The drug is Detralex. Instructions for use

The medicine "Detralex" is an angioprotective and venotonic agent. The drug is produced in the form of oval tablets, coated with an orange-pink shell. Tablets are packaged in blisters of 15 pieces each. In a cardboard package there can be two blisters - 30 tablets, or four blisters - 60 tablets "Detralex". Instructions for the medicine are attached.

The composition of this medication includes the main substances - diosmin and hesperidin, respectively - 450 mg and 50 mg. In addition to this, the drug includes auxiliary components: sodium carboxymethyl starch, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, gelatin, talc, white wax, hypromellose, macrogol, glycerol, titanium dioxide and others.

The medicine "Detralex" (tablets) strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves vascular tone, restores the connecting elements of the membranes of blood vessels, enhances the outflow of lymphatic fluid, thereby eliminating swelling of the legs. The drug reduces stagnation in the veins, reduces their extensibility, prevents capillary fragility, improves vascular patency.

All active components of the drug are fragmented into small particles, which provides accelerated absorption and faster action. Detralex is excreted in urine and feces. At the same time, most of it comes out with feces, and 14 percent of the taken medicine is excreted in the urine.

Prescribe the medicine "Detralex" for venous-lymphatic insufficiency, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, in which there is tired legs in the morning, cramps, swelling, leg pain, trophic changes. An indication for the use of the drug is exacerbation of hemorrhoids.

How to take Detralex tablets? The instruction recommends taking the drug inside two tablets per day with meals: the first in the afternoon, the second in the evening. The course of treatment lasts 1-2 months and is repeated every six months.

When hemorrhoids (with exacerbation), the drug "Detralex" drink during the week - the first four days - 6 tablets per day, the next three days - 4 tablets.

Does detralex cause side effects? The instruction describes that side effects are most often observed from the digestive apparatus: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting. Such a phenomenon on the part of the nervous system is rare: general malaise, headache, dizziness. Also rarely the effect of the drug causes a reaction on the skin: urticaria, rash, itching. All side effects do not pose a threat to health and do not require drug withdrawal.

The drug "Detralex", the instructions for use, it describes, has few contraindications. To date, only intolerance and high sensitivity to its components are noted.

As for pregnancy, there were no negative effects on the part of the drug on fetal development.

Can I take Detralex tablets while breastfeeding? The instruction says that in this case, taking the medicine is not recommended, since there is no data on whether the active substance passes into breast milk.

In case of venous-lymphatic insufficiency, in order to get a positive result from treatment, the drug should be combined with proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. It is necessary to monitor the weight and avoid extra pounds, avoid prolonged sitting in one position and stay on your feet. It is recommended to walk, swim, do special gymnastics more. Wearing compression hosiery, washing your feet with cool water, rubbing with venotonic gels gives a good result. In case of impaired venous circulation, it is not recommended to take hot baths and sunbathe.

In case of acute hemorrhoids, the Detralex medicine is an adjunct to the main treatment. The course of drug therapy in this case should not exceed the recommended period. In the absence of improvements, a second examination should be carried out and treatment tactics changed.

The medicine "Detralex" does not worsen psychomotor reactions. While taking the drug, it is not contraindicated to drive a car or operate machinery.

The drug is recommended to drink only for adults. Cases of dosage are not known. Interaction with other medicines is not described.

If the doctor prescribed the drug "Detralex", the instructions must be studied before use.

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