In this article we will consider the main methods of cleaning squid from the film. If you are ready to learn something new from cooking, we begin!
Cleaning squid from the film: quick and easy
Ideally, your squid should be fresh. But if you live away from the places of its catch, then you have to use frozen, which will complicate the process a bit and affect the taste of the product. But you don’t have to choose, but you want to put the clam on the table. We will learn how easy it is to clean squid from the film!
If the hostess managed by hook or by crook to get a fresh future decoration of the festive table, then the cutting process is a little complicated. Only mantle, wings and tentacles are suitable for food, so your seafood must be guillotined, cut off his head immediately behind his eyes.
Then you need to get rid of the natural filler of the body - the insides. They are also not particularly suitable for food. To do this, stick your hand inside the squid and, holding his chord, turn it inside out, like a T-shirt. So it will be much easier for you to remove everything superfluous from it.
Fresh-frozen squid is already sold without a head, so the carcass cutting process is accelerated, you do not have to cut anything superfluous, just clean it from the inside. Then follows the transition to film removal, which seems laborious. The process is not really that complicated.
Remove the film
How to clean squid from a film? Simply and easily! For a few seconds, dip it in a container of boiling water or scald with boiling water. From a sharp temperature drop, the film shrinks and turns into rags, which, when washed, depart independently. This method is suitable for fresh or freshly frozen squid.
Don't know how to clear frozen squids from a film? Here, the temperature difference is also used. To begin with, the mollusk should be thawed, then dipped in boiling water, quickly pulled out and doused with ice water (or put on ice). The surface color film, as in the first case, will shrink and will not cause you much trouble.
A transparent film, which you should not forget about, you need to gently pry off with the tip of a knife and pull off. Otherwise, the taste will be hopelessly spoiled, and picking out pieces of incomprehensible substance from the interdental space, you see, the lesson is not the most fun.
But the best option for how to clean the squid from the film, of course, is mechanical. Still, immersion in boiling water, then in ice negatively affects the taste of the finished dish, so just be patient and carefully and gently remove everything manually. This will take more time, but your household and guests will not say that you tried to poison them with an unknown and terrible taste dish from some alien beast.
Squid features
As a biological species, squids appeared about 200 million years ago, in the Triassic period. The method of their movement is not found in any other living organism on the planet. These mollusks have a built-in “engine” operating on the principle of jet propulsion. Sucking in water, he forcefully releases it through a kind of “nozzle”, which gives it a speed of up to 30 km / h. The largest specimens are up to 17 meters long and weigh up to 280 kg. A developed nervous system, some semblance of intelligence, a whole arsenal for attack and defense put it an order of magnitude higher than invertebrates. That is how they were able to survive to the present.
Squid is preferred by salt water, at least 33%, so you will not find this monster in the “slightly salted” seas (such as the Baltic). Due to the impurity of copper, squid blood has a blue color, but river crayfish with scorpions can also boast of this. But three hearts - only these cephalopods have such a thing . Well, the "ink bag" is also exclusively their evolutionary invention. Not only does the ejected ink retain its squid shape, the fish that attacked this “cloud” fades and loses its sense of smell due to the paralyzing properties of this liquid. And while the fish is trying to understand what is happening to it, the squid quickly changes color and rolls away.
Squid dishes
You have already learned how to quickly clear the squid from the film, now we will get acquainted with some dishes from these ancient monsters, for example, with Chinese squid.
You will need: a kilogram of squid, a pair of onions, 4 cloves of garlic, 2 tbsp. l soy sauce, 2 tsp. sugar, herbs, salt and pepper to taste. Pour squid squeezed for 2 minutes into boiling water, then recline in a colander. Fry the onion cut into half rings until golden in a pan, then add the squid chopped into strips or rings and fry for a minute. Add sugar, salt, pepper, sauce, mix quickly and fry over high heat for another two minutes. Turn off the fire, squeeze the garlic, mix again, put in a bowl for salad, decorate with herbs and serve.
No less tasty are squids and vegetables. You now know how to clean the squid from the film, so we move on to the process itself. For 600 g of mollusk pulp we take two large carrots, two onions, pepper (preferably a mixture), 1 tsp. salt, 3 tbsp. l unrefined vegetable oil and spices to taste.
We cut squids in rings, onions - large, three carrots on a coarse grater. We put everything in a suitable dish and add the rest. The mass must be mixed and left for 20 minutes to soak the dish. Then we lay out the resulting dry clean jars, tighten the neck with foil and put it in the oven for 1.5 hours, heated to 220 degrees. It can be served with heat and cold.
Cleaning Method No. 3
Just in case, here is another method how to quickly clear squid from a film. Gutted squid is lowered into a pan and begin to heat. As soon as the water becomes hot, add salt, and a minute and a half after boiling, quickly drain and wipe the film with your hands under a stream of cold water. Thus, your squid will turn out not only peeled, but already cooked.
So, now you know how to clean the squid from the film. You can choose any method, depending on whether you have time and how important it is for you to maintain the taste of this unique marine life.
So we figured out how to clean the squid from the film, photos of the processes were presented to you in the article. Cook for health!