Don't know how to make semolina porridge? It is very easy!

What can be easier and tastier than semolina porridge, which is familiar to us from childhood? However, despite the simplicity of the process of its preparation, very many manage to spoil the finished dish: often in a bowl with porridge you can find lumps, which in the worst case can also be burnt. So how to cook semolina porridge? What you need to know for this, what tricks and wisdom to possess?

How to cook semolina porridge

Before thinking about how to make semolina porridge, we should learn more about the main ingredient that goes into it - semolina.

So, semolina - what is it? This is crushed wheat groats, which are made from high-quality durum wheat. That is, in essence, it is flour. Manka is very rich in various nutrients. In addition, it is easily absorbed by the body. It is because of this that semolina porridge is recommended to be included in the diet of small children - they just need a constant influx of vitamins, and it has a more positive effect on the health of babies than on adults. Therefore, if you know how to cook semolina porridge, then rather make it for your child, and if not, study all the intricacies of its preparation - they are subject to even novice cooks.

Semolina recipe

For cooking you will need:

- 100 g of semolina;

- a liter of milk;

- 3 tablespoons sugar (without a hill);

- butter;

- salt to taste.

Put milk on the stove and wait for the moment when its temperature becomes close to the boiling point - about 70 degrees. Remember that you constantly have to stand at the stove - milk has the ability to β€œrun away” at the most inopportune moment.

As soon as the milk begins to boil, put sugar in it and salt it. It will take a little salt - on the tip of the knife.

Next, begin to slowly stir the milk in a circular motion and gradually pour the prepared semolina into a formed funnel - a thin stream and into the center of the pan - when cooking, it will be distributed. Wait until the milk boils, and only then stop stirring. Reduce the heat to a minimum and, having covered with a lid, leave to cook for another 2-3 minutes. After the cooking process is completed, let the porridge brew for another 10-15 minutes under a tightly closed lid. When serving in porridge, add a piece of butter.

The finished dish can be varied with all kinds of toppings: add jam, chocolate, cinnamon, raisins, prunes, dried apricots - and everything that your heart desires!

It would seem that everything is very simple, but many housewives continue to make the three most common mistakes, not knowing how to cook semolina:

- density . Semolina should not be thick, although in this case everything is exclusively for an amateur. In order to avoid excessive density of the finished dish, you need to accurately calculate the required amount of semolina - it should be a little;

- lumps. If the matter of the consistency of the finished porridge is all for everyone, then the lumps in it are unlikely to please anyone. They are formed from the fact that the milk into which the cereal is poured is not sufficiently heated. If you poured it at the right time, then the cause of the lumps may be the speed of pouring cereals into the pan - everything should be done slowly;

- view. It is no secret that any dish should be appetizing, first of all, in appearance. As a rule, it can be spoiled by the same too thick consistency of porridge. Why is it thick? First of all, this is the amount of cereal added, as well as the temperature of the dish - semolina can still thicken when it cools.

And finally, if you want to cook semolina porridge so that your household still asks for supplements, just cook it with love. This is the main guarantee of success for the future dish.

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