Anus wart: causes, symptoms and treatment methods

Warts around the anus are an unpleasant but fairly common problem. Patients are embarrassed to contact a dermatologist or proctologist and try to cure the disease on their own. And in vain, because improper treatment can lead to the growth of warts on a larger area. What is the reason for the appearance of warts on the anus, and is it possible to get rid of them completely and permanently?

Why do warts form in intimate places?

The cause of the formation of warts is the human papillomavirus. In the modern world, it is very common, you can get infected in various ways. If the patient's immunity is reduced and the body's ability to resist external negative influences is suppressed, infection with the human papilloma virus provokes the appearance of warts on the anus and the area around it.

One or two warts in the absence of adequate treatment grow and soon (after a month or two) can form a conglomerate. It covers a fairly large area of ​​the skin, in some cases it can become an obstacle to the act of defecation.

If the patient’s immunity is inhibited by any chronic diseases (diabetes mellitus, human immunodeficiency virus), the probability of warts growing in conglomerates is much greater.

anus on the anus

What is human papillomavirus?

Following WHO research, the following statistics appeared: HPV infected a total of about 60% of the world's population. In most cases, the virus is dormant and waiting in the wings, some kind of catalyst to begin its destructive activity in the body.

Overcooling, experienced severe stress, physical activity, and decreased immunity can serve as such a catalyst. After such tests, the body cannot properly resist viruses, and warts and papillomas form on the surface of the skin.

There is no specific vaccine that would target HPV. Therefore, there is no such medicine that once and for all would heal the warts around the anus. You can only strengthen the general state of immunity, and against local itching and burning in the area affected by warts, use local preparations.

how to treat warts on the anus

Where can I get human papillomavirus?

Here is a list of the most likely methods of infection:

  • through sexual intercourse (and using a condom in this case will not help - it will be enough to contact the mucous membrane of the skin of the sick partner with the mucous epithelium of a healthy one). Anal sex is especially dangerous in this regard - after it you can catch not only HPV, but also some more serious diseases;
  • microtraumas of papillomas and warts and subsequent slight bleeding;
  • during the passage of the baby through the birth canal with a high degree of probability, he will inherit HPV and other viruses carried by the mother (exception - if the baby was born by Caesarean section, in this case, infection usually does not occur);
  • HPV is often transmitted through the use of common hygiene items, along with food, when fed from a common table and from the same dishes.

The human papillomavirus is not necessarily the cause of the wart on the anus. Often skin lesions can be observed in other parts of the body: back, armpits, and fingers. But the area of ​​the genitals and anus is the most problematic, since this area of ​​the skin is constantly protected by synthetic tissue, which prevents the flow of oxygen to the infected area of ​​the skin. This makes it difficult to recover and contributes to the growth of warts in conglomerates with an area of ​​up to ten square centimeters.

Symptoms of Anal Warts

This unpleasant disease is quite simple to diagnose yourself. Symptoms of the manifestation of warts on the anus:

  • the formation of a hard, rough growth on the area around the anus;
  • the growth can have both a flat and conical shape;
  • in the area of ​​the growth, itching, burning are felt (the patient is constantly pursued by the desire to soften this sensation, for this he often takes a cold shower and cooling compresses);
  • cracks and suppuration in the anus;
  • problems with rectal prolapse may worsen (if the patient suffers from hemorrhoidal disease).

Varieties of Anal Warts

Depending on the form and the unpleasant sensations caused to the patient, warts near the anus are of the following varieties:

  • Genital warts. They are cone-shaped, slightly elongated up and pointed. Cause serious inconvenience to the owner. When concentrating several warts in one place, outwardly resemble a cockscomb.
  • Papules. These are tiny warts that are present in many men (less commonly in women). Most patients simply do not notice them.
  • Ordinary warts. These growths are rough to the touch, dense, round or slightly elongated. Classic warts occur in 65% of cases with the manifestation of HPV on the skin in the area of ​​intimate organs and anus.
  • Condylomas of Bushke-Lowenstein. Symptoms of such warts are quite rare. Their main difference is a large, almost gigantic diameter. One such wart can reach three to four centimeters in diameter.
  • Bowen's disease. With this diagnosis, tumors affect the entire area of ​​the mucous membrane in the anus. The medical name for such a delicate problem is intraepithelial neoplasia.

Which doctor should I go to?

Given the rather delicate feature of the location of the warts, many patients are embarrassed to go to a dermatologist.

And in vain, if you start the disease, then the warts can grow and form a conglomerate, which will prevent the act of defecation. In this case, you will have to go not to the dermatologist, but to the proctologist, the treatment itself will be longer and more expensive.

When diagnosing a wart on the anus (photo above), the following diagnostic methods are used:

  • A detailed objective examination of the area affected by warts with an anoscope.
  • Blood sampling for biochemical analysis.
  • A histological study designed to check the likelihood of oncology in patients (with neoplasms, immunity is weakened, and warts appear especially actively).
  • Survey smear, which will diagnose the often associated HPV sexually transmitted diseases.

Physiotherapeutic Therapies

The treatment of a wart on the anus occupies the minds of many doctors, since HPV vaccines have not yet been invented. The most popular and effective methods relate to physiotherapy methods:

  • Laser Therapy This is the point thermal effect of the laser on the warts. With such irradiation, they leave the skin without a trace in two or three sessions. After the first session, the patient facilitates the reduction of itching, pain, burning.
  • Electrocoagulation The destruction of the wart occurs with the help of low-intensity electric discharges, which are generated by a special medical device. The procedure is quite painful, so you often have to perform it under local anesthesia.
  • Excision with a radio wave knife. The wart is simply cut off. Immediately, the resulting wound is cauterized with the help of a special composition. The method is very fast and requires only one visit to the medical office.
  • Cryodestruction. This method consists in exposing the warts and growths to liquid nitrogen. To completely get rid of the disease, it is enough to visit a medical office and go through the procedure two to three times.
  • Chemical treatment. The essence of the operation is to burn out (up to necrosis) areas of the skin affected by warts with the help of triacetic acid-based products.
laser treatment for warts

Ointments and creams to reduce the symptoms of burning and itching

This method is most often not a treatment in the literal sense of the word, it removes the symptoms of warts on the anus. Most often, patients are worried about the constant painful sensation of itching, burning, pain. Such symptoms interfere with the daily routine of daily life. Here, various ointments, creams and compresses come to the rescue.

Here is a list of the most effective creams and ointments in the presence of warts near the anus:

  • "Solcoseryl" quickly softens the skin, relieves swelling, burning, itching.
  • Bepanten is an excellent emollient cream that relieves itching.
  • Salicylic ointment (produced by several manufacturers) relieves swelling and prevents the growth of warts.
  • Ichthyol ointment (produced by several manufacturers) has a local anesthetic effect and helps reduce itching and burning.
"Bepanten" from warts on the anus

Salicylic ointment for the treatment of warts in the intimate area

This is a cheap and popular tool. The cost of one bottle with such an ointment is from fifty to two hundred rubles. The tool is very popular and is produced by several companies, hence the variation in price. It can be produced under the names Ultra-Salicil, Salicisil, Salicylic Ointment.

It is best to use the product at night, while if possible it is necessary to leave the affected area of ​​the skin uncovered and leave free oxygen access to it.

salicylic ointment for warts on the anus

Ichthyol ointment for warts

Ichthyol ointment is also available under several trade names, and its cost is low. It has light anesthetic properties, relieves swelling, burning sensation.

Patients like to use this remedy to treat warts not only in the area of ​​intimate organs and anus, but also throughout the body. Ten minutes after application, the burning sensation disappears. Apply the ointment four to five times a day, you can alternate it with other means and compresses.

Sulfur ointment for the treatment of warts in the intimate area

Sulfur ointment is produced on the basis of sulfur and is available under several trade names. Using it to treat a wart on the anus (the cause of which is HPV) is a pretty controversial point.

Given the fact that the skin in such a delicate place is thin and prone to irritation, the use of sulfuric ointment can trigger even more burning and itching. However, some patients successfully use sulfuric ointment to treat warts on such a delicate area of ​​the body, this allows them to quickly remove growths. If the patient decided to try sulfur-based ointments, an allergic reaction test should first be done to avoid skin burns.

sulfuric ointment for warts on the anus

Solcoseryl for the treatment of warts

This cream does not have a therapeutic effect on growths, but effectively relieves negative symptoms. Five minutes later after applying the cream to the affected area, the patient experiences relief: itching and burning go away.

The cost of "Solcoseryl" is higher than the price of the above ointments. This is due to the fact that its production uses expensive components. Some patients, having learned that this cream does not have a therapeutic effect, refuse to use this drug.

"Solcoseryl" from warts on the anus

Prevention of the formation of warts in the intimate area

A disease is always easier and cheaper to prevent than to treat it. Here is a list of simple rules to avoid the appearance of warts:

  • intimacy should be allowed only with a trusted partner, with whom there have already been acts and no growths, rashes and other ailments have occurred after this;
  • even if HPV is present in the blood, with a high level of immunity, it will not manifest itself in any way. Therefore, it makes sense two or three times a year to drink immunomodulating drugs and immunostimulants;
  • proper nutrition will help prevent the appearance of warts, as it is indirectly able to increase the body's immunity and resistance to viruses and infections;
  • constant hygiene of the area around the anus and genitals will serve as an excellent prevention of the formation of warts and papillomas.

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