"Herpevir" (tablets): instructions, reviews, analogues

No one is safe from infections and viruses. No matter how carefully a person applies to his health, it is not always possible to avoid diseases. To combat such pathologies, an effective antiviral agent will be required. This is exactly what the Herpevir medicine (tablets) is. The instruction positions it as an antiviral drug with immunostimulating properties. Consider this tool.

herpevir tablets instruction

The composition of the drug "Herpevir"

The tablets contain the active substance - acyclovir. Depending on the form of release, one pill may contain it in an amount of 200 mg or 400 mg.

In addition to the active substance, the preparation includes auxiliary components:

  • potato starch;
  • calcium stearate;
  • povidone.

Pharmacological effects of the drug

The drug "Herpevir" is an excellent antiviral agent. It has high activity in relation to herpes simplex type I, II. In addition, for the treatment of chickenpox and herpes zoster, the Herpevir medicine (tablets) is in great demand. The instruction indicates that this tool, thanks to the active substance acyclovir, perfectly acts on viruses, interrupting their reproduction.

Using the drug allows you to timely prevent the formation of a rash, relieve pain with shingles and accelerate the formation of crusts in the patient.

The medicine has excellent immunostimulating properties. The drug "Herpevir" (tablets) is highly effective in the treatment of pathologies provoked by the Epstein-Barr virus (herpes type IV) and cytomegalovirus.

After oral administration, the maximum concentration of this drug in the blood is observed after 90 - 120 minutes.

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Indications for use

To use, like any medicine, it is necessary, as prescribed by the doctor, the drug "Herpevir" (tablets). Instructions for use provide the following series of pathologies in which the medication has a beneficial therapeutic effect on the body:

  1. Infectious pathologies of the mucosa and skin, provoked by herpes of type 1.2. Including recurrent or primary genital.
  2. Shingles.
  3. Prevention of relapse of infections caused by the herpes simplex virus.
  4. Chickenpox.
  5. Treatment and prevention of viral herpes in patients suffering from severe disorders of the immune system.


Not all patients can use the Herpevir drug. The instruction gives the following contraindications:

  • individual sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding;
  • severe renal impairment;
  • dehydration of the body.

Side effects

Warns about the possibility of undesirable consequences while taking the drug "Herpevir" (tablets) instructions. Patient reviews, on the contrary, indicate that the drug is well tolerated by the body. Side effects are extremely rare.

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Among the possible adverse reactions are the following:

  1. Blood and lymphatic system. Thrombocytopenia, anemia, leukopenia. Such manifestations occur extremely rarely.
  2. Nervous system. Perhaps dizziness, headache. Patients rarely have confusion, agitation, tremors, dysarthria, ataxia, psychotic symptoms, drowsiness, hallucinations, encephalopathy, and convulsions. These are reversible manifestations that often occur in patients with renal failure or other risk factors.
  3. Respiratory system. Sometimes shortness of breath appears.
  4. Digestive tract. The patient may experience vomiting, nausea, pain, diarrhea.
  5. Hepatobiliary system. The level of bilirubin, liver enzymes increases. The side effect is reversible. Hepatitis and jaundice are rare enough.
  6. The skin. The patient may experience itching and a rash.
  7. The immune system. Anaphylaxis, angioedema. Manifestations are rare.
  8. Urinary system. Sometimes plasma levels of creatinine increase, urea rises. Such conditions are rare. Some patients may experience kidney pain.
  9. General violations. Fatigue, fever may occur.

Dosages for adult patients

Consider how to take Herpevir tablets.

herpevir tablets analogue

The drug instruction provides the following recommendations:

  1. Treatment of an infection caused by the herpes simplex virus. In pathology, a medicine of 200 mg is prescribed 5 times a day. In this case, it is very convenient to use the drug "Herpevir" - 200 mg (tablets). The instruction advises to withstand an interval of 4 hours between doses. This therapy lasts 5 days. If the patient has a severe primary infection, the treatment is extended to 10 days. For patients with immunodeficiency (for example, undergoing bone marrow transplantation) or with a decreased digestibility of the drug in the intestine, the dose is doubled (400 mg). In this case, intravenous administration of the appropriate dosage form of the drug "Herpevir" may be prescribed.
  2. Prevention of recurrence of an infection provoked by the herpes simplex virus. For patients with normal immunity, it is recommended to use the drug 4 times a day, 200 mg each. The interval between use is 6 hours. You can take the medicine in another way. In this case, 400 mg are taken twice a day. An obligatory interval of 12 hours. At the same time, effective treatment will be even if the patient takes 200 mg three times a day with an obligatory interval of 8 hours. Some patients report a radical improvement after applying 800 mg of the drug per day. The duration of the preventive use of the drug varies from the frequency of relapses. Depending on this, the duration of therapy is determined. However, the treatment does not exceed 6-12 months.
  3. Prevention of the onset of herpes simplex virus infection. For patients with immunodeficiency, the drug is prescribed 4 times a day (6-hour interval), 200 mg each. Sometimes the dose may be doubled. It is advisable for patients suffering from severe immunodeficiency. Duration of use is determined by the duration of the risk period.
  4. Treatment of herpes zoster. With such pathologies, the drug is prescribed 5 times a day (interval 4 hours) at 800 mg. The duration of therapy is 7 days. In severe immunodeficiency, intravenous administration of the drug is recommended.

Features of the use of the drug in children

Carefully use the Herpevir - tablets for babies. The instruction for children under 2 years of age categorically prohibits the use of the drug.

Immunodeficiency crumbs for the prevention and treatment of infections provoked by the herpes simplex virus are allowed to use the same doses as adult patients.

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With chickenpox, babies (2-6 years old) are recommended to use 400 mg of the drug four times a day. Children over 6 years old take 4 mg daily 800 mg. Treatment should last 5 days.

The use of the drug in old age

In the case of the use of drugs by elderly people, it is necessary to take into account possible impaired renal function. In this case, the dosage of the drug should be changed. It is imperative to maintain a normal level of hydration.

Renal failure

Such patients are very carefully prescribed the Herpevir medicine (tablets). The instruction warns of the need to maintain an appropriate level of hydration in the body.

Patients with severe renal failure should use the drug twice a day at 200 mg. The interval between doses should be about 12 hours.

With pathologies such as shingles and chicken pox, patients with severe illness twice a day consume 800 mg.

With a moderate form of renal failure, it is allowed up to three times a day to consume 800 mg. The interval in this case is approximately 8 hours.

Drug overdose

The drug should be taken by patients strictly for the purpose made by the doctor. In no case should you independently increase the dose. It is very important to maintain the recommended intervals between doses of Herpevir (tablets). The instruction indicates that with uncontrolled use of the drug, an overdose is possible.

In this case, the patient may experience the following unpleasant symptoms:

  • vomiting, nausea;
  • renal failure;
  • dyspnea;
  • diarrhea;
  • confusion of consciousness;
  • headache;
  • excitement;
  • hallucinations;
  • lethargy;
  • cramps
  • coma.

herpevir tablets instructions for children

With such signs, the patient should be given immediate assistance. It is recommended to rinse the stomach. Treatment is aimed at maintaining the functioning of all organs. As a rule, symptomatic therapy, hemodialysis is required.

Analogues of the drug

Of course, not only Herpevir (tablets) is capable of fighting viruses. The analogue (the most basic) of this medicine is the Acyclovir drug. Such a drug is no less effective.

Pharmacologists have developed analogues of the Herpevir drug containing the same active substance. This is the following means:

  • Zovirax
  • "Virolex".

There are also drugs that differ in a similar mechanism of action on the body. These drugs are:

  • Ribavirin
  • "Valcite";
  • Arviron.

But do not forget that only a doctor can prescribe the medicine that is right for you.

special instructions

In all patients who use the medicine "Herpevir", the functioning of the kidneys should be monitored. For this, the level of urea nitrogen in the blood and plasma creatinine is periodically determined. It should be understood that the active substance of the drug - acyclovir - is introduced from the body by renal clearance. This should not be forgotten.

That is why patients with renal failure need to take reduced doses. This applies, as mentioned above, to elderly patients. Since these categories of people are at risk for the possible development of side effects of a neurological nature.

Such patients are recommended to be constantly monitored for adverse reactions. However, it is known that side effects are reversible. As soon as the use of the medicine is stopped, the unpleasant manifestations go away on their own.

Women who use Herpevir to treat genital herpes should closely monitor the therapeutic effect. If during the week the situation does not change for the better, you should definitely consult a doctor.

While taking this medicine, patients should drink plenty of fluids. It is recommended for individuals taking pills to temporarily give up driving.

Chicken pox should be treated within 24 hours after the onset of its characteristic rash. In this case, the therapy will be much more effective.

Patient opinions

Unfortunately, today many are carriers of the herpes virus. Such people periodically, especially with a decrease in immunity, face annoying manifestations of the disease. Unpleasant sensations, an unaesthetic appearance (with a rash on the lips) make patients look for effective drugs to combat pathology.

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Many people testify that having experienced a wide variety of drugs and often been disappointed in them, they resort to the Herpevir medicine (tablets). Patient reviews confirm that, not particularly hoping for the effectiveness of the drug, they received long-awaited positive results.

The medicine is able to completely relieve rashes on the lips in almost 2-3 days. Moreover, as consumers themselves note, the effect is significantly enhanced if the tablets are combined with another dosage form - Herpevir ointment.

The best results from therapy can be obtained if you use the medicine at the first sign of an onset of the disease. Patients especially emphasize this fact. Taking pills at the first sign of itching and burning, you can avoid unaesthetic rashes.

However, some have encountered side effects. It should be noted that the percentage of such patients is extremely small. Among the unpleasant manifestations, the occurrence of allergic reactions in the form of a rash is noted.

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