensate for the deficiency of the amino acid l-carnitine, which is independently produced in the body of a healthy child. In structure, it is similar to B vitamins and is involved in the metabolism of substances. This substance is sometimes called growth vitamin. Lack of carnitine adversely affects the development of the child.
Babies are prescribed twice the use of the drug from the second week of life. A single dosage varies from four to ten drops. There are reviews of parents about observing the baby after applying the medicine. "Elkar" improves appetite, the child quickly gains weight, his sucking reflex improves, his muscle tone intensifies. According to the instructions for use, the medication can be prescribed for newborns.
Biologically active additives
Medicines for appetite for adults and children have a stabilizing effect on the digestive organs, eliminating the results of forced starvation. It should be noted that such additives do not replace medications, but only enhance their effect:
- "Stimuvit."
- "Limontar".
What to drink to increase appetite? To do this, you can use "Stimuvit." It is a food supplement, which is available in the form of gelatin capsules, colored in yellow or orange. The effect of the drug is to stimulate the central nervous system. In this regard, doctors are strongly advised not to get behind the car during therapy.
A drug that improves metabolic processes and energy supply to tissues. The drug is a regulator of tissue metabolism, stimulates redox processes and enhances the formation of adenosine triphosphoric acid, which explains its antioxidant and antihypoxic effects. The medicine reduces the toxic effect of alcoholic beverages on the body, improves appetite, normalizes the functions of organs and tissues, and increases physical and mental performance.
The drug "Limontar" must be taken orally before a meal. Before use, the tablet should be crushed and dissolved in water. As a solvent, you can use mineral water. If you experience a feeling of heaviness in the epigastric region, the medication must be taken after a meal.
Vitamin and mineral complexes
If the patient does not want to use potent drugs or steroids, you can choose an alternative - vitamins. To increase appetite, ascorbic acid and B vitamins should be consumed. Medical specialists find a connection between loss of appetite and a lack of these trace elements in the body.
The most effective vitamin complexes for increasing appetite include the following:
- Dodex.
- "Pikovit."
When choosing a suitable complex, it is worth remembering that not all of them are combined with each other.
Folk methods
Many patients prefer to resort to traditional medicine rather than taking pharmacological drugs. The use of herbal extracts helps improve appetite by stimulating the lining of the digestive system and the oral cavity. Such an effect on the body stimulates an increase in the secretion of gastric juice at a reflex level.
Most of these drugs are considered absolutely harmless to health, unlike anabolics. In addition to increasing appetite, alternative methods have a choleretic and anti-inflammatory effect on the human body. The constant use of medicinal plants activates the functioning of the digestive system, restoring appetite. With an increase in metabolic processes, hunger occurs much earlier. These herbs include:
- Cetraria.
- Tripol.
- Sagebrush.
Many of these herbs are able to return the appetite to adults, but it is contraindicated in the treatment of children.